He's buff...he's the stuff...and Cobb County can't get enough. Former WCW/WWE wrestler, Marcus "Buff" Bagwell, arrested with vehicular-related charges

He's been on a non-stop downhill spiral since about 1999-2000. Prior to this, he was arrested for prostitution charges, DUI and drug charges. He and Scott Steiner were an awesome tag team back in the day.
here's a vid where Steve Austin and Kurt Angle help Buff beat up Booker T, then they beat up Buff himself

Buff got cuffed and stuffed...in the back of a police car

Buff was done wrong by WWE . Its sad to see him struggle. He was a key figure in the NWO
Bagwell erupts, curses repeatedly at Jim Ross here: "you ruined my career, you cocksucking fat piece of shit"

over here, Buff brags about holding his own in a pose down with "the biggest freak in the business" Scott Steiner

just like corporate media, wrestling is fucking fake, dudes. you can just tell!
"if my buddies were the bookers, i would have been 16 time world champion" - Scott Steiner

what a bod! what a bod!

Cobb County Georgia is a tough place to get pinched with fellows like Big Bubba serving as prison guards there.

Mr. Bagwell is at least tough enough to stand up to the abuse.

I remember when Nailz was released from jail in Cobb County and came looking for Bubba.
Buff seems in good spirits in this pod with Steve Austin, talks about shooting his dad, being a stripper, and his 60-1 career as an amateur boxer, among many other things

here's a vid where Steve Austin and Kurt Angle help Buff beat up Booker T, then they beat up Buff himself

My thoughts on Buff "The Stuff" Bagwell
- Great look, average in-ring performer. Deserved to be given a shot at a top spot.
- He was set up to fail in his short SHORT WWE "run".
"Sad news, Buff Bagwell’s mom, Judy Bagwell has passed away. You might know her best in her appearances in WCW during the Scott Steiner/Buff feud in 98, and the Judy on a Forklift match in 2000! So many fun memories for wrestling fans. RIP former WCW tag champion Judy Bagwell"


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