Hildabeast is certifiable...

Are the Guardian Angels technically what we'd refer to as a gang though?
What is a gang, but a group of like-minded people? They're not-a-gang, if you only adhere to the negative connotation of the word

Well you have a point. I think if we're talking about ex-gang members, in a group, going around talking to teenagers who are in environments where they might fall in with a street gang, and the ex-gang members telling them what happens when you do, then this is a good thing.
If gang is used to define any group of like minded individuals then the word is useless since we'd all be gang members. Trump would have been crucified for saying something that stupid.

I think everyone would agree that too many young lives are wasted in Gang Culture. I blame a lot of this on Rap Music, especially Gangsta Rap. This is where teenagers get to think being in a gang is exciting and somewhat seductive, yes it's so exciting and seductive it often leads to the cemetery.

Teenagers need positive role models and also to be shown positive goals, they can be saved, but they need help to be shown the way. I think a Mentor System would be a very good programme.

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