High School Classmate Of Barry Soetoro Recalls Him As Cocaine Addicted Liar


Diamond Member
Sep 21, 2012
Sin City
This should drive the Obumbler sycophants up a tree!

” On the Manning Report, Dr. James David Manning interviews Mia Pope, a former high school acquaintance of B. Hussein Obama, whom she knew as Barry Soetoro. She said she was not really friends with Barry, nobody really was, that he liar who used people.

Mia was born in 1963 in California, but moved to Hawaii as an infant. She met Barry Soetoro in 1977 at the age of 13 or 14. They were both members of a group that just hung out at the beach in Waikiki. She knew him as a foreign student and never gave it much thought. She was surprised years later when he reemerged under a different name as a candidate for president.

She details how it was very well known that Barry was not into girls and his membership in the gay community, particularly around Diamond Head. Barry never exhibited any interest in women, she says, everybody knew he was strictly into men.

According to Pope, Soetoro had a serious cocaine habit and the source of his cocaine was the white men that he had relations with. “

Where was all this BEFORE the election? Read more @ High School Classmate Of Barry Soetoro Recalls Him As Cocaine Addicted Liar | YouViewed/Editorial And the first comment to the blog was, “What's in it for her?” So, what's wrong with telling the truth?

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This should drive the Obumbler sycophants up a tree!

” On the Manning Report, Dr. James David Manning interviews Mia Pope, a former high school acquaintance of B. Hussein Obama, whom she knew as Barry Soetoro. She said she was not really friends with Barry, nobody really was, that he liar who used people.

Mia was born in 1963 in California, but moved to Hawaii as an infant. She met Barry Soetoro in 1977 at the age of 13 or 14. They were both members of a group that just hung out at the beach in Waikiki. She knew him as a foreign student and never gave it much thought. She was surprised years later when he reemerged under a different name as a candidate for president.

She details how it was very well known that Barry was not into girls and his membership in the gay community, particularly around Diamond Head. Barry never exhibited any interest in women, she says, everybody knew he was strictly into men.

According to Pope, Soetoro had a serious cocaine habit and the source of his cocaine was the white men that he had relations with. “

Where was all this BEFORE the election? Read more @ High School Classmate Of Barry Soetoro Recalls Him As Cocaine Addicted Liar | YouViewed/Editorial And the first comment to the blog was, “What's in it for her?” So, what's wrong with telling the truth?


It's true. I heard that Obama was also a ________________________________________________________________________________ (fill in stupid, baseless, accusation here.)
this should drive the obumbler sycophants up a tree!

” on the manning report, dr. James david manning interviews mia pope, a former high school acquaintance of b. Hussein obama, whom she knew as barry soetoro. She said she was not really friends with barry, nobody really was, that he liar who used people.

Mia was born in 1963 in california, but moved to hawaii as an infant. She met barry soetoro in 1977 at the age of 13 or 14. They were both members of a group that just hung out at the beach in waikiki. She knew him as a foreign student and never gave it much thought. She was surprised years later when he reemerged under a different name as a candidate for president.

She details how it was very well known that barry was not into girls and his membership in the gay community, particularly around diamond head. Barry never exhibited any interest in women, she says, everybody knew he was strictly into men.

According to pope, soetoro had a serious cocaine habit and the source of his cocaine was the white men that he had relations with. “

where was all this before the election? Read more @ high school classmate of barry soetoro recalls him as cocaine addicted liar | youviewed/editorial and the first comment to the blog was, “what's in it for her?” so, what's wrong with telling the truth?


it's true. I heard that obama was also a maniacal lyer_______________________________________________________________________ (fill in stupid, baseless, accusation here.)

A switch hitter, a commie, a liar, a Manchurian candidate, son of a whore, and now this lovely gem! Maybe next Friday we'll discover he killed Kennedy from the grassy knoll with his red rider BB gun! That would be super cool.
A switch hitter, a commie, a liar, a Manchurian candidate, son of a whore, and now this lovely gem! Maybe next Friday we'll discover he killed Kennedy from the grassy knoll with his red rider BB gun! That would be super cool.

I shot kennedy I was only 13 But I was a hell of shot even back then.:lol:
Hey rw nutters - Here's a new lie for you ...


I don't think I've heard that one so I give it to you. You can put it in all your lying emails and all your lying posts.

That's okay, don't thank me. I'm just really tired of your old lame ass lies and I'm happy to give you a new lame ass lie.
Hey rw nutters - Here's a new lie for you ...


I don't think I've heard that one so I give it to you. You can put it in all your lying emails and all your lying posts.

That's okay, don't thank me. I'm just really tired of your old lame ass lies and I'm happy to give you a new lame ass lie.

...lives in alternate universe.

Go on championing a lost cause. 'Cause your cause has no claws.

YOU are living a lie. And that lie is Obama and his Democrap stooges
We covered this garbage already in another thread. It was fun.

Too bad you missed it.
Too bad. Give us a hint though - what was the outcome? False accusations?

The usual....

"This is crap"

"No, I read it on the Interwebz!"

"Any proof?"

"Some girl said..."

"Wow, buck up a minute"

"She called in to a show on the phone."

"What? Are you serious? How do you know it...."

"It was her, she called him Barry Soetoro, that was his name back then."

"He didn't use Soetoro then, Just Barry."

"That's not what she said"

"Maybe she was lying? Why doesn’t anyone else remember this, sounds kind of hard to forget?"

"Shut up ... commie."

"I'm a commie? Why, because this sounds preposterous?"

"You defended him."

"Only from misinformation, I don't know if...."

"See, you're a water-boy and an apologist."

"Right. Got to go..."

^^^^ Does that sound familiar?

Sounds just like every other stupid scandal. I could do this in my sleep by now.
Maybe that's why he won't disclose his college transcripts - that and they would show The Blamer as foreign exchange student Barry Soetoro.
I've seen my college transcripts, and they sure don't say my nationality on them. They say my name, ID, college, major, a bunch of classes with credits/grades, and a summary on the bottom saying total credits earned and cumulative GPA.

Why do you think his transcripts would say where he was born or his nationality? Is that particular to Columbia transcripts or are mine the exception and everyone else has this information on it?
Interesting Obama is reported as playing for the other team, and not just in politics.

I guess his mom left him the excess cartons of anal ease :lol:


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