Here's Your LOVELY Little Anchor Babies at Work...


Charter Member
May 8, 2004
Podunk, WI
I find it hard to believe someone, ANYONE, would be STUPID enough to make a video like this. Was it by someone that knew it would make the vast majority of people viewing it hate these little anchor baby bastards even if they hadn't prior to watching the video, or was someone really, REALLY that fucking STUPID to think this would actually impress someone? IDK...

... but regardless, the illegal alien mexican problem has nothing, NOTHING, to do with RACISM. It's about OBEYING THE LAW, and what this country can handle as far as immigration. This is another perfect example of why now when you hear someone being called a racist, it goes in one ear and out the other with literally zero effect. No one gives a rats ass anymore. It's been used and abused to the point of absolute absurdity.
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"Here's Your LOVELY Little Anchor Babies at Work..."

There is no such thing as an 'anchor baby,' the notion is another ignorant, hateful lie from the right.

All persons born in the United States are US citizens, subject to no other 'designation,' having nothing to do with who one's parents are.
"Here's Your LOVELY Little Anchor Babies at Work..."

There is no such thing as an 'anchor baby,' the notion is another ignorant, hateful lie from the right.

All persons born in the United States are US citizens, subject to no other 'designation,' having nothing to do with who one's parents are.
Yep...we sure need more D voters and we don't care where they come from.
"Here's Your LOVELY Little Anchor Babies at Work..."

There is no such thing as an 'anchor baby,' the notion is another ignorant, hateful lie from the right.

All persons born in the United States are US citizens, subject to no other 'designation,' having nothing to do with who one's parents are.
Nope, sorry jonesie, but the 14th amendment was written for newly freed American slaves, not an invading mexican flood of illegal aliens. After Trump is elected president, a quick executive order from him will make that clear.
he should use that as HIS campaign ad..look how the 3rd world trash behave..We want MORE of this?
he should use that as HIS campaign ad..look how the 3rd world trash behave..We want MORE of this?
What we don't want is more of this sort of ignorance, hate, and stupidity advocated by many on the right.

you think those kids in that ad are "cute"?..3rd world peasant trash coming into our country and taunting us about illegal immigration?
patriots won't put up with it....
Deport. All. Illegals.
"Latino Kids Paid To Swear At Donald Trump In Democrat SuperPAC Ad"

So you decided to start a thread about it to exhibit your ignorance of a composition fallacy.
Let's examine that premise...

Those are (arguably) "latino" children....check.
They are swearing and making vulgar gestures...check.
They and/or their handlers certainly got paid for the "work" they did on that shoot...check.

Your premise has been thoroughly refuted and debunked .....and now you're dismissed.:popcorn:
the left thinks its cute because that's their mentality when it come to politics. then they turn around and whine about Civility, can't we all get together as one.

this a tactic used by the people in the MIDDLE east. I'm afraid next they'll be sending them into places (like SNL) with bomb vest strapped onto them.
This is why we need to start deporting all these fucks... go back to the shithole you created south of the border, and fucking stay there.

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