What Nikki Haley’s Supporters Mean for Trump’s Chances in November

LOL Republicans are voting for Haley even when she isn't on the ballot but Biden is the one in trouble? :auiqs.jpg:

Gad, you retarded cultists are so adorable in your orange douchebag adoration.
Yes because he will be on the ballot in November again trump.

This was a meaningless vote, not like the one on Nov
What you call CINOs are traditional Republicans rather than the MAGA-populist riff-raff that currently control the Party.
They identify as republicans

If Haley or some other anti MAGA repub were the nominee they will want full support from the trump voters

But they will not support trump when they dont get their way in the primaries

Which they didnt in 2024
What you call CINOs are traditional Republicans rather than the MAGA-populist riff-raff that currently control the Party.

What you call traditional Republicans are Republicans who just love being in office.
Real Republicans are an active opposition party
As recently as last week’s GOP primary in Pennsylvania, Haley pulled in about 17% of the vote—including strong showings in the battleground state’s suburban counties. Those Haley voters, largely insignificant in the primary, could play an outsize role come November in swing-state contests that could decide the election by razor-thin margins.

To win, Trump will have to overcome the challenges the results in Pennsylvania—and other primaries—highlight: persuading voters in cities and their surrounding suburbs where the population is younger, has more college education and higher household incomes. These findings, based on a demographic analysis of primary results so far, mirror Associated Press VoteCast surveys conducted in early primary states that found stronger support for Haley among wealthier voters with college degrees.

The challenge hasn’t gone unnoticed. Last week, the Biden campaign announced a six-figure ad buy in Pennsylvania targeting the nearly 158,000 voters who chose Haley in the Republican primary.

I wonder if the Republicans will replace Trump and go with a safe bet like Haley? What with all his indictments and the fact that Haley is still beating him in swing states even though she quit the race months earlier...

But if the Repubs were that smart they wouldn't have gone with a guy with 91 indictments and, not to mention, one who lost to Biden the last time around.
They don’t have to vote for Biden, just not for Trump. If they do vote Joe, that’s a bonus. :biggrin:
As recently as last week’s GOP primary in Pennsylvania, Haley pulled in about 17% of the vote—including strong showings in the battleground state’s suburban counties. Those Haley voters, largely insignificant in the primary, could play an outsize role come November in swing-state contests that could decide the election by razor-thin margins.

To win, Trump will have to overcome the challenges the results in Pennsylvania—and other primaries—highlight: persuading voters in cities and their surrounding suburbs where the population is younger, has more college education and higher household incomes. These findings, based on a demographic analysis of primary results so far, mirror Associated Press VoteCast surveys conducted in early primary states that found stronger support for Haley among wealthier voters with college degrees.

The challenge hasn’t gone unnoticed. Last week, the Biden campaign announced a six-figure ad buy in Pennsylvania targeting the nearly 158,000 voters who chose Haley in the Republican primary.

I wonder if the Republicans will replace Trump and go with a safe bet like Haley? What with all his indictments and the fact that Haley is still beating him in swing states even though she quit the race months earlier...

But if the Repubs were that smart they wouldn't have gone with a guy with 91 indictments and, not to mention, one who lost to Biden the last time around.

Haley supporters fall into three bucket: democrats, Defense contractors, and total fucking window licking idiots
They voted for Nikki because they were Democrats or for the establishment.
I'm a registered Republican. I voted for Nikki in the PA primary to send Trump a message.

I'm sure there were many like me who don't want to lose again because of Trump's fucked-up ego.

Trump needs to understand the job, that every vote counts, and alienating voters loses.
I'm a registered Republican. I voted for Nikki in the PA primary to send Trump a message.

I'm sure there were many like me who don't want to lose again because of Trump's fucked-up ego.

Trump needs to understand the job, that every vote counts, and alienating voters loses.

Did your wife make you?
Yes. I heard that, this past week, as well. How one reconciles those two positions is only understandable by lost souls who value personal advantage over country. But I'm all-too-happy to quote and paraphrase him in this context, before the passage of time, and weakening of resolve.

Has Nikki stated that she will support Trump after all? I must have missed the memo.
No Nikki has not said anything regarding Trump.
Trump just met with Ron Desantis, no clue what they discussed.
If Trump doesn't meet with Nikki, that may mean that she's hoping that Trump gets thrown in prison and she can take the nomination at the convention?
There is no rush to throw her support to Trump now, at the convention 7/15 in WI would be just fine. I'm not sure if all of her donors will be happy with that outcome?
Triggered much?
Denial much? I'm just telling you the truth. Coming back with "triggered" is simply a defense mechanism popular with MAGA to avoid having to acknowledge that your candidate is a piece of shit.
Haley is a whack job neocon who should be in a padded cell. How any American supports that bitch is beyond me.
And how you could say such things about Nikki Haley is truly beyond me.

lennypartiv said:

Nikki Haley is the perfect example of a RINO.
A RINO??? You think Nikki Haley is a RINO? You must be kidding. Look at her solidly conservative record as governor of South Carolina.
Throwing my vote away would be voting for a repulsive, blustering, narcissistic ass clown who doesn't represent my values just because YOU think he's better than the other turd sandwich. That's literally where you people brought this country, a choice between who is the least decrepit and dementia riddled octogenarian who can get through a press conference without wetting their pants and their mind drifting away to gobbledygook mid-sentence. It's really fucking sad and shameful that this is what has become of the United States and the people who live here. You guys had viable conservative candidates who could have smoked Biden in November without a constant media circus and lawsuits hampering their ability to win. Instead, you chose the worst human being you possibly could to represent your party and when he loses again and Biden gets reelected that will be on YOU. Sorry you're throwing your vote away.
You are liberal as the Biden court if he wins. No amount of sniveling and whining about Trump changes that simple truth.
Haley supporters fall into three bucket: democrats, Defense contractors, and total fucking window licking idiots
They also fall under the fourth bucket: Those who won't support the orange loser.

Which "bucket" will prove the most important in November? Take a guess.
Yes because he will be on the ballot in November again trump.

This was a meaningless vote, not like the one on Nov
Retard. Trump was also on the ballot in Pennsylvania. Haley wasn't. And yet Republicans voted for her.

What part of that is confusing to you?

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