The Sad State of the Republican Party

Donald Trump has punked out an entire party. What kind of man lets another man talk about his wife in the manner Ted Cruz let Trump? A pussy. Nikki Haley is no better. She let Trump talk shit on her man. Republicans are weak.

Sure, Bro

You have to import 15MM new Illegal voters because Biden and the democrats are America's Chernobyl
The top two Dems are a brain dead dumbfuck who couldnt even get 3% in her own state and an incestuous pedophile.
Go dems!
the democrats are in a pretty sad state too....both parties this century have elected some of the most inept, incompetent people we have ever seen....and it looks like its all going even further downhill if thats even possible....
Thats because the Greatest Generation died off and the Baby Boomers assumed command

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