He’s The Same Candidate You Loved Four Years Ago


Diamond Member
Jul 15, 2016

He’s The Same Candidate You Loved Four Years Ago

The adoration and blind loyalty of the impeached president trump’s devoted fanatics has never wavered, regardless of his obvious lies and incompetence. For them, the belief he can do no wrong is eternal.

In 2016, disappointed by eight years of a growing economy during President Obama’s two terms, which were scandal-free (except for contrivances by congressional Republicans), centrists were convinced the sun shone out the candidate trump’s a$$. Like the impeached president trump’s devoted fanatics, centrists who voted for him in 2016 have continued to believe he could do nothing wrong, regardless of his obvious lies and incompetence. The centrists’ loyalty to the impeached president trump remained strong throughout the Mueller investigation and the convictions of the impeached president trump’s swamp rats (too many to list here). The centrists’ loyalty endured even though children were dying, unattended, in ICE detention camps, and throughout the House impeachment proceedings and the sham trial orchestrated by Moscow Mitch and Chief Justice John Roberts where the impeached president trump was “acquitted”.

After everything mentioned above, and during three years of racist, bigoted, homophobic, xenophobic, misogynistic, pro-Nazi hate speech spewed by the impeached president trump, centrists held fast to their faith that he was the best POTUS ever. But, in a matter of a few short weeks, now, centrists feel he hasn’t lived up to their expectations? He’s the same candidate they loved four years ago. His campaign and presidency have proven his singular ability to win voters is to exploit their racist proclivities. In that effort, no one does it better.

The impeached president trump, has, indeed, been everything progressives expected, an incompetent, corrupt, Nazi-loving racist. But unlike centrists, progressives knew it before he announced he would run for the highest office, before he was the star of a “reality” show, before he was an inept casino owner...

Yes, centrists are finally opening their eyes to the truth about the impeached president trump. Unfortunately, centrists’ votes made Biden the Democrats’ presidential nominee, and their plan now is to drive more nails into the nation’s coffin by electing Status Quo Joe POTUS.

There Is No Plan. There Is No Second-Term Agenda.


He’s The Same Candidate You Loved Four Years Ago

The adoration and blind loyalty of the impeached president trump’s devoted fanatics has never wavered, regardless of his obvious lies and incompetence. For them, the belief he can do no wrong is eternal.

In 2016, disappointed by eight years of a growing economy during President Obama’s two terms, which were scandal-free (except for contrivances by congressional Republicans), centrists were convinced the sun shone out the candidate trump’s a$$. Like the impeached president trump’s devoted fanatics, centrists who voted for him in 2016 have continued to believe he could do nothing wrong, regardless of his obvious lies and incompetence. The centrists’ loyalty to the impeached president trump remained strong throughout the Mueller investigation and the convictions of the impeached president trump’s swamp rats (too many to list here). The centrists’ loyalty endured even though children were dying, unattended, in ICE detention camps, and throughout the House impeachment proceedings and the sham trial orchestrated by Moscow Mitch and Chief Justice John Roberts where the impeached president trump was “acquitted”.

After everything mentioned above, and during three years of racist, bigoted, homophobic, xenophobic, misogynistic, pro-Nazi hate speech spewed by the impeached president trump, centrists held fast to their faith that he was the best POTUS ever. But, in a matter of a few short weeks, now, centrists feel he hasn’t lived up to their expectations? He’s the same candidate they loved four years ago. His campaign and presidency have proven his singular ability to win voters is to exploit their racist proclivities. In that effort, no one does it better.

The impeached president trump, has, indeed, been everything progressives expected, an incompetent, corrupt, Nazi-loving racist. But unlike centrists, progressives knew it before he announced he would run for the highest office, before he was the star of a “reality” show, before he was an inept casino owner...

Yes, centrists are finally opening their eyes to the truth about the impeached president trump. Unfortunately, centrists’ votes made Biden the Democrats’ presidential nominee, and their plan now is to drive more nails into the nation’s coffin by electing Status Quo Joe POTUS.

There Is No Plan. There Is No Second-Term Agenda.


Under Trump, the Middle Class keeps more of its earnings. Obama’s 8 years was a stagnant economy caused by priorities that did not appeal to markets for expansion and sustained growth. That did not happen until Trump.

He’s The Same Candidate You Loved Four Years Ago

The adoration and blind loyalty of the impeached president trump’s devoted fanatics has never wavered, regardless of his obvious lies and incompetence. For them, the belief he can do no wrong is eternal.

In 2016, disappointed by eight years of a growing economy during President Obama’s two terms, which were scandal-free (except for contrivances by congressional Republicans), centrists were convinced the sun shone out the candidate trump’s a$$. Like the impeached president trump’s devoted fanatics, centrists who voted for him in 2016 have continued to believe he could do nothing wrong, regardless of his obvious lies and incompetence. The centrists’ loyalty to the impeached president trump remained strong throughout the Mueller investigation and the convictions of the impeached president trump’s swamp rats (too many to list here). The centrists’ loyalty endured even though children were dying, unattended, in ICE detention camps, and throughout the House impeachment proceedings and the sham trial orchestrated by Moscow Mitch and Chief Justice John Roberts where the impeached president trump was “acquitted”.

After everything mentioned above, and during three years of racist, bigoted, homophobic, xenophobic, misogynistic, pro-Nazi hate speech spewed by the impeached president trump, centrists held fast to their faith that he was the best POTUS ever. But, in a matter of a few short weeks, now, centrists feel he hasn’t lived up to their expectations? He’s the same candidate they loved four years ago. His campaign and presidency have proven his singular ability to win voters is to exploit their racist proclivities. In that effort, no one does it better.

The impeached president trump, has, indeed, been everything progressives expected, an incompetent, corrupt, Nazi-loving racist. But unlike centrists, progressives knew it before he announced he would run for the highest office, before he was the star of a “reality” show, before he was an inept casino owner...

Yes, centrists are finally opening their eyes to the truth about the impeached president trump. Unfortunately, centrists’ votes made Biden the Democrats’ presidential nominee, and their plan now is to drive more nails into the nation’s coffin by electing Status Quo Joe POTUS.

There Is No Plan. There Is No Second-Term Agenda.

Wow, this entire thing is a total lie.
Quid Pro Joe said he cancelling my tax cuts. He'll just have to stick Hunter on a few more foreign Boards.

Between the coming indictments and the MOAB advertisements, this campaign will be one of the most uplifting in my lifetime!!

Your total ignorance is nearly perfect and pristine. Its an achievement one simply can't believe!!

FYI second term agenda is to support traditional American values and resist Democrats Marxist revolution the elements of which are listed below:

Reparations for Blacks and Indians, the treasonous Green New Deal, defund the police, defund ice, open the borders to all, provide free healthcare and education to all, raise taxes on business to drive more jobs off shore, empty the prisons, riot/loot, pamper blacks when they are killed by police less often than white, support Marxist BLM, Hispanic nationalism, 16 year olds and prisoners voting, continued attack on family, schools, and religion, more support for deaths of despair, support for MMT( magic money tree economics).

money tree economics.

He’s The Same Candidate You Loved Four Years Ago

The adoration and blind loyalty of the impeached president trump’s devoted fanatics has never wavered, regardless of his obvious lies and incompetence. For them, the belief he can do no wrong is eternal.

In 2016, disappointed by eight years of a growing economy during President Obama’s two terms, .....


I got to here and was done with your idiocy.

Trump was the best choice available then, and he is better than Biden this time around.

Your hysteria is just you being having a hissy fit.

He’s The Same Candidate You Loved Four Years Ago

The adoration and blind loyalty of the impeached president trump’s devoted fanatics has never wavered, regardless of his obvious lies and incompetence. For them, the belief he can do no wrong is eternal.

In 2016, disappointed by eight years of a growing economy during President Obama’s two terms, which were scandal-free (except for contrivances by congressional Republicans), centrists were convinced the sun shone out the candidate trump’s a$$. Like the impeached president trump’s devoted fanatics, centrists who voted for him in 2016 have continued to believe he could do nothing wrong, regardless of his obvious lies and incompetence. The centrists’ loyalty to the impeached president trump remained strong throughout the Mueller investigation and the convictions of the impeached president trump’s swamp rats (too many to list here). The centrists’ loyalty endured even though children were dying, unattended, in ICE detention camps, and throughout the House impeachment proceedings and the sham trial orchestrated by Moscow Mitch and Chief Justice John Roberts where the impeached president trump was “acquitted”.

After everything mentioned above, and during three years of racist, bigoted, homophobic, xenophobic, misogynistic, pro-Nazi hate speech spewed by the impeached president trump, centrists held fast to their faith that he was the best POTUS ever. But, in a matter of a few short weeks, now, centrists feel he hasn’t lived up to their expectations? He’s the same candidate they loved four years ago. His campaign and presidency have proven his singular ability to win voters is to exploit their racist proclivities. In that effort, no one does it better.

The impeached president trump, has, indeed, been everything progressives expected, an incompetent, corrupt, Nazi-loving racist. But unlike centrists, progressives knew it before he announced he would run for the highest office, before he was the star of a “reality” show, before he was an inept casino owner...

Yes, centrists are finally opening their eyes to the truth about the impeached president trump. Unfortunately, centrists’ votes made Biden the Democrats’ presidential nominee, and their plan now is to drive more nails into the nation’s coffin by electing Status Quo Joe POTUS.

There Is No Plan. There Is No Second-Term Agenda.


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FYI second term agenda is to support traditional American values and resist Democrats Marxist revolution the elements of which are listed below:
Trump's "second term" will be spent in courtrooms and prisons

Too much winning?

Trump's incredibly loyal base is turning into a 2020 liability for Republicans

"No president in our lifetime has enjoyed a more mesmerizing, seemingly unbendable hold on his political base than Donald Trump.

"He shifts their views on big topics like the FBI or Vladimir Putin and retains their support regardless of what he says or does.

"Why it matters: This connection is turning fast into a liability for Trump and the entire GOP because the president and his mostly white, mostly male base are on the opposite side of most Americans on the epic topics of our day — wearing masks, combating the coronavirus, and condemning racial inequality and police brutality.

  • "They are now basically egging each other on."
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These are the broad issues behind why Trump and the Republicans are losing big. (I'm not talking about demographic trends or personal issues.)

1. Trump pooched COVID-19 hard.
2. A strong majority of the US population supports the BLM movement.
3. The US population likes ObamaCare.
4. The economy is tanking.
5. Trump ignored the Russian bounties on US military people, and then lied about it.

That's what Trump needs to address. More hate-rallies and namecalling won't help him here. He's not going to broaden his base that way.
Trump was a vote against the corporate establishment. HRC was everything wrong with status quo politics.

Donald Trump was the “antiestablishment” talk show host who was the shiny new toy on the political scene.

The last four years demonstrated that electing the latter was a failure.
Trump was a vote against the corporate establishment. HRC was everything wrong with status quo politics.

Donald Trump was the “antiestablishment” talk show host who was the shiny new toy on the political scene.

The last four years demonstrated that electing the latter was a failure.
And the Benghazi Bitch would've been better? Please. You're exposing yourself more and more as a hard core Leftist loon, just like the rest of them. "Conservative" my ass. Moderates make me puke.
Trump was a vote against the corporate establishment. HRC was everything wrong with status quo politics.

Donald Trump was the “antiestablishment” talk show host who was the shiny new toy on the political scene.

The last four years demonstrated that electing the latter was a failure.
And the Benghazi Bitch would've been better? Please. You're exposing yourself more and more as a hard core Leftist loon, just like the rest of them. "Conservative" my ass. Moderates make me puke.

Maybe if the President tried to bring to country together instead of fomenting tribalism, he would have gotten more support.

Speaking like a demagogue isn’t conservative, its authoritarian. Thanks to this administration, reactionaries and racists are now mainstream.
Trump was a vote against the corporate establishment. HRC was everything wrong with status quo politics.

Donald Trump was the “antiestablishment” talk show host who was the shiny new toy on the political scene.

The last four years demonstrated that electing the latter was a failure.
And the Benghazi Bitch would've been better? Please. You're exposing yourself more and more as a hard core Leftist loon, just like the rest of them. "Conservative" my ass. Moderates make me puke.

Maybe if the President tried to bring to country together instead of fomenting tribalism, he would have gotten more support.

Speaking like a demagogue isn’t conservative, its authoritarian. Thanks to this administration, reactionaries and racists are now mainstream.

Bringing the country together as democrats as intent on destroying it?

If you believe that the greatest president Trump will let you go through with the plan - or Americans for that matter, you are sadly mistaken. We will not give an inch to America haters, you belong elsewhere.
Maybe if the President tried to bring to country together instead of fomenting tribalism, he would have gotten more support.

How, Democrats refused to even accept that he won the election. They have attacked the man 24/7 since before he was even sworn into office.

Yeah, he actually believes president Trump will hug the Lucifer.

President Trump will defeat the Lucifer, with help of Americans.
Trump was a vote against the corporate establishment. HRC was everything wrong with status quo politics.

Donald Trump was the “antiestablishment” talk show host who was the shiny new toy on the political scene.

The last four years demonstrated that electing the latter was a failure.
And the Benghazi Bitch would've been better? Please. You're exposing yourself more and more as a hard core Leftist loon, just like the rest of them. "Conservative" my ass. Moderates make me puke.

Maybe if the President tried to bring to country together instead of fomenting tribalism, he would have gotten more support.

Speaking like a demagogue isn’t conservative, its authoritarian. Thanks to this administration, reactionaries and racists are now mainstream.

Bringing the country together as democrats as intent on destroying it?

If you believe that the greatest president Trump will let you go through with the plan - or Americans for that matter, you are sadly mistaken. We will not give an inch to America haters, you belong elsewhere.

We don't befriend Dem traitors we defeat them.
Maybe if the President tried to bring to country together instead of fomenting tribalism, he would have gotten more support.

How, Democrats refused to even accept that he won the election. They have attacked the man 24/7 since before he was even sworn into office.

As the nations leader it was his responsibility to be above the partisan diatribes. Anyone can get in the mud and wrestle. No President should speak like a shock jock.

He’s The Same Candidate You Loved Four Years Ago

The adoration and blind loyalty of the impeached president trump’s devoted fanatics has never wavered, regardless of his obvious lies and incompetence. For them, the belief he can do no wrong is eternal.

In 2016, disappointed by eight years of a growing economy during President Obama’s two terms, which were scandal-free (except for contrivances by congressional Republicans), centrists were convinced the sun shone out the candidate trump’s a$$. Like the impeached president trump’s devoted fanatics, centrists who voted for him in 2016 have continued to believe he could do nothing wrong, regardless of his obvious lies and incompetence. The centrists’ loyalty to the impeached president trump remained strong throughout the Mueller investigation and the convictions of the impeached president trump’s swamp rats (too many to list here). The centrists’ loyalty endured even though children were dying, unattended, in ICE detention camps, and throughout the House impeachment proceedings and the sham trial orchestrated by Moscow Mitch and Chief Justice John Roberts where the impeached president trump was “acquitted”.

After everything mentioned above, and during three years of racist, bigoted, homophobic, xenophobic, misogynistic, pro-Nazi hate speech spewed by the impeached president trump, centrists held fast to their faith that he was the best POTUS ever. But, in a matter of a few short weeks, now, centrists feel he hasn’t lived up to their expectations? He’s the same candidate they loved four years ago. His campaign and presidency have proven his singular ability to win voters is to exploit their racist proclivities. In that effort, no one does it better.

The impeached president trump, has, indeed, been everything progressives expected, an incompetent, corrupt, Nazi-loving racist. But unlike centrists, progressives knew it before he announced he would run for the highest office, before he was the star of a “reality” show, before he was an inept casino owner...

Yes, centrists are finally opening their eyes to the truth about the impeached president trump. Unfortunately, centrists’ votes made Biden the Democrats’ presidential nominee, and their plan now is to drive more nails into the nation’s coffin by electing Status Quo Joe POTUS.

There Is No Plan. There Is No Second-Term Agenda.


You fuckers don't have a clue.

And your fairy tales are the things laughing fits are made of.

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