Hilarious, Republicans ask Corporations, "What should we do next?"

Bush created jobs in the USA faster than they moved to China.

That ended in 2007, when Democrats controlled Congress.

I sorry, I missed that link. What? It doesn't exist?

Thought so.

Unemployement was declining until Democrats controlled Congress?

Need that chart again, moron?

Senate during the last two years of the Bush administration.

Democrats - 49

Republicans - 49

Two independents, one of which endorsed John McCain.

Ahh, the control. So much control. Democrats could do ANYTHING!
Twitter from Darrall Issa:

CONTINUED INITIAL OVERSIGHT INVESTIGATIONS LINEUP: Wikileaks, the safety of American food/medicine and effectiveness of @FDArecalls...

Twitter / Darrell Issa: CONTINUED INITIAL OVERSIGH ...

He is asking this the day before Obama signs, "The FDA Food Safety Modernization Act" into law. Republicans want to "investigate" why we should GIVE the FDA the power to actually order a "recall" instead of "recommending" one. Could it be because China sends us "poison food"? Or because poison food kills thousands of Americans? I guess it's better to "wait", just to be "sure".

Oh but the hilarity doesn't stop. Oh no it doesn't.

Rep. Darrell Issa (R-Calif.) wants the oil industry, drug manufacturers and other trade groups and companies to tell him which Obama administration regulations to target this year.

So who is Darrell Issa? None other than the next chairman of the House Oversight and Government Reform Committee. And the guy is asking "business" how it wants Obama "investigated"?

Darrell Issa asks business: Tell me what to change


Darrell Issa Asks Businesses Which Regulations Should be Killed

Republican Rep. Darrell Issa, who will lead the House Oversight and Government Reform Committee, sent a letter to more than 150 companies and other organizations asking them to identify regulations that they would like to see eliminated.

Darrell Issa posts - Political Hotsheet - CBS News

So who voted Republicans into office? Corporations or People? Oh wait, according to Republicans, "Corporations ARE people". Sorry, forgot.

so you support job killing regulations.

Guess it's true, liberals don't give a fuck about the unemployed.

color me shocked

Yeah, those regulations unfortunately protect your sorry ass as well. Why don't you go spend a year down Mexico way and get a handle on how fucking stupid you are.

Will the US look like Mexico without Cap and Tax?
I sorry, I missed that link. What? It doesn't exist?

Thought so.

Unemployement was declining until Democrats controlled Congress?

Need that chart again, moron?

Senate during the last two years of the Bush administration.

Democrats - 49

Republicans - 49

Two independents, one of which endorsed John McCain.

Ahh, the control. So much control. Democrats could do ANYTHING!

What year did Democrats control Congress?
Who have democrats been asking? George Soros? Hugo Chavez? Bill Ayers? No wonder they ain't got a clue about the economy.
Twitter from Darrall Issa:

CONTINUED INITIAL OVERSIGHT INVESTIGATIONS LINEUP: Wikileaks, the safety of American food/medicine and effectiveness of @FDArecalls...

Twitter / Darrell Issa: CONTINUED INITIAL OVERSIGH ...

He is asking this the day before Obama signs, "The FDA Food Safety Modernization Act" into law. Republicans want to "investigate" why we should GIVE the FDA the power to actually order a "recall" instead of "recommending" one. Could it be because China sends us "poison food"? Or because poison food kills thousands of Americans? I guess it's better to "wait", just to be "sure".

Oh but the hilarity doesn't stop. Oh no it doesn't.

Rep. Darrell Issa (R-Calif.) wants the oil industry, drug manufacturers and other trade groups and companies to tell him which Obama administration regulations to target this year.

So who is Darrell Issa? None other than the next chairman of the House Oversight and Government Reform Committee. And the guy is asking "business" how it wants Obama "investigated"?

Darrell Issa asks business: Tell me what to change


Darrell Issa Asks Businesses Which Regulations Should be Killed

Republican Rep. Darrell Issa, who will lead the House Oversight and Government Reform Committee, sent a letter to more than 150 companies and other organizations asking them to identify regulations that they would like to see eliminated.

Darrell Issa posts - Political Hotsheet - CBS News

So who voted Republicans into office? Corporations or People? Oh wait, according to Republicans, "Corporations ARE people". Sorry, forgot.

so you support job killing regulations.

Guess it's true, liberals don't give a fuck about the unemployed.

color me shocked

Meanwhile, the greedy corporations who shed employees like noone's business after they make foolhearty business decisions, DO give a fuck about the unemployed? Color you stupid.

You mean the same corps that will hire people back if they can shed the biz killing regs?

color you fucking moron
Here you go.


You just proved what an idiot you are. The first eight months of every presidency the country runs on the budget of the previous president. The last day of Clinton's budget, unemployment was 4.9%. The last day of the Bush budget, unemployment was 10.1%. Why do you think Bush was panicking during his last months in office?

Republicans came from the "Bizarro World".

Bizarro Code - Supermanica
Bizarro Code
The supreme law of the Bizarros' home planet Htrae, as transcribed below:
Twitter from Darrall Issa:

CONTINUED INITIAL OVERSIGHT INVESTIGATIONS LINEUP: Wikileaks, the safety of American food/medicine and effectiveness of @FDArecalls...

Twitter / Darrell Issa: CONTINUED INITIAL OVERSIGH ...

He is asking this the day before Obama signs, "The FDA Food Safety Modernization Act" into law. Republicans want to "investigate" why we should GIVE the FDA the power to actually order a "recall" instead of "recommending" one. Could it be because China sends us "poison food"? Or because poison food kills thousands of Americans? I guess it's better to "wait", just to be "sure".

Oh but the hilarity doesn't stop. Oh no it doesn't.

Rep. Darrell Issa (R-Calif.) wants the oil industry, drug manufacturers and other trade groups and companies to tell him which Obama administration regulations to target this year.

So who is Darrell Issa? None other than the next chairman of the House Oversight and Government Reform Committee. And the guy is asking "business" how it wants Obama "investigated"?

Darrell Issa asks business: Tell me what to change


Darrell Issa Asks Businesses Which Regulations Should be Killed

Republican Rep. Darrell Issa, who will lead the House Oversight and Government Reform Committee, sent a letter to more than 150 companies and other organizations asking them to identify regulations that they would like to see eliminated.

Darrell Issa posts - Political Hotsheet - CBS News

So who voted Republicans into office? Corporations or People? Oh wait, according to Republicans, "Corporations ARE people". Sorry, forgot.

so you support job killing regulations.

Guess it's true, liberals don't give a fuck about the unemployed.

color me shocked

Yeah, those regulations unfortunately protect your sorry ass as well. Why don't you go spend a year down Mexico way and get a handle on how fucking stupid you are.

We have the safest food in the world, but we are going to pay billions more.
We have the best water, and water system I have ever seen, but we need to dump billions to make it better.

Don't be alert, we have all the lerts we need.
Why not ask the poeple who's business it is to make money? Who should they ask, Obama? Harry Reid? Van Jones?

C'mon MAN!
Here you go.


You just proved what an idiot you are. The first eight months of every presidency the country runs on the budget of the previous president. The last day of Clinton's budget, unemployment was 4.9%. The last day of the Bush budget, unemployment was 10.1%. Why do you think Bush was panicking during his last months in office?

Republicans came from the "Bizarro World".

Bizarro Code - Supermanica
Bizarro Code
The supreme law of the Bizarros' home planet Htrae, as transcribed below:


Good Lord.
What a concept. Investigating what regulations are keeping businesses from hiring people.

Republicans are so hilarious for actually getting information before acting. They need to start doing it the rdean way. Pass any regulation that comes to mind and then pretend you did it for the guy you just threw out of his job.
We learned a couple of things today. One thing is that the left seems to think everything is "hilarious". Maybe George Soros told them to use the word. The left is really angry. We had a total democrat majority in congress for four years and the left can't even wait for republicans to get sworn in before they pile on with hate speech and accusations. It's going to be a rocky two years.
Why hire when you don't know when government will kick you in the teeth next?

Speaking of which....the GOP controls the House now, where the hell are the jobs?

What a dumb question. You know Republicans will be much to busy investigating Obama to give a second thought about the "middle class". Besides, do we even want a "middle class"? Especially when we can have "corporation owners here and jobs in China". Perfect.

The reason it's a dumb question is because it's the first day of Congress.

Not surprised that you lost that in your fantasy world.
Speaking of which....the GOP controls the House now, where the hell are the jobs?

What a dumb question. You know Republicans will be much to busy investigating Obama to give a second thought about the "middle class". Besides, do we even want a "middle class"? Especially when we can have "corporation owners here and jobs in China". Perfect.

The reason it's a dumb question is because it's the first day of Congress.

Not surprised that you lost that in your fantasy world.

Sorry. Just applying to same logic the "right" did to Obama as soon as he took office.
Twitter from Darrall Issa:

CONTINUED INITIAL OVERSIGHT INVESTIGATIONS LINEUP: Wikileaks, the safety of American food/medicine and effectiveness of @FDArecalls...

Twitter / Darrell Issa: CONTINUED INITIAL OVERSIGH ...

He is asking this the day before Obama signs, "The FDA Food Safety Modernization Act" into law. Republicans want to "investigate" why we should GIVE the FDA the power to actually order a "recall" instead of "recommending" one. Could it be because China sends us "poison food"? Or because poison food kills thousands of Americans? I guess it's better to "wait", just to be "sure".

Oh but the hilarity doesn't stop. Oh no it doesn't.

Rep. Darrell Issa (R-Calif.) wants the oil industry, drug manufacturers and other trade groups and companies to tell him which Obama administration regulations to target this year.

So who is Darrell Issa? None other than the next chairman of the House Oversight and Government Reform Committee. And the guy is asking "business" how it wants Obama "investigated"?

Darrell Issa asks business: Tell me what to change


Darrell Issa Asks Businesses Which Regulations Should be Killed

Republican Rep. Darrell Issa, who will lead the House Oversight and Government Reform Committee, sent a letter to more than 150 companies and other organizations asking them to identify regulations that they would like to see eliminated.

Darrell Issa posts - Political Hotsheet - CBS News

So who voted Republicans into office? Corporations or People? Oh wait, according to Republicans, "Corporations ARE people". Sorry, forgot.

Meanwhile President Obama, who promised to rid His Administration of Lobbyists Hired over 40 to run our Government.
We are criticizing a politician for consulting with businesses as it pertains to legislative decisions that need to be made regarding businesses?

Why? Do we not see that as the best way to make an educated decision?

Call me nuts, but I will consult with an HVAC specialist as it pertains to my need for a new heating system. Does not mean I will follow such advice, but certianly I will take it into consideration.

I would consiult with a doctor as it pertains to a medical concern. Does not mean I will follow such advice, but certianly I will take it into consideration.

I would consult with an attorney as it pertains to a legal matter. Does not mean I will follow such advice, but certianly I will take it into consideration.

LMAO...and you think it wiser to consult with who....unions perhaps...as it pertains to business decisions?
We are criticizing a politician for consulting with businesses as it pertains to legislative decisions that need to be made regarding businesses?

Why? Do we not see that as the best way to make an educated decision?

Call me nuts, but I will consult with an HVAC specialist as it pertains to my need for a new heating system. Does not mean I will follow such advice, but certianly I will take it into consideration.

I would consiult with a doctor as it pertains to a medical concern. Does not mean I will follow such advice, but certianly I will take it into consideration.

I would consult with an attorney as it pertains to a legal matter. Does not mean I will follow such advice, but certianly I will take it into consideration.

LMAO...and you think it wiser to consult with who....unions perhaps...as it pertains to business decisions?

The ENTIRE defense of Obama hiring so many Lobbyists after promising not to was because they know the Government and legislative methods.
Why hire when you don't know when government will kick you in the teeth next?

I think you actually get more idiotic with every post.

I don't think he realized how difficult arguing with the facts can be, against people who know them.

Actually, putting aside his use of words, he is 100% correct. Why hire if there is a chance that legtislation is around the corner that would give you reason to lay-off?

Smart business planning is usually done anywahere from as little to 2 to as many as 6 quarters in advance. To hire an individual has many costs associated with it...not limited to just payroll....space, insurances (liability) machinery (if production related), etc.....It is poor business planning to hire if you are not completely familiar with whether or not you can afford to keep the employee beyond a certain date.

You should first understand business planning and forecasting before criticizing those that do.
Yeah, how stupid of Issa. Rather than finding out what regulations are causing businesses the most problems and then prioritizing an effective agenda he should just go off half-cocked in a willy-nilly manner.

Some of you clowns are awfully entertaining.

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