Here's What the Buffalo Shooter's Alleged Manifesto Actually Says

That article was... ... interesting, to say the least. If these are indeed the words of the shooter, than this is indeed sad. Sad in the way that the 'manifesto' is a ham handed, ill researched thesis attempting to marry the concept of environmentalism with white supremacy using made up terminology.

Verdict: Illogical horseshit.

The kid seems a new hybrid influenced through social media extremism. He's learned a million new ways to hate. He's about the most perfect example of a magaturd one could find.
It is illogical horseshit, but you see it here too.
So what? Many magaturds seem to be card carrying American fascists. That ain't any kind of point.
It tickles me every time a fascist/socialist calls me a fascist.

Marxism 101.

No concession... really need to learn English.

You actually think you can blame us for all of the shit you do!!
I believe you do the lion's share of deflection for your political tribe, yes. You do it because you hate being second guessed by the 'other' political tribe you secretly want abolished because they don't think like you.
I believe you do the lion's share of deflection for your political tribe, yes. You do it because you hate being second guessed by the 'other' political tribe you secretly want abolished because they don't think like you.
God......every one of your posts are a projection!!!
Every single one. :iagree:

All you're doing is accusing me of everything you and the Democrats have done.

It's pointless arguing with you because you're absolutely full of fecal matter.
God......every one of your posts are a projection!!!
Every single one. :iagree:

All you're doing is accusing me of everything you and the Democrats have done.

It's pointless arguing with you because you're absolutely full of fecal matter.
Yep. Run away now, troll. Because that's all we're doing at this point. It's all we do. :spinner:

Right? :113:
*said the child who never voted and learned about the political spectrum on the white wing asshole of reddit

But you sure do seem to fancy him a trustworthy, self-aware intellectual.
No I don't, I think he should go to trial and if found guilty should be publicly executed . The left are so desperate to make this guy a Conservative that they are ignoring what this loon is saying and none of what I see are Conservative ideals.
That article was... ... interesting, to say the least. If these are indeed the words of the shooter, than this is indeed sad. Sad in the way that the 'manifesto' is a ham handed, ill researched thesis attempting to marry the concept of environmentalism with white supremacy using made up terminology.

Verdict: Illogical horseshit.

The kid seems a new hybrid influenced through social media extremism. He's learned a million new ways to hate. He's about the most perfect example of a magaturd one could find.

Yes he did actually say the following:

From the Manifesto:

Page 4:

Are you a part of any political group or movement? I am not a direct member of any organization or group, though I support many.

Did the groups you support/are aligned with order or promote your attack? No, I am the sole perpetrator of this attack. I’ve had many influences from others but it was only me who decided to continue this

Page 5:

Where did you get your current beliefs? Mostly from the internet. There was little to no influence on my personal beliefs by people I met in person. I read multiple sources of information from all ideologies and decided that my current one is most correct.

Page 7:

Are you a facsist? Yes, fascism is one of the only political ideologies that will unite Whites against the replacers. Since that is what I seek, calling me a facsist would be accurate.

Are you a white supremacist? Yes, I would call myself a white supremacist, afterall, which race is responsible for the world we live in today? I believe the White race is superior in the brain to all other races.

Are you racist? Yes I am racist because I believe in differences of capabilities between races.

Page 8:

Are you a neo-nazi? I support neo-nazism but I am not a member of any neo-nazi groups, you decide what that makes me.

Are you a conservative? No, conservatism is corporatism in disguise, I want no part of it.

Page 9:

Did you always hold these views? When I was 12 I was deep into communist ideology, talk to anyone from my old highschool and ask about me and you will hear that. From age 15 to 18 however, I consistently moved farther to the right. On the political compass I fall in the mild-moderate authoritarian left category, and I would prefer to be called a populist.

Page 10:

What are your views? I would prefer to call myself a populist. But you can call me an ethno-nationalist eco-fascist national socialist if you want, I wouldn’t disagree with you.
Twitter is not a news source, and it hardly matters what is said.

Following the massacre in Buffalo over the weekend by a teenager we are hearing the same load of crap from politicians that we heard following Columbine, Sandy Hook, San Bernardino, Orlando, Las Vegas, Sutherland Springs, Parkland, El Paso, N.Y. City subway, and countless others.

And nothing got done. Nothing will get done following the Buffalo massacre. Why?

Here a few reasons and they all can be attributed to a political party. Guess which one? It is the party that is expected win big in the November mid-terms.

The National Rifle Association (NRA) is a 501(c)(4) nonprofit organization it says of itself, It is widely recognized today as a major political force and as America's foremost defender of Second Amendment rights.In 2013. The Washington Post called the NRA "arguably the most powerful lobbying organization in the nation’s capital." National Rifle Association

We know that the NRA contributes heavily to the Republican Party, and the GOP has for decades stymied gun control measures in Congress. We know Republicans are waiting for the clamor over the Buffalo massacre to blow over, but that is extremely unlikely.

There will be another mass shooting before the month is over. Indeed, there were at least four other mass shootings since Friday coinciding with the Buffalo massacre.

Then there is this.

The Guardian reports, "The massacre by a white supremacist gunman of Black shoppers at a Buffalo grocery store has drawn renewed scrutiny of Republican figures in the US who have embraced the racist “great replacement theory” he is alleged to have used as justification for the murders.

"Born from far-right nationalism, the extremist ideology expounding the view that immigration will ultimately destroy white values and western civilization has found favor not only with media figures, such as the conservative Fox News host Tucker Carlson, but a host of elected politicians and others seeking office.

"They have convinced themselves Democrats are operating an open-door immigration policy to “replace” Republican voters with people of color and keep themselves in power permanently.

"A study of the history of great replacement theory in Republican circles states the theory isn’t new to American politicians. In 2017, the Iowa congressman Steve King, a fierce Trump loyalist, said in a tweet: “We can’t restore our civilization with somebody else’s babies.”

So, what is the teenage killer supposed to think? The Buffalo killer was embracing a theory that is being held by Republican lawmakers. Republicans protect the right to purchase firearms by preventing regulation to be passed in Congress. A Republican President thought it was okay to lead a coup attempt to overthrow our elected government because he lost an election, and he is the current the leader of the GOP. Our capitol was ransacked, hundreds were injured, and people were killed in the coup attempt.

In his mind he was doing God's work. After all, nearly everything he believed was supported by the Republican Party, and they are expected to win in November.

The forum's Republicans will remain silent about all of this. What the hell can they say?

What a bunch of unsupported bullshit that was!

PjMedia honestly covered the killers own words since they have a copy of the Manifesto.

Page 5:

Where did you get your current beliefs? Mostly from the internet. There was little to no influence on my personal beliefs by people I met in person. I read multiple sources of information from all ideologies and decided that my current one is most correct.


By his own words he is an Authoritarian Left.
Page 10:

What are your views? I would prefer to call myself a populist. But you can call me an ethno-nationalist eco-fascist national socialist if you want, I wouldn’t disagree with you
Sounds like he doesn't know what the fuck he truly wants. I can relate. I was 18 once too. It can be a fucked up time for a young male.

That said, it excuses none of his murderous transgressions. I believe he should ride the needle for this.
Sounds like he doesn't know what the fuck he truly wants. I can relate. I was 18 once too. It can be a fucked up time for a young male.

That said, it excuses none of his murderous transgressions. I believe he should ride the needle for this.


Not making excuses at all sir he should be roasted for it since it was all premeditated based on hate racism and anti-semitism.

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