Hillary Clinton Abruptly Ended Call With Donna Brazile After Plea To Find Seth Rich’s Killer

Intelligent people don’t believe that the Russians just gave the “Clinton Charity” $145 million out of pure benevolence.
It stinks of corruption and it has to be seriously investigated by a special prosecutor.
Why do you Trumptards now consider Brazile to be impeccably honest?

You didn't when she denied giving Hillary Clinton debate questions.
Why do you Trumptards now consider Brazile to be impeccably honest?

You didn't when she denied giving Hillary Clinton debate questions.

And now we know every stinking liberal/democrat lied, denied and denied some more.
It's looking more and more evident that Hillary or Wasserman Schultz was behind Seth's demise and now Braile is putting it all out there in case she's Arkancided. Hillary did say if they lost the election, they'd all hang!

Read the Discus comments.

The murder of Seth Roth has always been suspicious, because the police said it was a robbery but have you ever heard of a robbery where the victim's wallet and cell phone were not taken? It is a well know fact that Seth was a disillusioned supporter of Bernie Sanders. Julian Assaunge of Wikileaks has said that the source for the hacked DNC & Podesta emails was from inside the U.S. and not Russia. It would not surprise me if Seth Roth was that source! Donna Brazille had good reason to be worried about her safety. A lot of people around the Clinton's for the past 35 years have mysteriously died, disappeared, or sent to prison!

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