The Trump Conundrum

Well, yeah, it kind of does.

Well no.. it totally doesn't. Biology is science and it's not a matter of opinion. A new organism exists at conception. It will be a living organism until it expires naturally or is terminated. Nothing else is ever added to make it what it is already. Court rulings do not make it something else. Ignorance and denial of science, doesn't make it something else. False criteria of conditions or demands do not change what it is.

So you can say that we approve this legally and I can't argue that point, everyone is aware that abortion is legal, I think... there is no debate the court ruled in Roe v Wade and we've had legal abortions for years. If that is the argument you thought was happening here, I guess you win it... no on else was arguing that point.
Well no.. it totally doesn't. Biology is science and it's not a matter of opinion. A new organism exists at conception. It will be a living organism until it expires naturally or is terminated. Nothing else is ever added to make it what it is already. Court rulings do not make it something else. Ignorance and denial of science, doesn't make it something else. False criteria of conditions or demands do not change what it is.

The thing is, Little Ziggy isn't a person in the eyes of the law anymore than my hangnail is.

Or in common sense. Because again, we aren't having Tampon funerals...

So you can say that we approve this legally and I can't argue that point, everyone is aware that abortion is legal, I think... there is no debate the court ruled in Roe v Wade and we've had legal abortions for years. If that is the argument you thought was happening here, I guess you win it... no on else was arguing that point.

No, you are arguing a bunch of psuedo-religious bullshit that I frankly have no time to bother with.
The thing is, Little Ziggy isn't a person in the eyes of the law anymore than my hangnail is.

Whether it is a "person" depends on what criteria you set for persons.
It IS a human life.
Republican GOP Senators are sabotaging the Republican party by actively going against Trump. They need to be kicked out of the party.
The thing is, Little Ziggy isn't a person in the eyes of the law anymore than my hangnail is.

Whether it is a "person" depends on what criteria you set for persons.
It IS a human life.

again, so is my appendix, but I still want my doctor to take it the fuck out if it gets in my way.

Again, when you guys stop trying to yank food stamps out of the mouths of hungry kids to give tax breaks to Billionaires, I'll take you seriously on the "Fetuses".
Republican GOP Senators are sabotaging the Republican party by actively going against Trump. They need to be kicked out of the party.

No, they need to denounce Trump and move as far away from him as possible. They need to say, "This man's racism, misogyny and nativism is NOT what our party is about."
The thing is, Little Ziggy isn't a person in the eyes of the law anymore than my hangnail is.

Whether it is a "person" depends on what criteria you set for persons.
It IS a human life.

again, so is my appendix, but I still want my doctor to take it the fuck out if it gets in my way.

Again, when you guys stop trying to yank food stamps out of the mouths of hungry kids to give tax breaks to Billionaires, I'll take you seriously on the "Fetuses".
But in a late term abortion it isn't an appendix, it's a baby and thus should have better protections than your appendix.
But in a late term abortion it isn't an appendix, it's a baby and thus should have better protections than your appendix.

A late term abortion is usually some deformed retard and it's a mercy putting them out of their misery.

No one wants to say that out loud... but it's true.
again, so is my appendix, but I still want my doctor to take it the fuck out if it gets in my way.

No, your appendix is not a human life. It is part of your organism. You have a fundamental ignorance of biology. Therefore, this is like talking to a child.
No, your appendix is not a human life. It is part of your organism. You have a fundamental ignorance of biology. Therefore, this is like talking to a child.

A fetus isn't a "life" either. Take it out of the uterus- IT DIES.

Therefore, this is like talking to a religious idiot.

You need to be crushed on this issue like every other issue.
No, your appendix is not a human life. It is part of your organism. You have a fundamental ignorance of biology. Therefore, this is like talking to a child.

A fetus isn't a "life" either. Take it out of the uterus- IT DIES.

Therefore, this is like talking to a religious idiot.

You need to be crushed on this issue like every other issue.

A fetus isn't a "life" either. Take it out of the uterus- IT DIES.
How can anything "die" if it's not alive?
A fetus isn't a "life" either. Take it out of the uterus- IT DIES.
How can anything "die" if it's not alive?

when you wingnuts volutneer to put all these unwanted fetuses in your own bodies, you can come back an talk to me about it beign "alive" if it cant live outside the womb on its own, it doesn't fit the legal definition of being alive...
A fetus isn't a "life" either. Take it out of the uterus- IT DIES.
How can anything "die" if it's not alive?

when you wingnuts volutneer to put all these unwanted fetuses in your own bodies, you can come back an talk to me about it beign "alive" if it cant live outside the womb on its own, it doesn't fit the legal definition of being alive...

Or we can continue to lobby for justices who respect human rights and believe fetuses deserve the same protections as other human beings and will change the law. I bet if we dropped your dumb ass in a vat of amniotic fluid and sealed the lid, you wouldn't survive too long. Couldn't we do that and then claim you weren't ever really alive? I think we need to do that... every one of you "outside the womb" people should be sealed in a vat of fluid for 9 months... if you survive, you can argue your point... if you don't, we no longer have to worry about you.
Or we can continue to lobby for justices who respect human rights and believe fetuses deserve the same protections as other human beings and will change the law. I bet if we dropped your dumb ass in a vat of amniotic fluid and sealed the lid, you wouldn't survive too long.

Guy, you are one stupid fuck.

YOu guys don't give a fuck about fetuses. You just hate the idea of women deciding what to do with their own bodies.

the reality is, Abortion will always be legal. Women will always get them There's just not a fucking thing you can do about it. Communist Romania couldn't stop women from getting abortions, what do you think you can do to keep that from happening.

What makes you fucks really stupid is not that there's ever any real danger of you actually stopping abortions, it's that you've managed to abort the Middle Class putting people like Ronnie Raygun and the Bush Crime Family in power. Which has probably caused More Abortions as women in their 20's suck their fetuses into a sink because they don't get out of Student Debt until their 30's.
A fetus isn't a "life" either. Take it out of the uterus- IT DIES.
How can anything "die" if it's not alive?

when you wingnuts volutneer to put all these unwanted fetuses in your own bodies, you can come back an talk to me about it beign "alive" if it cant live outside the womb on its own, it doesn't fit the legal definition of being alive...

Or we can continue to lobby for justices who respect human rights and believe fetuses deserve the same protections as other human beings and will change the law. I bet if we dropped your dumb ass in a vat of amniotic fluid and sealed the lid, you wouldn't survive too long. Couldn't we do that and then claim you weren't ever really alive? I think we need to do that... every one of you "outside the womb" people should be sealed in a vat of fluid for 9 months... if you survive, you can argue your point... if you don't, we no longer have to worry about you.

Joe is correct. You are fucking nuts.
Joe is correct. You are fucking nuts.

You have to kind of feel bad for Boss. His churches have been telling him abortion is bad, bad, bad for decades.

And for decades, the GOP has been promising him they'll get those dirty, dirty girls and punish them.

And every year, Republican Judges slap down challenges to Roe V. Wade because they are mostly stupid.

The last thing that the GOP ever wants is for Roe V. Wade to go away. The last thing they want is the Tool of the Chamber of Commerce having to defend an abortion law that might actually effect people.
YOu guys don't give a fuck about fetuses. You just hate the idea of women deciding what to do with their own bodies.

I don't care what they do with their bodies but they shouldn't be allowed to kill other humans with their decisions.
You have to kind of feel bad for Boss. His churches have been telling him abortion is bad, bad, bad for decades.

Well, you know that it's bad, it's the deliberate taking of human life, the most innocent and precious life of all. Without due process, without any consideration whatsoever other than vanity and convenience.

That's precisely why you contest the definition of life so fervently. You have to somehow make it not a life... not a living human being. Because you know it's bad and you understand it's wrong.
Well no.. it totally doesn't. Biology is science and it's not a matter of opinion. A new organism exists at conception. It will be a living organism until it expires naturally or is terminated. Nothing else is ever added to make it what it is already. Court rulings do not make it something else. Ignorance and denial of science, doesn't make it something else. False criteria of conditions or demands do not change what it is.

So you can say that we approve this legally and I can't argue that point, everyone is aware that abortion is legal, I think... there is no debate the court ruled in Roe v Wade and we've had legal abortions for years. If that is the argument you thought was happening here, I guess you win it... no on else was arguing that point.

Go back and read Joes"s post again about countries in Europe and their abortion rate. You're hung up on liberals acknowledging that the fetus is a human life and as such, must be protected, while ignoring that the fetus will become a baby if its gestation reaches a certain point, and as such, will have enormous financial and emotional needs throughout its childhood. Needs that its mother has no way of meeting. And you ignore that.

You refuse to provide women with ANYTHING to help or encourage them to continue this pregnancy. You treat her as a parasite on society for getting pregnant at all. She can be fired from her job, given work so difficult or dangerous to her pregnancy that she has to quit, or really anything her boss chooses to do because she is pregnant. And you won't vote for any sort of protections or assistance to the mother, but you insist she have that baby.

Does that make sense to you?
Well no.. it totally doesn't. Biology is science and it's not a matter of opinion. A new organism exists at conception. It will be a living organism until it expires naturally or is terminated. Nothing else is ever added to make it what it is already. Court rulings do not make it something else. Ignorance and denial of science, doesn't make it something else. False criteria of conditions or demands do not change what it is.

So you can say that we approve this legally and I can't argue that point, everyone is aware that abortion is legal, I think... there is no debate the court ruled in Roe v Wade and we've had legal abortions for years. If that is the argument you thought was happening here, I guess you win it... no on else was arguing that point.

Go back and read Joes"s post again about countries in Europe and their abortion rate. You're hung up on liberals acknowledging that the fetus is a human life and as such, must be protected, while ignoring that the fetus will become a baby if its gestation reaches a certain point, and as such, will have enormous financial and emotional needs throughout its childhood. Needs that its mother has no way of meeting. And you ignore that.

You refuse to provide women with ANYTHING to help or encourage them to continue this pregnancy. You treat her as a parasite on society for getting pregnant at all. She can be fired from her job, given work so difficult or dangerous to her pregnancy that she has to quit, or really anything her boss chooses to do because she is pregnant. And you won't vote for any sort of protections or assistance to the mother, but you insist she have that baby.

Does that make sense to you?

No it still doesn't make sense that you want to ignore biology.

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