Here's the deal


Democrat all the way!
Mar 16, 2010
The Good insane United states of America
I'll agree with completing the border fence and increasing ice agents, but we'd be better off granting amnesty to the 11(or 30 million)million illegals already here. It isn't worth forming a huge fascist deportation force, building a half trillion dollar border wall or stumping on peoples civil liberties.

Who else agrees me?
You are an idiot Mattieboy and you prove here every day.
I'll agree with completing the border fence and increasing ice agents, but we'd be better off granting amnesty to the 11(or 30 million)million illegals already here. It isn't worth forming a huge fascist deportation force, building a half trillion dollar border wall or stumping on peoples civil liberties.

Who else agrees me?
Take away the jobs with E-Verify and they will self deport leaving jobs to be filled by Americans. No need for a fence or an expensive deportation force. Then watch our economy recover without Anchor Babies costing us billions in medical care, education and social services. I am so sick of hearing we cannot afford mass deportation smashing down door and dragging people out gestapo style which is a lot of pandering democratic rhetoric. Not to mention the cost of illegal alien incarcerations in our prisons
I'll agree with completing the border fence and increasing ice agents, but we'd be better off granting amnesty to the 11(or 30 million)million illegals already here. It isn't worth forming a huge fascist deportation force, building a half trillion dollar border wall or stumping on peoples civil liberties.

Who else agrees me?
People here illegally shouldn't have any rights. That's the main problem.
I'll agree with completing the border fence and increasing ice agents, but we'd be better off granting amnesty to the 11(or 30 million)million illegals already here. It isn't worth forming a huge fascist deportation force, building a half trillion dollar border wall or stumping on peoples civil liberties.

Who else agrees me?
People here illegally shouldn't have any rights. That's the main problem.
As long as they vote D, they can do as they thinks the D party.
I'll agree with completing the border fence and increasing ice agents, but we'd be better off granting amnesty to the 11(or 30 million)million illegals already here. It isn't worth forming a huge fascist deportation force, building a half trillion dollar border wall or stumping on peoples civil liberties.

Who else agrees me?
Do you know what civil liberties are, moron?
Amnesty is a proven failure. Why would you think that is the better option? Do you support failure, matthew?
I'll agree with completing the border fence and increasing ice agents, but we'd be better off granting amnesty to the 11(or 30 million)million illegals already here. It isn't worth forming a huge fascist deportation force, building a half trillion dollar border wall or stumping on peoples civil liberties.

Who else agrees me?
I think many see it as an invitation to the next 11(or 30) million.
I think you have a point, but I still don't agree.

By the way, to those of you who want illegals deported, remember it was your saint Ronnie Reagan who granted amnesty back in the 80s.
I'll agree with completing the border fence and increasing ice agents, but we'd be better off granting amnesty to the 11(or 30 million)million illegals already here. It isn't worth forming a huge fascist deportation force, building a half trillion dollar border wall or stumping on peoples civil liberties.

Who else agrees me?

we'd be better off granting amnesty to the 11(or 30 million)million illegals already here.

Here's the deal, you're an idiot if you believe that crap. :cuckoo:

Rewarding those that break the law is not only wrong, but also unfair, costly, and won't work.

It's unfair to those who played by the rules and entered lawfully, as well as the millions of people currently waiting in our immigration system to be admitted legally. It's costly because even a small amnesty qualifies millions of people for overburdened government welfare and entitlement programs. It won’t work because another amnesty will signal a pattern, since lawmakers have already done it before.
I would say send them back to Mexico or were they came from, they all come here for the free medical and housing , it has to stop now.. us tax paying USA citizens are tired of seeing illegals and boarder jumper getting all the free handouts while us tax payer are paying there way.
I'll agree with completing the border fence and increasing ice agents, but we'd be better off granting amnesty to the 11(or 30 million)million illegals already here. It isn't worth forming a huge fascist deportation force, building a half trillion dollar border wall or stumping on peoples civil liberties.

Who else agrees me?
People here illegally shouldn't have any rights. That's the main problem.
The cost of illegal immigration and amnesty is worth the cost of (have you heard of self deportation?) During Operation Wet Back during the 50s did not cost anything. Once deportation started they self deported. In stead of a fence, more ice agents and mass gestapo style deportation all that has to be done is crack down on business seriously and if they cannot work the will leave the country fast to get back to Mexico leaving a gaping hole in government hand out for their anchor babies. also repeal automatic birthright citizenship which is being abused. Border agents. the fence and the Rio did not stop the 20 million that are here. We do not need new immigration laws only enforce the laws we already have. Civil liberties? GMAFB. I would get a ticket for jay walking. Yet illegal alien get a get out of jail free card when the jay walk our border invading a sovereign nation.
I think you have a point, but I still don't agree.

By the way, to those of you who want illegals deported, remember it was your saint Ronnie Reagan who granted amnesty back in the 80s.
Why do you automatically assume that people that want immigration fixed supported him?
I think you have a point, but I still don't agree.

By the way, to those of you who want illegals deported, remember it was your saint Ronnie Reagan who granted amnesty back in the 80s.
That was the 80s. Democrats done nothing to fix the problem so it keep growing and the same shit will still continue to happen with Hillary and Bill back in office .Obama had 8 years to fix the problem and he did nothing but make it worse by doing nothing. If we do not learn from our mistake we continue to make them over and over again.
I think you have a point, but I still don't agree.

By the way, to those of you who want illegals deported, remember it was your saint Ronnie Reagan who granted amnesty back in the 80s.
That was the 80s. Democrats done nothing to fix the problem so it keep growing and the same shit will still continue to happen with Hillary and Bill back in office .Obama had 8 years to fix the problem and he did nothing but make it worse by doing nothing. If we do not learn from our mistake we continue to make them over and over again.

Bullshit.... Why do you lie?
Obama wants to fix the immigration problem. His been pushing for immigration reform for a long time but GOPs decided to just shelved it and do nothing as usual. Even Bush Jr. tried to fix it but his own GOP abandoned him.
You've been here very long and I can't believe you are posting such a lie.

Let me repeat.... There is NO such thing as self deportation. Why in the world they will do that?
I'll agree with completing the border fence and increasing ice agents, but we'd be better off granting amnesty to the 11(or 30 million)million illegals already here. It isn't worth forming a huge fascist deportation force, building a half trillion dollar border wall or stumping on peoples civil liberties.

Who else agrees me?
People here illegally shouldn't have any rights. That's the main problem.
The cost of illegal immigration and amnesty is worth the cost of (have you heard of self deportation?) During Operation Wet Back during the 50s did not cost anything. Once deportation started they self deported. In stead of a fence, more ice agents and mass gestapo style deportation all that has to be done is crack down on business seriously and if they cannot work the will leave the country fast to get back to Mexico leaving a gaping hole in government hand out for their anchor babies. also repeal automatic birthright citizenship which is being abused. Border agents. the fence and the Rio did not stop the 20 million that are here. We do not need new immigration laws only enforce the laws we already have. Civil liberties? GMAFB. I would get a ticket for jay walking. Yet illegal alien get a get out of jail free card when the jay walk our border invading a sovereign nation.

Using the Operation WetBack from 50s as your reference is purely non sense.
What made you think those illegals did not make a U turn. Now a days Illegals are fully imbedded in our society and economy.
What do you think will happen if you deport them with or without their American kids? What made you think Americans will take over their jobs? How much do you think it will cost us a head of lettuce if we use American workers? Are you willing to pay all the higher prices of agricultural, meat and poultry products?
I'll agree with completing the border fence and increasing ice agents, but we'd be better off granting amnesty to the 11(or 30 million)million illegals already here. It isn't worth forming a huge fascist deportation force, building a half trillion dollar border wall or stumping on peoples civil liberties.

Who else agrees me?

Why don't you tell us what civil liberties are being stomped on.
I think you have a point, but I still don't agree.

By the way, to those of you who want illegals deported, remember it was your saint Ronnie Reagan who granted amnesty back in the 80s.
That was the 80s. Democrats done nothing to fix the problem so it keep growing and the same shit will still continue to happen with Hillary and Bill back in office .Obama had 8 years to fix the problem and he did nothing but make it worse by doing nothing. If we do not learn from our mistake we continue to make them over and over again.

Bullshit.... Why do you lie?
Obama wants to fix the immigration problem. His been pushing for immigration reform for a long time but GOPs decided to just shelved it and do nothing as usual. Even Bush Jr. tried to fix it but his own GOP abandoned him.
You've been here very long and I can't believe you are posting such a lie.

Let me repeat.... There is NO such thing as self deportation. Why in the world they will do that?

Oh yes there is.

When Arizona passed it's law, some teachers in the Mesa area saw classes shrink by 25% OVERNIGHT.
I think you have a point, but I still don't agree.

By the way, to those of you who want illegals deported, remember it was your saint Ronnie Reagan who granted amnesty back in the 80s.
That was the 80s. Democrats done nothing to fix the problem so it keep growing and the same shit will still continue to happen with Hillary and Bill back in office .Obama had 8 years to fix the problem and he did nothing but make it worse by doing nothing. If we do not learn from our mistake we continue to make them over and over again.

Bullshit.... Why do you lie?
Obama wants to fix the immigration problem. His been pushing for immigration reform for a long time but GOPs decided to just shelved it and do nothing as usual. Even Bush Jr. tried to fix it but his own GOP abandoned him.
You've been here very long and I can't believe you are posting such a lie.

Let me repeat.... There is NO such thing as self deportation. Why in the world they will do that?

Oh yes there is.

When Arizona passed it's law, some teachers in the Mesa area saw classes shrink by 25% OVERNIGHT.


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