Heritage Study Is Not An Analysis Of Immigration Proposal


Gold Member
Sep 18, 2012
Media Take Note: Heritage Study Is Not An Analysis Of Immigration Proposal

Media outlets are reporting that a new immigration report from the conservative Heritage Foundation found that passing the proposed Senate comprehensive immigration bill will cost $6.3 trillion. In fact, the Heritage report is not an analysis of the entire Senate's "Border Security, Economic Opportunity, and Immigration Modernization Act," and does not take into account costs or savings of the proposal's broader reforms.

Buzzfeed: Heritage Study "Does Not Take Into Account Any Costs Or Savings Associated With" Senate Bill. In a post on the study, Buzzfeed reported that it "includes costs associated with local, state and federal benefits like social security and health care benefits that families headed by non-high school graduates would receive" but "does not take into account any costs or savings associated with the legislation's broader reforms to the immigration system and border security -- or the economic or tax benefits advocates for the bill hope will come with legalizing a vast gray economy." [Buzzfeed, 5/6/13]

Townhall: Heritage Study Does Not Cover "The Entire Cost Of The Bill." In an article on the study, Townhall noted that "it is important to point out the Heritage study and assessment of $6.3 trillion only covers the amnesty/citizenship cost of the Gang of 8 bill, not the entire cost of the bill." [Townhall, 5/6/13]
Heritage study co-author opposed letting in immigrants with low IQs

Richwine’s dissertation asserts that there are deep-set differentials in intelligence between races. While it’s clear he thinks it is partly due to genetics — “the totality of the evidence suggests a genetic component to group differences in IQ” — he argues the most important thing is that the differences in group IQs are persistent, for whatever reason. He writes, “No one knows whether Hispanics will ever reach IQ parity with whites, but the prediction that new Hispanic immigrants will have low-IQ children and grandchildren is difficult to argue against.”

Toward the end of the thesis, Richwine writes that though he believes racial differences in IQ to be real and persistent, one need not agree with that to accept his case for basing immigration on IQ. Rather than excluding what he judges to be low-IQ races, we can just test each individual’s IQ and exclude those with low scores. “I believe there is a strong case for IQ selection,” he writes, “since it is theoretically a win-win for the U.S. and potential immigrants.” He does caution against referring to it as IQ-based selection, saying that using the term “skill-based” would “blunt the negative reaction.”

He sounds like some early 1900's "Progressives".
Sounds reasonable to me. God knows we've got enough home-grown dumbshits without importing them. Nothing personal.
Heritage Study Is Not An Analysis Of Immigration Proposal
'Tis true!!

It's merely the "conservative"-elite playing.....

....ignorant White-trash!!!!

"The Heritage Foundation’s analysis of the economic consequences of immigration reform uses absurd methodology to come to conclusions entirely at odds with the organization’s own findings in 2006. Perhaps one explanation for this incoherence is that one of the paper’s coauthors, a new hire, opposes Hispanic immigration because he thinks Latinos are stupid.

Jason Richwine joined Heritage in 2010, after finishing his PhD in Public Policy in 2009. The Washington Post’s Dylan Matthews dug up Richwine’s dissertation, which was titled “IQ And Immigration.” In it, Richwine argues that Hispanics have and will always have lower IQs than whites."
They kicked this racist asshole to the curb pretty fast.

Imagine if every racist were booted out of the GOP... the party would be grand again.
They kicked this racist asshole to the curb pretty fast.

Imagine if every racist were booted out of the GOP... the party would be grand again.

Imagine if every racist were booted out of the democrat Party...it wouldn't exist.
Heritage study co-author opposed letting in immigrants with low IQs

Richwine’s dissertation asserts that there are deep-set differentials in intelligence between races. While it’s clear he thinks it is partly due to genetics — “the totality of the evidence suggests a genetic component to group differences in IQ” — he argues the most important thing is that the differences in group IQs are persistent, for whatever reason. He writes, “No one knows whether Hispanics will ever reach IQ parity with whites, but the prediction that new Hispanic immigrants will have low-IQ children and grandchildren is difficult to argue against.”

Toward the end of the thesis, Richwine writes that though he believes racial differences in IQ to be real and persistent, one need not agree with that to accept his case for basing immigration on IQ. Rather than excluding what he judges to be low-IQ races, we can just test each individual’s IQ and exclude those with low scores. “I believe there is a strong case for IQ selection,” he writes, “since it is theoretically a win-win for the U.S. and potential immigrants.” He does caution against referring to it as IQ-based selection, saying that using the term “skill-based” would “blunt the negative reaction.”

He sounds like some early 1900's "Progressives".

I guess the Heritage Foundation won't be endorsing Marco Rubio for president then.
They kicked this racist asshole to the curb pretty fast.

Imagine if every racist were booted out of the GOP... the party would be grand again.

Actually the guy has a long well documented history of affiliations with white supremacists.
Media Take Note: Heritage Study Is Not An Analysis Of Immigration Proposal

Media outlets are reporting that a new immigration report from the conservative Heritage Foundation found that passing the proposed Senate comprehensive immigration bill will cost $6.3 trillion. In fact, the Heritage report is not an analysis of the entire Senate's "Border Security, Economic Opportunity, and Immigration Modernization Act," and does not take into account costs or savings of the proposal's broader reforms.

Buzzfeed: Heritage Study "Does Not Take Into Account Any Costs Or Savings Associated With" Senate Bill. In a post on the study, Buzzfeed reported that it "includes costs associated with local, state and federal benefits like social security and health care benefits that families headed by non-high school graduates would receive" but "does not take into account any costs or savings associated with the legislation's broader reforms to the immigration system and border security -- or the economic or tax benefits advocates for the bill hope will come with legalizing a vast gray economy." [Buzzfeed, 5/6/13]

Townhall: Heritage Study Does Not Cover "The Entire Cost Of The Bill." In an article on the study, Townhall noted that "it is important to point out the Heritage study and assessment of $6.3 trillion only covers the amnesty/citizenship cost of the Gang of 8 bill, not the entire cost of the bill." [Townhall, 5/6/13]

Sen. Rubio is the best proof that Racist Richwine has.
They kicked this racist asshole to the curb pretty fast.

Imagine if every racist were booted out of the GOP... the party would be grand again.

Only reason he got booted is because the radical right don't want to admit they are racists. You are at an economic disadvantage when you live and work in a country where you don't speak the language and most Mexicans do not speak English. And drop out of high school. Which most Mexicans do. They come across the border without their high school diplomas.
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when you live and work in a country where you don't speak the language and most Mexicans do not speak English. And drop out of high school. Which most Mexicans do.

And you can back up these claims? What's that? You can't? You won't? You're full of shit? Yes, I thought so.

This senile old broad just flat-out hates Latinos. Latino-Americans, people from any and everywhere in Latin America, US citizens who happen to speak Spanish no matter how long their family has been American, anyone who watches 'Telemundo,' it just doesn't matter to her. She is a scared, stupid old broad losing what tenuous grip on reality she ever had and is wasting her last lap wallowing in hatred and fear. Too bad, but quickly forgotten.
They kicked this racist asshole to the curb pretty fast.

Imagine if every racist were booted out of the GOP... the party would be grand again.

Only reason he got booted is because the radical right don't want to admit they are racists. You are at an economic disadvantage when you live and work in a country where you don't speak the language and most Mexicans do not speak English. And drop out of high school. Which most Mexicans do. They come across the border without their high school diplomas.

Then we would be doing them a great service by sending them back to Mexico where they would not be at such a disadvantage.

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