Hillary Clinton and Huma Abedin are no longer speaking to each other

Campaign says Clinton still hasn't talked to Abedin about new emails One can only speculate at this point, but it appears that Huma may have done this on purpose, never thinking that her husband would sext little girls. Huma also was supposed to disclose to both the FBI and prior to that Hillaries hit team all computers that held emails. Thus Huma lied to Hillary.

Imagine that, Hillary being lied too.


Not only that, I heard tonight the little huma signed an affidavit under oath that she had turned over all devices that might contain emails related to the hildabitch investigation. Can you say more perjury from the hildabitches team?
Not only that, I heard tonight the little huma signed an affidavit under oath that she had turned over all devices that might contain emails related to the hildabitch investigation. Can you say more perjury from the hildabitches team?
Since the laptop in question belonged to her husband, is it plausible she simply forgot about it and would that exonerate her at all?
Not only that, I heard tonight the little huma signed an affidavit under oath that she had turned over all devices that might contain emails related to the hildabitch investigation. Can you say more perjury from the hildabitches team?
Since the laptop in question belonged to her husband, is it plausible she simply forgot about it and would that exonerate her at all?

NOPE, she knew she also used it. I keep hearing about a laptop, but they took a total of 4 devices from the home, they may be on a desktop computer. 650,000 emails would take a lot of hard drive.
Campaign says Clinton still hasn't talked to Abedin about new emails One can only speculate at this point, but it appears that Huma may have done this on purpose, never thinking that her husband would sext little girls. Huma also was supposed to disclose to both the FBI and prior to that Hillaries hit team all computers that held emails. Thus Huma lied to Hillary.

Imagine that, Hillary being lied too.


Not only that, I heard tonight the little huma signed an affidavit under oath that she had turned over all devices that might contain emails related to the hildabitch investigation. Can you say more perjury from the hildabitches team?
By this time next week Huma Abedin might be my personal hero, I might even text her a photo of my weeiner
what about Bill? Im sure Bill loves talking to Huma, well, she is a hot brunette, all she needs is a black monica hat and a delivered pizza
what about Bill? Im sure Bill loves talking to Huma, well, she is a hot brunette, all she needs is a black monica hat and a delivered pizza
No Bill likes to play with clits, and Huma had hers chopped off as all Muslim women do............ Female Genital Mutilation Is an Islamic Practice
well at least Huma has at least two hands and two breasts,,,,and Bill is desperate being no hot 35 yr old white female wont even look at him.
Once the media decides to actually look at the investigations going on.

Don't you mean 'when the LAW' completes the investigations???? I think we have enough media hype that keeps trying to influence the public, to gag a herd of maggots. Why not just let the law do it's job......in regards to both Trump & Hillary
Remember, the IRS only fined Donald Trump for bribery when that bribery was published in the media.

The IRS never looked at Trump Foundation. A reporter started actually investigating Trump Foundation because the entire media was focused on the Clinton Foundation looking for "something" and not finding "anything".

But with Trump Foundation, the reporter discovered Trump had been using his "charity donations" to buy stuff for himself. He was using Charity money to pay off lawsuits. He was using his charity as a tax shelter. He discovered Trump uses "OPM" (other people's money) and hadn't given to his own charity in nearly a decade. And then, through diligent research, discovered Trump Foundation had never been certified. It was an illegally operating scam. Once all that was published, the New York Attorney General released a "cease and desist" order against the foundation.

NY Attorney General sends Trump Foundation cease and desist letter

The cease-and-desist letter was issued a day after The Washington Post reported that Trump’s foundation never obtained the certification required to solicit donations from the public.


See what I mean?
Billary had better be careful with Huma; that lady might flip on her and the whole Clintonista crime ring.
The Clintons never hire anyone they can't put in jail. Huma has stuff that Hillary knows about that could send her to federal prison. Hillary just tells everyone she works with, "If you expect to keep this job".....or...."we know were you live".....or...."I know what you're doing, bitch".....
The Clintons never hire anyone they can't put in jail. Huma has stuff that Hillary knows about that could send her to federal prison. Hillary just tells everyone she works with, "If you expect to keep this job".....or...."we know were you live".....or...."I know what you're doing, bitch".....

And that normally keeps all the pirates at bay, knowing that each can put the other away causes the logjam of the "We all hang together or we all hang separately" sort of thing.

But two things always undermine that scheme;
1) an immunity agreement combined with protective custody (he who flips first flips best), and
2) an incrimination vortex that takes everybody down in a maelstrom of accusations and everyone gets indicted and sent to the Big House.
The Clintons never hire anyone they can't put in jail. Huma has stuff that Hillary knows about that could send her to federal prison. Hillary just tells everyone she works with, "If you expect to keep this job".....or...."we know were you live".....or...."I know what you're doing, bitch".....

And that normally keeps all the pirates at bay, knowing that each can put the other away causes the logjam of the "We all hang together or we all hang separately" sort of thing.

But two things always undermine that scheme;
1) an immunity agreement combined with protective custody (he who flips first flips best), and
2) an incrimination vortex that takes everybody down in a maelstrom of accusations and everyone gets indicted and sent to the Big House.


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