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Herman Cain Says U.S. Communities 'Have the Right' to Ban Mosques

I watched that interview and literally covered my face when he said that and inside my mind I went "oh you freaking idiot, you can't tell people that you dont trust muslims if you want to run for president in the current political correctness atmosphere in the USA"

Ugh......i honestly dont care that he said that, its his opinion and he obviously distrusts muslims, but im also realize that he is basically shooting himself in the foot politically.

That was my feeling. Of course the left cannot permit a conservative black candidate to gather any traction--it completely destroys one of the foundation stones of their most critical structure--and they would have figuratively drawn, quartered, tarred, feathered, and crucified him to prevent that just as they do all conservative black people and all strong outspoken conservative women (for the same reason.)

But damn, he shouldn't be handing them ammo like that to use to destroy him.

Check out Colin Powell


Colon Powell is a contemptible RINO (Republican In Name Only).

The POS conned Bush into giving him tremendous Power & Prestige......which the arsehole used for his Political Gain.

Yes, Colon Powell had a distinguished Military Career.......but, nowhere close to McCain's who was a 1000% American Hero.. However like McCain (who turned out to be a political milquetoast and a wuss), Colon Powell showed hnis true colours by being a Black Racist and became another Obamarrhoidal stooge.
Cain will never receive his level of respect. And rightfully so.
Or any respect, for that matter.

And when he gets ignored and criticized he'll skillfully play the race card like he already has.

Craplo, the certified Obamarrhoidal Piece of Shit that he is, projects his own LIEberrhoidal failings on others.

Who the fuck can even come close to "playing the Race Card" THEN THE FUCKING DEMS....ESPECIALLY the Corrupt Black Caucus with its ~13 % of the Dem's Total vote.......thus control of the Dem Party ????

Can ANYONE even in their wildest dreams think that by multiplying that nigh impossibility a million times come close to the CONTINUOUS playing of the Race Card by the likes of the Heckel & Jeckel political team of the Turds Al Sharpton & Jesse Jackson ???? BOTH fucking exalted Dems ?????
I simply asked you to show some proof. You didn't. And because you have nothing else to go on, you have to resort to name calling. I was honestly expecting more out of someone who claims to be so much more intelligent than your average person.


You have had all the proof you need in my post on Page 2 of this thread.

If you read that post and that wasn't enough then you are either a Muslim Arsehole or a stupid MuslimArseLicking stooge.

Assuming you haven't read my detailed post regarding this issue on Page 2 of this thread, I gave a shorter version, then a longer version of that on Page 8 of this thread.

Assuming you haven't read any of my previous posts to the one on Page 11 ....... and that is a pretty big assumption on my part......and youSTILL require "proof"......then you are obviously a fucking Muslim or a brainless MuslimArselicking Obamarrhoidal stooge who ignores STARK REALITY, and requires proof of things like an apple is an apple.....or a chair is a chair !!!

First of all, I don't remember ever referring to you in any post (both in this thread and others). Second of all, no I didn't read your posts-because I don't have the time to read every post in a 12 page thread. If you do, that's pretty sad.

Finally Once again name specific members of the left wing in congress, or federal office, who are for supporting Muslims-and for degrading Christians. Name one, and post a link in this thread. You're "facts" come from your opinions, and emotions, from what I can see at least. But by all means post some tangible facts that I can see.

If you are a christian name one way you have been attacked by the left that was equal among other religions. I'd love to hear it.

PS: I'm not Muslim, and wont be voting for Obama, and have been a Christian my whole life.

James in La La Land,

First, whether you referred to me, or no..... is immaterial. For example, I never referred to the Dalai Lama and that means a bag of turds as far as this issue is concerned.

Second, I merely pointed out my other well documented post on Page 2 of this thread in case you wanted to flesh out your minimal knowledge on this issue. And, why I stated is REALITY that the Muslim threat is as obvious that an apple is an apple and a chair is a chair, etc. And, I go into great details on that issue, which paraphrased, and the essentials underlined, are repeated on Page 8, 10, 11, 12 & 13......some of those posts more fleshed out than others. Not only for you......but for those interested in the issue.

So, if anything is "sad"..... it is your inane thinking process which is short of being that of a retarded 4 year old.

Who are for supporting the fucking Muslims, directly or indirectly ??? Practically all of the more LIEberrhoidal Dems like Sheila Jackson Lee who harangued and tried to obstruct Rep King's Muslim Investigation Committee, as well as that Muslim Congressman Kieth Ellison who was vociferous in his defense of the fucking Muslims.

Does that mean all of these Obamarrhoidal stooges defend Muslims AND attack Christians ????

Answer: OF COURSE NOT !!!

These MuslimArselickers ATTACK those who expose the Muslim Swine as the ENEMY WITHIN & WITHOUT of America ( and you can witness that on this USMB Board, as well as this thread) ..... but NOT concomitantly by attacking the Christians.

That is a fucking cheap political ploy you're using to obfuscate the Muslim issue by inextricably combining that with an attack on the Christians. You are definitely an arsehole for trying that cheap trick.

You say: "my "facts" come from (my) opinions, and emotions"......It is not just my opinion that Mohammed is a fucking PSYCHO. It is a Historically Documented fact that this fucking Monster is a MASS MURDERER, THIEF, RAPIST & PEDOPHILIC RAPIST !!!

NO ONE IS DENYING THAT "FACT", not even the Muslim Swine, or the other more knowledgeable Muslim Arselkickers. You have to be one of the MOST IGNORANT IDIOTS EXTANT IF YOU DON'T KNOW THAT.......especially since I stress that in every post about the Muslim Swine.

The EXACTLY SAME FACTUAL DATA applies to the fact that the PSYCHO MOHAMMED concocted his FIRST DICTUM, or INSTRUCTION that is clearly instructed by Mohammed to supercede any of his other instructions in the Qu'ran about conquering the World for Islam, "preferably by word, by SWORD (caps mine) if necessary !!!

For you to sit there like a fucking idiot denying that I provided you with enough evidence is beyond being PATHETICALLY PREPOSTEROUS !!!

In addition, you have been provided with an abundance of proof about Obummer's clearcutr instructions to appease the fucking Muslims by obfuscating our enemy....the fuckling Muslims with euphemisms like perpetrators of"man caused disasters" when referring to the Terrorist attacks by the Jihadists and instructing his Home Security Stooge Janet Incompetano to proclaim, on National TV, that the term of "WAR on TERROR" is outlawed, as well as the term "Jihadist".......Also, using CAIR, a Terrorist Front created by TWO CERTIFIED HAMAS TERRORISTS, as the "Moderate Voice of Islam" to TEACH our Govtal employees and even the MILITARY as to their "moderate point of view".

As is this wasn't enough, the fucking Home Security Stooge Incompetano has hired at least 2 or 3 of these Islamic Turds into high level jobs in Home Security !!!!!

Want more, you ignorant fucking imbecile ? Obummer is initiating talks with the AVOWED ENEMY of America......the Muslim Brotherhhood.....the organization that permeates EVERY Terrorist Organization that has SWORN America to be their enemy !!!

All this is documented throughout my posts.......and not only on Page 2 of this thread, but the latter posts as well !!!

I am NOT a Christian. My God, if he exists, is the God of Einstein and Spinoza .....which is the Sum Total of all The Laws of the Universe. And, is NOT an Anthropomorphic God with petty pride, jealousy, and vindictiveness.

Praying to my God is like praying to a Lightening so it ain't gonna strike you. Unlike your prayers that result in the same statistical odds for positive results as praying to the nearest rock in your garden.

The only thing redeeming about you, as I see it, is that you are not going to vote for the MONUMENTAL FRAUD Obummer.

As far as you being a Christian.....I certainly don't hold that against you.....just as I wouldn't hold anything against anyone believing in Santa Clause and/or Unicorns.
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That was my feeling. Of course the left cannot permit a conservative black candidate to gather any traction--it completely destroys one of the foundation stones of their most critical structure--and they would have figuratively drawn, quartered, tarred, feathered, and crucified him to prevent that just as they do all conservative black people and all strong outspoken conservative women (for the same reason.)

But damn, he shouldn't be handing them ammo like that to use to destroy him.

Check out Colin Powell


Colon Powell is a contemptible RINO (Republican In Name Only).

The POS conned Bush into giving him tremendous Power & Prestige......which the arsehole used for his Political Gain.

Yes, Colon Powell had a distinguished Military Career.......but, nowhere close to McCain's who was a 1000% American Hero.. However like McCain (who turned out to be a political milquetoast and a wuss), Colon Powell showed hnis true colours by being a Black Racist and became another Obamarrhoidal stooge.

Powell was one of the most respected men in America. That is why Bush used him to sell his bogus war. He was then thrown under the bus by the GOP

There is no comparison of Powells military career to McCain
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I simply asked you to show some proof. You didn't. And because you have nothing else to go on, you have to resort to name calling. I was honestly expecting more out of someone who claims to be so much more intelligent than your average person.


You have had all the proof you need in my post on Page 2 of this thread.

If you read that post and that wasn't enough then you are either a Muslim Arsehole or a stupid MuslimArseLicking stooge.

Assuming you haven't read my detailed post regarding this issue on Page 2 of this thread, I gave a shorter version, then a longer version of that on Page 8 of this thread.

Assuming you haven't read any of my previous posts to the one on Page 11 ....... and that is a pretty big assumption on my part......and youSTILL require "proof"......then you are obviously a fucking Muslim or a brainless MuslimArselicking Obamarrhoidal stooge who ignores STARK REALITY, and requires proof of things like an apple is an apple.....or a chair is a chair !!!

Who would read the post of someone who is obviously as stupid and hateful as you?

The NoNuke Bleeeding Heart,

Who gives a shit about a LIEberrhoidal Bleeding Hearted pissant who defends his mirror image, i.e., an obviously mentally damaged paramecium who wallows in abject stupidity, and ignorance.
Or any respect, for that matter.

And when he gets ignored and criticized he'll skillfully play the race card like he already has.

Craplo, the certified Obamarrhoidal Piece of Shit that he is, projects his own LIEberrhoidal failings on others.

Who the fuck can even come close to "playing the Race Card" THEN THE FUCKING DEMS....ESPECIALLY the Corrupt Black Caucus with its ~13 % of the Dem's Total vote.......thus control of the Dem Party ????

Can ANYONE even in their wildest dreams think that by multiplying that nigh impossibility a million times come close to the CONTINUOUS playing of the Race Card by the likes of the Heckel & Jeckel political team of the Turds Al Sharpton & Jesse Jackson ???? BOTH fucking exalted Dems ?????

gautama, the incoherent shat talking, racist, mentally facking retarded slackjawed blabbering troll, Herman cain has already played the race card

Herman Cain: Jon Stewart Mocked Me Because I'm A 'Black Conservative' (VIDEO)
Check out Colin Powell


Colon Powell is a contemptible RINO (Republican In Name Only).

The POS conned Bush into giving him tremendous Power & Prestige......which the arsehole used for his Political Gain.

Yes, Colon Powell had a distinguished Military Career.......but, nowhere close to McCain's who was a 1000% American Hero.. However like McCain (who turned out to be a political milquetoast and a wuss), Colon Powell showed hnis true colours by being a Black Racist and became another Obamarrhoidal stooge.

Powell was one of the most respected men in America. That is why Bush used him to sell his bogus war. He was then thrown under the bus by the GOP

There is no comparison of Powells military career to McCain


True to form, your opinion as an Obamarrhoidal hack reflects your poor judgment and political psychosis.

The Colon climbed the ranks on the basis of PC, and Military Affirmative Action. There wasn't anything spectacular about him......unlike the generals of distinction like Rommel, Zhukov, Montgomery, Manstein, Patton, Omar Bradley, etc......

Colon exhibited just the average amount of bravery practically all of us combat vets were subjected to (but mostly unnoticed)......nothing remotely close to McCain in his incessant volunteering for dangerous missions, then his heroic stay at the Hanoi Hilton, when while being excruciatingly wounded and tortured refused to get repatriated home before his fellow POWs....all this, while being the son of the Admiral of the Fleet (Vietnam Theatre's Top Admiral) .... when McCain had all the opportunities to achieve promotions and a cushy job by just goiong thru the motions ........ something that we certainly don't know about The Colon whose "above average" bravery may very well have been simply motivated by his ambition.
And when he gets ignored and criticized he'll skillfully play the race card like he already has.

Craplo, the certified Obamarrhoidal Piece of Shit that he is, projects his own LIEberrhoidal failings on others.

Who the fuck can even come close to "playing the Race Card" THEN THE FUCKING DEMS....ESPECIALLY the Corrupt Black Caucus with its ~13 % of the Dem's Total vote.......thus control of the Dem Party ????

Can ANYONE even in their wildest dreams think that by multiplying that nigh impossibility a million times come close to the CONTINUOUS playing of the Race Card by the likes of the Heckel & Jeckel political team of the Turds Al Sharpton & Jesse Jackson ???? BOTH fucking exalted Dems ?????

gautama, the incoherent shat talking, racist, mentally facking retarded slackjawed blabbering troll, Herman cain has already played the race card

Herman Cain: Jon Stewart Mocked Me Because I'm A 'Black Conservative' (VIDEO)


You're just another certified Obamarrhoidal pissant ranting the party line and falling in line with the typical PC bullshit without an original, or a patriotic thought in the shitbag you call your head.
That was my feeling. Of course the left cannot permit a conservative black candidate to gather any traction--it completely destroys one of the foundation stones of their most critical structure--and they would have figuratively drawn, quartered, tarred, feathered, and crucified him to prevent that just as they do all conservative black people and all strong outspoken conservative women (for the same reason.)

But damn, he shouldn't be handing them ammo like that to use to destroy him.

Check out Colin Powell

Good point. To the best of my knowledge he never ran for public office, he won lots of respect from the left when he quit the Bush Administration, and the last time I looked he was on your side. So he isn't any of these, but he could be a liar, thief, tax cheat, and wife beater and he would be one of the good guys, right? He could probably even make a really dumb public statement and be forgiven--at least it would quickly be glossed over and everybody would move on. Let Herman Cain, a conservative GOP candidate make a short un-PC statementt though, and he is no better than a liar, thief, tax cheat, and wife beater. Gee a thread could probably go on for days about it.

That is the sad truth in our politically motivated media's behavior.

You have had all the proof you need in my post on Page 2 of this thread.

If you read that post and that wasn't enough then you are either a Muslim Arsehole or a stupid MuslimArseLicking stooge.

Assuming you haven't read my detailed post regarding this issue on Page 2 of this thread, I gave a shorter version, then a longer version of that on Page 8 of this thread.

Assuming you haven't read any of my previous posts to the one on Page 11 ....... and that is a pretty big assumption on my part......and youSTILL require "proof"......then you are obviously a fucking Muslim or a brainless MuslimArselicking Obamarrhoidal stooge who ignores STARK REALITY, and requires proof of things like an apple is an apple.....or a chair is a chair !!!

First of all, I don't remember ever referring to you in any post (both in this thread and others). Second of all, no I didn't read your posts-because I don't have the time to read every post in a 12 page thread. If you do, that's pretty sad.

Finally Once again name specific members of the left wing in congress, or federal office, who are for supporting Muslims-and for degrading Christians. Name one, and post a link in this thread. You're "facts" come from your opinions, and emotions, from what I can see at least. But by all means post some tangible facts that I can see.

If you are a christian name one way you have been attacked by the left that was equal among other religions. I'd love to hear it.

PS: I'm not Muslim, and wont be voting for Obama, and have been a Christian my whole life.

James in La La Land,

First, whether you referred to me, or no..... is immaterial. For example, I never referred to the Dalai Lama and that means a bag of turds as far as this issue is concerned.

Second, I merely pointed out my other well documented post on Page 2 of this thread in case you wanted to flesh out your minimal knowledge on this issue. And, why I stated is REALITY that the Muslim threat is as obvious that an apple is an apple and a chair is a chair, etc. And, I go into great details on that issue, which paraphrased, and the essentials underlined, are repeated on Page 8, 10, 11, 12 & 13......some of those posts more fleshed out than others. Not only for you......but for those interested in the issue.

So, if anything is "sad"..... it is your inane thinking process which is short of being that of a retarded 4 year old.

Who are for supporting the fucking Muslims, directly or indirectly ??? Practically all of the more LIEberrhoidal Dems like Sheila Jackson Lee who harangued and tried to obstruct Rep King's Muslim Investigation Committee, as well as that Muslim Congressman Kieth Ellison who was vociferous in his defense of the fucking Muslims.

Does that mean all of these Obamarrhoidal stooges defend Muslims AND attack Christians ????

Answer: OF COURSE NOT !!!

These MuslimArselickers ATTACK those who expose the Muslim Swine as the ENEMY WITHIN & WITHOUT of America ( and you can witness that on this USMB Board, as well as this thread) ..... but NOT concomitantly by attacking the Christians.

That is a fucking cheap political ploy you're using to obfuscate the Muslim issue by inextricably combining that with an attack on the Christians. You are definitely an arsehole for trying that cheap trick.

You say: "my "facts" come from (my) opinions, and emotions"......It is not just my opinion that Mohammed is a fucking PSYCHO. It is a Historically Documented fact that this fucking Monster is a MASS MURDERER, THIEF, RAPIST & PEDOPHILIC RAPIST !!!

NO ONE IS DENYING THAT "FACT", not even the Muslim Swine, or the other more knowledgeable Muslim Arselkickers. You have to be one of the MOST IGNORANT IDIOTS EXTANT IF YOU DON'T KNOW THAT.......especially since I stress that in every post about the Muslim Swine.

The EXACTLY SAME FACTUAL DATA applies to the fact that the PSYCHO MOHAMMED concocted his FIRST DICTUM, or INSTRUCTION that is clearly instructed by Mohammed to supercede any of his other instructions in the Qu'ran about conquering the World for Islam, "preferably by word, by SWORD (caps mine) if necessary !!!

For you to sit there like a fucking idiot denying that I provided you with enough evidence is beyond being PATHETICALLY PREPOSTEROUS !!!

In addition, you have been provided with an abundance of proof about Obummer's clearcutr instructions to appease the fucking Muslims by obfuscating our enemy....the fuckling Muslims with euphemisms like perpetrators of"man caused disasters" when referring to the Terrorist attacks by the Jihadists and instructing his Home Security Stooge Janet Incompetano to proclaim, on National TV, that the term of "WAR on TERROR" is outlawed, as well as the term "Jihadist".......Also, using CAIR, a Terrorist Front created by TWO CERTIFIED HAMAS TERRORISTS, as the "Moderate Voice of Islam" to TEACH our Govtal employees and even the MILITARY as to their "moderate point of view".

As is this wasn't enough, the fucking Home Security Stooge Incompetano has hired at least 2 or 3 of these Islamic Turds into high level jobs in Home Security !!!!!

Want more, you ignorant fucking imbecile ? Obummer is initiating talks with the AVOWED ENEMY of America......the Muslim Brotherhhood.....the organization that permeates EVERY Terrorist Organization that has SWORN America to be their enemy !!!

All this is documented throughout my posts.......and not only on Page 2 of this thread, but the latter posts as well !!!

I am NOT a Christian. My God, if he exists, is the God of Einstein and Spinoza .....which is the Sum Total of all The Laws of the Universe. And, is NOT an Anthropomorphic God with petty pride, jealousy, and vindictiveness.

Praying to my God is like praying to a Lightening so it ain't gonna strike you. Unlike your prayers that result in the same statistical odds for positive results as praying to the nearest rock in your garden.

The only thing redeeming about you, as I see it, is that you are not going to vote for the MONUMENTAL FRAUD Obummer.

As far as you being a Christian.....I certainly don't hold that against you.....just as I wouldn't hold anything against anyone believing in Santa Clause and/or Unicorns.


Colon Powell is a contemptible RINO (Republican In Name Only).

The POS conned Bush into giving him tremendous Power & Prestige......which the arsehole used for his Political Gain.

Yes, Colon Powell had a distinguished Military Career.......but, nowhere close to McCain's who was a 1000% American Hero.. However like McCain (who turned out to be a political milquetoast and a wuss), Colon Powell showed hnis true colours by being a Black Racist and became another Obamarrhoidal stooge.

Powell was one of the most respected men in America. That is why Bush used him to sell his bogus war. He was then thrown under the bus by the GOP

There is no comparison of Powells military career to McCain


True to form, your opinion as an Obamarrhoidal hack reflects your poor judgment and political psychosis.

The Colon climbed the ranks on the basis of PC, and Military Affirmative Action. There wasn't anything spectacular about him......unlike the generals of distinction like Rommel, Zhukov, Montgomery, Manstein, Patton, Omar Bradley, etc......

Colon exhibited just the average amount of bravery practically all of us combat vets were subjected to (but mostly unnoticed)......nothing remotely close to McCain in his incessant volunteering for dangerous missions, then his heroic stay at the Hanoi Hilton, when while being excruciatingly wounded and tortured refused to get repatriated home before his fellow POWs....all this, while being the son of the Admiral of the Fleet (Vietnam Theatre's Top Admiral) .... when McCain had all the opportunities to achieve promotions and a cushy job by just goiong thru the motions ........ something that we certainly don't know about The Colon whose "above average" bravery may very well have been simply motivated by his ambition.

Ah..the Race Card Card.

Colon Powell is a contemptible RINO (Republican In Name Only).

The POS conned Bush into giving him tremendous Power & Prestige......which the arsehole used for his Political Gain.

Yes, Colon Powell had a distinguished Military Career.......but, nowhere close to McCain's who was a 1000% American Hero.. However like McCain (who turned out to be a political milquetoast and a wuss), Colon Powell showed hnis true colours by being a Black Racist and became another Obamarrhoidal stooge.

Powell was one of the most respected men in America. That is why Bush used him to sell his bogus war. He was then thrown under the bus by the GOP

There is no comparison of Powells military career to McCain


True to form, your opinion as an Obamarrhoidal hack reflects your poor judgment and political psychosis.

The Colon climbed the ranks on the basis of PC, and Military Affirmative Action. There wasn't anything spectacular about him......unlike the generals of distinction like Rommel, Zhukov, Montgomery, Manstein, Patton, Omar Bradley, etc......

Colon exhibited just the average amount of bravery practically all of us combat vets were subjected to (but mostly unnoticed)......nothing remotely close to McCain in his incessant volunteering for dangerous missions, then his heroic stay at the Hanoi Hilton, when while being excruciatingly wounded and tortured refused to get repatriated home before his fellow POWs....all this, while being the son of the Admiral of the Fleet (Vietnam Theatre's Top Admiral) .... when McCain had all the opportunities to achieve promotions and a cushy job by just goiong thru the motions ........ something that we certainly don't know about The Colon whose "above average" bravery may very well have been simply motivated by his ambition.

You do such a fine job of representing your side of the political spectrum

keep posting
First of all, I don't remember ever referring to you in any post (both in this thread and others). Second of all, no I didn't read your posts-because I don't have the time to read every post in a 12 page thread. If you do, that's pretty sad.

Finally Once again name specific members of the left wing in congress, or federal office, who are for supporting Muslims-and for degrading Christians. Name one, and post a link in this thread. You're "facts" come from your opinions, and emotions, from what I can see at least. But by all means post some tangible facts that I can see.

If you are a christian name one way you have been attacked by the left that was equal among other religions. I'd love to hear it.

PS: I'm not Muslim, and wont be voting for Obama, and have been a Christian my whole life.

James in La La Land,

First, whether you referred to me, or no..... is immaterial. For example, I never referred to the Dalai Lama and that means a bag of turds as far as this issue is concerned.

Second, I merely pointed out my other well documented post on Page 2 of this thread in case you wanted to flesh out your minimal knowledge on this issue. And, why I stated is REALITY that the Muslim threat is as obvious that an apple is an apple and a chair is a chair, etc. And, I go into great details on that issue, which paraphrased, and the essentials underlined, are repeated on Page 8, 10, 11, 12 & 13......some of those posts more fleshed out than others. Not only for you......but for those interested in the issue.

So, if anything is "sad"..... it is your inane thinking process which is short of being that of a retarded 4 year old.

Who are for supporting the fucking Muslims, directly or indirectly ??? Practically all of the more LIEberrhoidal Dems like Sheila Jackson Lee who harangued and tried to obstruct Rep King's Muslim Investigation Committee, as well as that Muslim Congressman Kieth Ellison who was vociferous in his defense of the fucking Muslims.

Does that mean all of these Obamarrhoidal stooges defend Muslims AND attack Christians ????

Answer: OF COURSE NOT !!!

These MuslimArselickers ATTACK those who expose the Muslim Swine as the ENEMY WITHIN & WITHOUT of America ( and you can witness that on this USMB Board, as well as this thread) ..... but NOT concomitantly by attacking the Christians.

That is a fucking cheap political ploy you're using to obfuscate the Muslim issue by inextricably combining that with an attack on the Christians. You are definitely an arsehole for trying that cheap trick.

You say: "my "facts" come from (my) opinions, and emotions"......It is not just my opinion that Mohammed is a fucking PSYCHO. It is a Historically Documented fact that this fucking Monster is a MASS MURDERER, THIEF, RAPIST & PEDOPHILIC RAPIST !!!

NO ONE IS DENYING THAT "FACT", not even the Muslim Swine, or the other more knowledgeable Muslim Arselkickers. You have to be one of the MOST IGNORANT IDIOTS EXTANT IF YOU DON'T KNOW THAT.......especially since I stress that in every post about the Muslim Swine.

The EXACTLY SAME FACTUAL DATA applies to the fact that the PSYCHO MOHAMMED concocted his FIRST DICTUM, or INSTRUCTION that is clearly instructed by Mohammed to supercede any of his other instructions in the Qu'ran about conquering the World for Islam, "preferably by word, by SWORD (caps mine) if necessary !!!

For you to sit there like a fucking idiot denying that I provided you with enough evidence is beyond being PATHETICALLY PREPOSTEROUS !!!

In addition, you have been provided with an abundance of proof about Obummer's clearcutr instructions to appease the fucking Muslims by obfuscating our enemy....the fuckling Muslims with euphemisms like perpetrators of"man caused disasters" when referring to the Terrorist attacks by the Jihadists and instructing his Home Security Stooge Janet Incompetano to proclaim, on National TV, that the term of "WAR on TERROR" is outlawed, as well as the term "Jihadist".......Also, using CAIR, a Terrorist Front created by TWO CERTIFIED HAMAS TERRORISTS, as the "Moderate Voice of Islam" to TEACH our Govtal employees and even the MILITARY as to their "moderate point of view".

As is this wasn't enough, the fucking Home Security Stooge Incompetano has hired at least 2 or 3 of these Islamic Turds into high level jobs in Home Security !!!!!

Want more, you ignorant fucking imbecile ? Obummer is initiating talks with the AVOWED ENEMY of America......the Muslim Brotherhhood.....the organization that permeates EVERY Terrorist Organization that has SWORN America to be their enemy !!!

All this is documented throughout my posts.......and not only on Page 2 of this thread, but the latter posts as well !!!

I am NOT a Christian. My God, if he exists, is the God of Einstein and Spinoza .....which is the Sum Total of all The Laws of the Universe. And, is NOT an Anthropomorphic God with petty pride, jealousy, and vindictiveness.

Praying to my God is like praying to a Lightening so it ain't gonna strike you. Unlike your prayers that result in the same statistical odds for positive results as praying to the nearest rock in your garden.

The only thing redeeming about you, as I see it, is that you are not going to vote for the MONUMENTAL FRAUD Obummer.

As far as you being a Christian.....I certainly don't hold that against you.....just as I wouldn't hold anything against anyone believing in Santa Clause and/or Unicorns.


I know...it IS hard for him to type coherently while hiding under his bed.
James in La La Land,

First, whether you referred to me, or no..... is immaterial. For example, I never referred to the Dalai Lama and that means a bag of turds as far as this issue is concerned.

Second, I merely pointed out my other well documented post on Page 2 of this thread in case you wanted to flesh out your minimal knowledge on this issue. And, why I stated is REALITY that the Muslim threat is as obvious that an apple is an apple and a chair is a chair, etc. And, I go into great details on that issue, which paraphrased, and the essentials underlined, are repeated on Page 8, 10, 11, 12 & 13......some of those posts more fleshed out than others. Not only for you......but for those interested in the issue.

So, if anything is "sad"..... it is your inane thinking process which is short of being that of a retarded 4 year old.

Who are for supporting the fucking Muslims, directly or indirectly ??? Practically all of the more LIEberrhoidal Dems like Sheila Jackson Lee who harangued and tried to obstruct Rep King's Muslim Investigation Committee, as well as that Muslim Congressman Kieth Ellison who was vociferous in his defense of the fucking Muslims.

Does that mean all of these Obamarrhoidal stooges defend Muslims AND attack Christians ????

Answer: OF COURSE NOT !!!

These MuslimArselickers ATTACK those who expose the Muslim Swine as the ENEMY WITHIN & WITHOUT of America ( and you can witness that on this USMB Board, as well as this thread) ..... but NOT concomitantly by attacking the Christians.

That is a fucking cheap political ploy you're using to obfuscate the Muslim issue by inextricably combining that with an attack on the Christians. You are definitely an arsehole for trying that cheap trick.

You say: "my "facts" come from (my) opinions, and emotions"......It is not just my opinion that Mohammed is a fucking PSYCHO. It is a Historically Documented fact that this fucking Monster is a MASS MURDERER, THIEF, RAPIST & PEDOPHILIC RAPIST !!!

NO ONE IS DENYING THAT "FACT", not even the Muslim Swine, or the other more knowledgeable Muslim Arselkickers. You have to be one of the MOST IGNORANT IDIOTS EXTANT IF YOU DON'T KNOW THAT.......especially since I stress that in every post about the Muslim Swine.

The EXACTLY SAME FACTUAL DATA applies to the fact that the PSYCHO MOHAMMED concocted his FIRST DICTUM, or INSTRUCTION that is clearly instructed by Mohammed to supercede any of his other instructions in the Qu'ran about conquering the World for Islam, "preferably by word, by SWORD (caps mine) if necessary !!!

For you to sit there like a fucking idiot denying that I provided you with enough evidence is beyond being PATHETICALLY PREPOSTEROUS !!!

In addition, you have been provided with an abundance of proof about Obummer's clearcutr instructions to appease the fucking Muslims by obfuscating our enemy....the fuckling Muslims with euphemisms like perpetrators of"man caused disasters" when referring to the Terrorist attacks by the Jihadists and instructing his Home Security Stooge Janet Incompetano to proclaim, on National TV, that the term of "WAR on TERROR" is outlawed, as well as the term "Jihadist".......Also, using CAIR, a Terrorist Front created by TWO CERTIFIED HAMAS TERRORISTS, as the "Moderate Voice of Islam" to TEACH our Govtal employees and even the MILITARY as to their "moderate point of view".

As is this wasn't enough, the fucking Home Security Stooge Incompetano has hired at least 2 or 3 of these Islamic Turds into high level jobs in Home Security !!!!!

Want more, you ignorant fucking imbecile ? Obummer is initiating talks with the AVOWED ENEMY of America......the Muslim Brotherhhood.....the organization that permeates EVERY Terrorist Organization that has SWORN America to be their enemy !!!

All this is documented throughout my posts.......and not only on Page 2 of this thread, but the latter posts as well !!!

I am NOT a Christian. My God, if he exists, is the God of Einstein and Spinoza .....which is the Sum Total of all The Laws of the Universe. And, is NOT an Anthropomorphic God with petty pride, jealousy, and vindictiveness.

Praying to my God is like praying to a Lightening so it ain't gonna strike you. Unlike your prayers that result in the same statistical odds for positive results as praying to the nearest rock in your garden.

The only thing redeeming about you, as I see it, is that you are not going to vote for the MONUMENTAL FRAUD Obummer.

As far as you being a Christian.....I certainly don't hold that against you.....just as I wouldn't hold anything against anyone believing in Santa Clause and/or Unicorns.


I know...it IS hard for him to type coherently while hiding under his bed.


I......HIDE ?!?!? You must be more delusional than I thought possible. Also, I type coherently enough for people to understand me.......the fact that you almost always disagree with me is clearly proof enough that whatever I state makes a Lezbo, dickless wonder, like you, wanna puke.

BTW, as the avowed "husband' in your "marriage" what colour dildoes do you prefer ?
Powell was one of the most respected men in America. That is why Bush used him to sell his bogus war. He was then thrown under the bus by the GOP

There is no comparison of Powells military career to McCain


True to form, your opinion as an Obamarrhoidal hack reflects your poor judgment and political psychosis.

The Colon climbed the ranks on the basis of PC, and Military Affirmative Action. There wasn't anything spectacular about him......unlike the generals of distinction like Rommel, Zhukov, Montgomery, Manstein, Patton, Omar Bradley, etc......

Colon exhibited just the average amount of bravery practically all of us combat vets were subjected to (but mostly unnoticed)......nothing remotely close to McCain in his incessant volunteering for dangerous missions, then his heroic stay at the Hanoi Hilton, when while being excruciatingly wounded and tortured refused to get repatriated home before his fellow POWs....all this, while being the son of the Admiral of the Fleet (Vietnam Theatre's Top Admiral) .... when McCain had all the opportunities to achieve promotions and a cushy job by just goiong thru the motions ........ something that we certainly don't know about The Colon whose "above average" bravery may very well have been simply motivated by his ambition.

You do such a fine job of representing your side of the political spectrum

keep posting

Thanks, I will.

Hopefully, I am making a dent in your political psychosis.

And, G'luck to ya.
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I know...it IS hard for him to type coherently while hiding under his bed.


I......HIDE ?!?!? You must be more delusional than I thought possible. Also, I type coherently enough for people to understand me.......the fact that you almost always disagree with me is clearly proof enough that whatever I state makes a Lezbo, dickless wonder, like you, wanna puke.

BTW, as the avowed "husband' in your "marriage" what colour dildoes do you prefer ?

Ah....bringing family into a discussion that was nothing to do with family. That's how you operate while hiding under that bed....can't type, and can't follow common decency. That's you all over.

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