Hillary Asked For More Security in Benghazi, Obama Said No

I wish these other news stations had some honor to add some more research into this.
This whole scenario reminds me of Rambo First Blood pt 2. Ditching a guy under fire. "Murdock I'm coming to get you." LOL
For once I have to agree with bill...Hilary needs to stop falling on the sword for Obama. He demands everyone fall on it for him doesnt matter who you are. People may never know the tyrant behavior he strangled his team with and crippled the united states as a result yet ran his admin like a nazi.
Fox's source is The Blaze?
What happened to responsible reporting?
And hasn't this author lied about Hillary before? With people from the right and left dismissing his lies?

What the fuck is wrong with Fox News?
And hasn't this author lied about Hillary before? With people from the right and left dismissing his lies?

What the fuck is wrong with Fox News?

The real question is,

"What the FUCK is wrong with you stinking Zombies, who when after KNOWING 4 Americans were LEFT to die, post this kind of VOMIT?!"

You're a fucking disgrace.
“I think Governor Romney maybe hasn’t spent enough time looking at how our military works,” Obama said. “You mentioned the Navy, for example, and that we have fewer ships than we did in 1916. Well, Governor, we also have fewer horses and bayonets (laughter) because the nature of our military’s changed. We have these things called aircraft carriers where planes land on them. We have these ships that go underwater, nuclear submarines."

"And so the question is not a game of Battleship where we’re counting ships, it’s – it’s what are our capabilities. And so when I sit down with the Secretary of the Navy and the Joint Chiefs of Staff," President Obama continued, "We determine how are we going to best able to meet all of our defense needs in a way that also keeps faith with our troops, that also makes sure our veterans have the kind of support that they need when they come home. And that is not reflected in the kind of budget you’re putting forward, because it just don’t work.”
And hasn't this author lied about Hillary before? With people from the right and left dismissing his lies?

What the fuck is wrong with Fox News?

Wow...I mean wow! Another one falls on the sword. So now Hilary is a liar. Everyone lies but the one who lied. Some people will follow this man to death. Here you go....have a nice glass of koolaid....Obama said to do so. Unbelievable!
And hasn't this author lied about Hillary before? With people from the right and left dismissing his lies?

What the fuck is wrong with Fox News?

Wow...I mean wow! Another one falls on the sword. So now Hilary is a liar. Everyone lies but the one who lied. Some people will follow this man to death. Here you go....have a nice glass of koolaid....Obama said to do so. Unbelievable!

What are you even talking about?
The Blaze's source is an author who has made a career out of lying about Hillary.
I am not saying Hillary lied, I am saying the guy who has been called out by the right and left for lying about Hillary, is a liar.
Who think Hillary's legal team is going to give that guy any information?
And hasn't this author lied about Hillary before? With people from the right and left dismissing his lies?

What the fuck is wrong with Fox News?

The real question is,

"What the FUCK is wrong with you stinking Zombies, who when after KNOWING 4 Americans were LEFT to die, post this kind of VOMIT?!"

You're a fucking disgrace.

What is wrong with Zombies?
I am not a disgrace, you are and anyone who doesn't try to find another credible source then some right wing outlet and an author who is a proven liar.
And hasn't this author lied about Hillary before? With people from the right and left dismissing his lies?

What the fuck is wrong with Fox News?

The real question is,

"What the FUCK is wrong with you stinking Zombies, who when after KNOWING 4 Americans were LEFT to die, post this kind of VOMIT?!"

You're a fucking disgrace.

What is wrong with Zombies?
I am not a disgrace, you are and anyone who doesn't try to find another credible source then some right wing outlet and an author who is a proven liar.

Are you really that dense?? The news is all over the place today and you sit here quibbling about the Blaze???THIS HAPPENS IN EVERY SINGLE FUCKING thread with you liberals.. then once it's established by NUMEROUS sources, ALL OF YOU ZOMBIES say the same damn thing, " SO WHAT"! So fucking spare me!
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Google Hillary asks for more security, and find me a source that doesn't use This author as a source. I dare you.

This is what is wrong with journalism. And I don't care if you don't like Obama and think he is to blame, use your own brain, and stop drinking the Kool aid.
And hasn't this author lied about Hillary before? With people from the right and left dismissing his lies?

What the fuck is wrong with Fox News?

Wow...I mean wow! Another one falls on the sword. So now Hilary is a liar. Everyone lies but the one who lied. Some people will follow this man to death. Here you go....have a nice glass of koolaid....Obama said to do so. Unbelievable!

What are you even talking about?
The Blaze's source is an author who has made a career out of lying about Hillary.
I am not saying Hillary lied, I am saying the guy who has been called out by the right and left for lying about Hillary, is a liar.
Who think Hillary's legal team is going to give that guy any information?

Oh come on! If the margin between the candidates were a little more Hillary would not hesitate to come out with it all. She doesn't want to be in the middle of this. She will go down with Obama....bill knows it and they will throw him to the dogs if the national party gives them the thumbs up.
The real question is,

"What the FUCK is wrong with you stinking Zombies, who when after KNOWING 4 Americans were LEFT to die, post this kind of VOMIT?!"

You're a fucking disgrace.

What is wrong with Zombies?
I am not a disgrace, you are and anyone who doesn't try to find another credible source then some right wing outlet and an author who is a proven liar.

Are you really that dense?? The news is all over the place today and you sit here quibbling about the Blaze???THIS HAPPENS IN EVERY SINGLE FUCKING thread with you liberals.. then once it's established by NUMEROUS sources, ALL OF YOU ZOMBIES do the same damn thing.. SO WHAT! So fucking spare me!

Yes the news is all over the place, and they all quote Fox News. Find me a source that didn't get it's info from Fox News or the author.
And I think it is hilarious you are calling me a Zombie when you didn't even do any research into who their source is.
Keep drinking the Kool aid.
This is a screen shot from when I put in Hillary asks for more security, I also got the same results when I put in Obama says no to more security.

Those are the first three that come up, and they all use the same guy as a source.
Get a clue, people.
Hillary isn't some clerk. She is the secretary of state and she doesn't get to whine. The problem with Hillary is that she has been used by men all her life and she is unable to function on her own. We really, really need to fire the whole incompetent bunch.

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