Hey Nancy, Actions Do Have Consequences


Diamond Member
Mar 3, 2013
Right coast, classified
It's not fair. But it's fair to claim Trump said "There are good Nazis and bad Nazis".
Dems demand Twitter, Facebook take down edited video of Pelosi ripping up State of the Union speech posted by Trump

So the Speaker behaved like a petty quibbling child experiencing a temper tantrum…go to your room sit in the corner and reflect on your ridiculous behaviour.

Wah, wah, wah, … I was caught on camera behaving stupidly for posterity…take it down, take it down, pout, whine wail.

Here’s a thought…try acting like an adult and apologize for behaving stupidly.

It was inappropriate to humiliate the President by this anti-Trump creep and perpetrator of poop left ok on the streets of San Francisco. It's a bunch of human crap in a pretty package.
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Nancy Pelosi is one of the most despicable politicians in our nations history....
Why do they keeep saying it was edited?
Because it's just another Democrat hallmark to lie multiple times through 500 television stations, newspapers, and other DNC surrogates posing as "journalism" <cough, cough>. A lie repeated over and over becomes a legend, and the DNC furnishes America with all kinds of "legends" that are untrue, under the table, and "points" that would win naive people over to their corruptions, making it seem like the Good Ship Lollipop, when actually, it is the Swamp Schooner.
one day rw's are livid about how foolish the trump impeachment is - the next they are livid about tearing up pieces of paper, but that isnt foolish.

F'n simpleton, morons.


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