Heresy - The many posibilities for God(s).


Silver Member
Jun 1, 2013
Heresy - opinion profoundly at odds with what is generally accepted.

First, I am agnostic, which basically means that while I can't proove there is no god, I can't also proove any of the proposals of any religion. So it boils down to : I don't know, much in the way I simply don't know if there is currently sentient life in any part of this galaxy .

So , here are some posibilities for God(s), which exclude the omniscient, omnipotent , and benevolent god ( basically , because I find that to be a contradiction : creating the sheep , and the wolf that prays on it in order to live).

Posibility 1 : God created the universe and then left it unatended to run on itself.

Posibility 2 : God is a byproduct of sentient life, some sort of collective entity created by the sole existence of sentient beings. This would probably make god omniscient, but rather weak, and thus uable to give little more than good advice.

Posibility 3 : One or more gods exist as beings who started as sentient creatures and were able to somehow trascende matter eons ago.

Feel free to add your own insights.
Posibility 2 : God is a byproduct of sentient life, some sort of collective entity created by the sole existence of sentient beings. This would probably make god omniscient, but rather weak, and thus uable to give little more than good advice.

Feel free to add your own insights.

spread a bit thin huh?:lmao:
Posibility 2 : God is a byproduct of sentient life, some sort of collective entity created by the sole existence of sentient beings. This would probably make god omniscient, but rather weak, and thus uable to give little more than good advice.

Feel free to add your own insights.

spread a bit thin huh?:lmao:
Yea , but it would certainly explain all the chaos and mayhem in the world in spite of the existance of a God : behave well and be good to each other please , because I can see your suffering but I am unable to help you ( except maybe taking note of all your deeds and having a copy of all your thoughts and actions when you die... which would be an inmortality of some sort ).
Posibility 1 : God created the universe and then left it unatended to run on itself.

According to the teachings I have studied from trance mediums, God set everything into motion as a perfect plan for his children to evolve through experience. It may appear we are left entirely to ourselves but there are many higher realms of experience above the physical universe, and they have a subtle influence on earthly events.
There are angels of karma and spirit guides that inspire people from behind the scenes. They are not allowed to interfere directly, as that would disrupt our personal spiritual growth. But they have inspired people through telepathy and dreams.
Posibility 1 : God created the universe and then left it unatended to run on itself.

According to the teachings I have studied from trance mediums, God set everything into motion as a perfect plan for his children to evolve through experience. It may appear we are left entirely to ourselves but there are many higher realms of experience above the physical universe, and they have a subtle influence on earthly events.
There are angels of karma and spirit guides that inspire people from behind the scenes. They are not allowed to interfere directly, as that would disrupt our personal spiritual growth. But they have inspired people through telepathy and dreams.
Hmmm , yes , I've heard of such scenario... I have my qualms about the feedback mechanism ( way too subtle ) ... and I wouldn't call it perfect; I would probably call it the best available option. I imagine beings who can achieve a mind-state independent of matter; hence affecting matter must take tremendous efforts: the effort would be so enormous that they are only done on special cases ( something as parting waters would be out of the question from this point of view ).

But hey , nothing really tells my than my point of view is better (or worse ) than yours... can't know really.
First, I am agnostic, which basically means that while I can't proove there is no god, I can't also proove any of the proposals of any religion. .

So , here are some posibilities for God(s), which exclude the omniscient, omnipotent , and benevolent god ( basically , because I find that to be a contradiction : creating the sheep , and the wolf that prays on it in order to live).

Posibility 1 : God created the universe and then left it unatended to run on itself.

Posibility 2 : God is a byproduct of sentient life, some sort of collective entity created by the sole existence of sentient beings. This would probably make god omniscient, but rather weak, and thus uable to give little more than good advice.

Posibility 3 : One or more gods exist as beings who started as sentient creatures and were able to somehow trascende matter eons ago.

Feel free to add your own insights.

First...sue your high school English teacher.

So it boils down to : I don't know, much in the way I simply don't know if there is currently sentient life in any part of this galaxy

Are you alive? Are you aware of your existence? Then there is sentient life in this galaxy.
First, I am agnostic, which basically means that while I can't proove there is no god, I can't also proove any of the proposals of any religion. .

So , here are some posibilities for God(s), which exclude the omniscient, omnipotent , and benevolent god ( basically , because I find that to be a contradiction : creating the sheep , and the wolf that prays on it in order to live).

Posibility 1 : God created the universe and then left it unatended to run on itself.

Posibility 2 : God is a byproduct of sentient life, some sort of collective entity created by the sole existence of sentient beings. This would probably make god omniscient, but rather weak, and thus uable to give little more than good advice.

Posibility 3 : One or more gods exist as beings who started as sentient creatures and were able to somehow trascende matter eons ago.

Feel free to add your own insights.

First...sue your high school English teacher.

So it boils down to : I don't know, much in the way I simply don't know if there is currently sentient life in any part of this galaxy

Are you alive? Are you aware of your existence? Then there is sentient life in this galaxy.
Do I really have to point out the obvious? Yes , of course , other than sentient life on Earth !!!
Heresy - opinion profoundly at odds with what is generally accepted.

First, I am agnostic, which basically means that while I can't proove there is no god, I can't also proove any of the proposals of any religion. So it boils down to : I don't know, much in the way I simply don't know if there is currently sentient life in any part of this galaxy .

So , here are some posibilities for God(s), which exclude the omniscient, omnipotent , and benevolent god ( basically , because I find that to be a contradiction : creating the sheep , and the wolf that prays on it in order to live).

Posibility 1 : God created the universe and then left it unatended to run on itself.

Posibility 2 : God is a byproduct of sentient life, some sort of collective entity created by the sole existence of sentient beings. This would probably make god omniscient, but rather weak, and thus uable to give little more than good advice.

Posibility 3 : One or more gods exist as beings who started as sentient creatures and were able to somehow trascende matter eons ago.

Feel free to add your own insights.

Reality-- When satan told Eve, they would become like God, knowing good and bad if they ate of the tree--He was not saying they would become an almighty God, what he was saying is that--if we knew both sides ourselves, we wouldn't need Gods advice to find real lasting happiness for our lives. This was a direct attack on Gods universal sovereignty--all created beings witnessed this( 2 mortals, millions upon millions of angel beings)
God had 2 choices--Kill the rebels on the spot--no one who was ever born of that seed would have received life.( deut 32:4__the justice in God knew we had the right to our lives)
Or let it be proven, once and for all time--Is it best mortals know only good and listen to Gods advice, or is satan correct--is it best we know both sides ourselves.
God is 100% correct. It is almost done.
Heresy - opinion profoundly at odds with what is generally accepted.

First, I am agnostic, which basically means that while I can't proove there is no god, I can't also proove any of the proposals of any religion. So it boils down to : I don't know, much in the way I simply don't know if there is currently sentient life in any part of this galaxy .

So , here are some posibilities for God(s), which exclude the omniscient, omnipotent , and benevolent god ( basically , because I find that to be a contradiction : creating the sheep , and the wolf that prays on it in order to live).

Posibility 1 : God created the universe and then left it unatended to run on itself.

Posibility 2 : God is a byproduct of sentient life, some sort of collective entity created by the sole existence of sentient beings. This would probably make god omniscient, but rather weak, and thus uable to give little more than good advice.

Posibility 3 : One or more gods exist as beings who started as sentient creatures and were able to somehow trascende matter eons ago.

Feel free to add your own insights.

Other than allowing for the possibility 'God' was an alien species or being(s), I've wondered if what we perceive as God is in fact some manifestation of quantum physics and reality. According to qm we alter physical reality just by observing it. So what's the net effect of billions of observers? Plus, every insect and animal is observing too (why our homes don't disappear at night once we fall asleep and stop observing it - always at least 1 wakeful dust mite.) :) This raises an interesting question though, who or what is observing deep space that things we know are there (Halley's comet say) doesn't disappear that it stays on it's orbit and predictable track? If at some moment there was no consciousness observing the comet, qm says it should be 'phasing' in and out resulting in an unpredictable orbit. But it doesn't. It's orbit is regular and like clockwork as though it's being observed continuously that it never deviates.
So it boils down to : I don't know, much in the way I simply don't know if there is currently sentient life in any part of this galaxy.
... much in the way I simply don't know if there is currently sentient life in any part of this galaxy.

are you sure discovering the Almighty would be the same as discovering other life, however sentient as being the same - as your existence makes the possibility quite likely other life elsewhere does exist.

or are you saying you are created by god so all other life would be the same creation equally proving both as existent ?

I might agree, Life's existence is proof alone there is a common source for both.

So it boils down to : I don't know, much in the way I simply don't know if there is currently sentient life in any part of this galaxy.
... much in the way I simply don't know if there is currently sentient life in any part of this galaxy.

are you sure discovering the Almighty would be the same as discovering other life, however sentient as being the same - as your existence makes the possibility quite likely other life elsewhere does exist.

or are you saying you are created by god so all other life would be the same creation equally proving both as existent ?

I might agree, Life's existence is proof alone there is a common source for both.


No , I am just saying both events have the same level of uncertainty: They are both possible, but they are both unknowable . Evenmore, we don't know how those aliens would look , just as we can't know the nature of that god ( or gods) .

Now , some exceptions : I've heard of people who claim to be able to speak with angels and others who claim they are able to speak with aliens. Granted , that is a possibility , but unproven .
Heresy - opinion profoundly at odds with what is generally accepted.

First, I am agnostic, which basically means that while I can't proove there is no god, I can't also proove any of the proposals of any religion. So it boils down to : I don't know, much in the way I simply don't know if there is currently sentient life in any part of this galaxy .

So , here are some posibilities for God(s), which exclude the omniscient, omnipotent , and benevolent god ( basically , because I find that to be a contradiction : creating the sheep , and the wolf that prays on it in order to live).

Posibility 1 : God created the universe and then left it unatended to run on itself.

Posibility 2 : God is a byproduct of sentient life, some sort of collective entity created by the sole existence of sentient beings. This would probably make god omniscient, but rather weak, and thus uable to give little more than good advice.

Posibility 3 : One or more gods exist as beings who started as sentient creatures and were able to somehow trascende matter eons ago.

Feel free to add your own insights.

Other than allowing for the possibility 'God' was an alien species or being(s), I've wondered if what we perceive as God is in fact some manifestation of quantum physics and reality. According to qm we alter physical reality just by observing it. So what's the net effect of billions of observers? Plus, every insect and animal is observing too (why our homes don't disappear at night once we fall asleep and stop observing it - always at least 1 wakeful dust mite.) :) This raises an interesting question though, who or what is observing deep space that things we know are there (Halley's comet say) doesn't disappear that it stays on it's orbit and predictable track? If at some moment there was no consciousness observing the comet, qm says it should be 'phasing' in and out resulting in an unpredictable orbit. But it doesn't. It's orbit is regular and like clockwork as though it's being observed continuously that it never deviates.

Quantum effects are tiny, and they don't really require an observer. It is more precise to tell that observations cause variations at quantum level ( energy - matter interactions). Such tiny variations can't cause something as large as an orbital variation , but they might be able to cause a small fluctuation in an electric current ( a very small one ).

Regardless, yes, I have also toyed with that possibility , that God might be some alien life form that trascended matter.
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First, I am agnostic, which basically means that while I can't proove there is no god, I can't also proove any of the proposals of any religion. .

So , here are some posibilities for God(s), which exclude the omniscient, omnipotent , and benevolent god ( basically , because I find that to be a contradiction : creating the sheep , and the wolf that prays on it in order to live).

Posibility 1 : God created the universe and then left it unatended to run on itself.

Posibility 2 : God is a byproduct of sentient life, some sort of collective entity created by the sole existence of sentient beings. This would probably make god omniscient, but rather weak, and thus uable to give little more than good advice.

Posibility 3 : One or more gods exist as beings who started as sentient creatures and were able to somehow trascende matter eons ago.

Feel free to add your own insights.

First...sue your high school English teacher.

So it boils down to : I don't know, much in the way I simply don't know if there is currently sentient life in any part of this galaxy

Are you alive? Are you aware of your existence? Then there is sentient life in this galaxy.
Do I really have to point out the obvious? Yes , of course , other than sentient life on Earth !!!

Which kind of blows your entire postulate hell doesn't it?
First, I am agnostic, which basically means that while I can't proove there is no god, I can't also proove any of the proposals of any religion. .

So , here are some posibilities for God(s), which exclude the omniscient, omnipotent , and benevolent god ( basically , because I find that to be a contradiction : creating the sheep , and the wolf that prays on it in order to live).

Posibility 1 : God created the universe and then left it unatended to run on itself.

Posibility 2 : God is a byproduct of sentient life, some sort of collective entity created by the sole existence of sentient beings. This would probably make god omniscient, but rather weak, and thus uable to give little more than good advice.

Posibility 3 : One or more gods exist as beings who started as sentient creatures and were able to somehow trascende matter eons ago.

Feel free to add your own insights.

First...sue your high school English teacher.

So it boils down to : I don't know, much in the way I simply don't know if there is currently sentient life in any part of this galaxy

Are you alive? Are you aware of your existence? Then there is sentient life in this galaxy.
Do I really have to point out the obvious? Yes , of course , other than sentient life on Earth !!!

Which kind of blows your entire postulate hell doesn't it?
First, I am agnostic, which basically means that while I can't proove there is no god, I can't also proove any of the proposals of any religion. .

So , here are some posibilities for God(s), which exclude the omniscient, omnipotent , and benevolent god ( basically , because I find that to be a contradiction : creating the sheep , and the wolf that prays on it in order to live).

Posibility 1 : God created the universe and then left it unatended to run on itself.

Posibility 2 : God is a byproduct of sentient life, some sort of collective entity created by the sole existence of sentient beings. This would probably make god omniscient, but rather weak, and thus uable to give little more than good advice.

Posibility 3 : One or more gods exist as beings who started as sentient creatures and were able to somehow trascende matter eons ago.

Feel free to add your own insights.

First...sue your high school English teacher.

So it boils down to : I don't know, much in the way I simply don't know if there is currently sentient life in any part of this galaxy

Are you alive? Are you aware of your existence? Then there is sentient life in this galaxy.
Do I really have to point out the obvious? Yes , of course , other than sentient life on Earth !!!

Which kind of blows your entire postulate hell doesn't it?
Which postulate ? That we can't really know if god(s) exist ?

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