Hillary Clinton Thinks We are About to Lose Our Democracy

Hillary is the first lady of second place

she knows how to win elections like the French know how to win wars
Yes, she actually said this with a straight face.

Hillary Clinton may have lost to Trump in her 2016 run for president, but that in no way took her out of the political playing field. In an in-person interview with Edward Luce for Financial Times, Clinton voiced her opinion on the current political climate, and what she believes to be a growing threat to democracy and base-level women's rights.

Describing herself as "the most investigated innocent person in America," Clinton doesn't shy away from the albatross of "her emails" that will likely forever be associated with her name, but rather uses it as an example of how people in positions of power can cherry-pick information to bend the ear of the media. In her memoir "What Happened?," which primarily centers on the 2016 election, Clinton highlights Trump's ability to give media a "new rabbit every day [knowing] they'd never catch any of them." Years after the fact, she mourns her race against Trump calling it "A break in history," and "Such a piece of unfinished business."

That unfinished business left many important issues vulnerable; such as minority rights, LGBTQ rights, and women's rights. When asked to comment on what is looking like the imminent reversal of Roe v. Wade, Clinton says "If you go down the rabbit hole of far right intellectuals, you see that birth control, gay marriage — all of it is at risk."

"The level of insidious rule making to further oppress women almost knows no end," Clinton says in her interview with Financial Times. "You look at this and how could you not but think that Margaret Atwood was a prophet? She's not just a brilliant writer, she was a prophet."

As many know, Atwood is the author of The Handmaid's Tale, the source material for Hulu's adaptation staring Elisabeth Moss which centers on a not too hard to imagine Republic of Gilead in which women are stripped of all rights and shuffled around as servants and breeding vessels.

In Clinton's interview, when the topic of Trump's claim that Biden "stole" the election from him, she tells Luce "I also believe in peaceful succession and transition and all of that . . . That tells you everything you need to know about Republican strategy for 2024. Even in his reptilian brain, Trump has to know that he lost this time. He refuses to accept it because it wasn't supposed to happen."

Towards the end of her interview, Clinton leaves Luce with an ominous parting sentiment saying: "We are standing on the precipice of losing our democracy, and everything that everybody else cares about then goes out the window." Following that up with "Look, the most important thing is to win the next election. The alternative is so frightening that whatever does not help you win should not be a priority."

This woman lies as easily as you or I go to the bathroom. Only in a Marxist forum like Slate would the patholigical liar not be called on any of her crimes. They should be starting with the most recent: her denial of the PROVEN charge that she personally approved her campaign's lie that Trump colluded with Russia in the 2016 election. So she actively tried to subvert the election, the claims with a straight face she's worried about the future of Democracy.

The fact is, Hillary is still FURIOUS that President Trump defeated her soundly in 2016. She's enormously envious of everything Trump has that she does not> A brilliant self-made career, public adulation, highly successful children, a loving spouse, and the knowledge that Trump has truly made a long-lasting positive difference in this country,. This evil woman's life has been a failure at every level, her popularity in the toilet. Exactly the opposite of the highly accomplished wildly beloved President Trump.

Well, Trump certainly should be a wake up call for Americans who adhere to the US Constitution and rule of law. We could become Venezuela if we elect anymore autocratic morons.
What part of 'largest criminal political scandal in US history' do you not understand?

For that matter, we can also label the Obama administration 'the most criminal, seditious, treasonous Presidential administration in US history'

- Warned about what Hillary was going to do...and still
-- Enabled it
-- Facilitated it
-- Engaged in it
-- Took it over & ran it

- Co-Conspirators in seditious, treasonous plan to affect election outcome and later overthrow sitting President / US govt included:
-- Hillary, President Obama, VP Biden, Rice, Clapper (NSA) Brennan (CIA), Comey (FBI Director), McCabe (FBI Deputy Director) Baker (FBI), Carter / Page (FBI), Klinesmith (FBI), Rosenstein (Hillary stooge), etc...

- Was caught attempting to hack states' elections systems IOT make a case for his administration to take over all states' elections right before the Presidential election

and these are only 2

getting political advice from Hillary is like getting marriage advice from OJ, except OJ was accused of fewer murders
Lol. You love conspiracies and gossip.
Yeah, like the...

Russian Collusion Conspiracy

Russian Bank Conspiracy

FBI Defrauding the FISA Court Conspiracy

US govt illegally spying on Americans conspiracy

Biden extorting the former Ukraine PM conspiracy

Obama running weapons to Mexican Drug Cartels conspiracy


Well, Trump certainly should be a wake up call for Americans who adhere to the US Constitution and rule of law. We could become Venezuela if we elect anymore autocratic morons.
A leftist complaining about a communist country? Rich.
Yes, she actually said this with a straight face.

Hillary Clinton may have lost to Trump in her 2016 run for president, but that in no way took her out of the political playing field. In an in-person interview with Edward Luce for Financial Times, Clinton voiced her opinion on the current political climate, and what she believes to be a growing threat to democracy and base-level women's rights.

Describing herself as "the most investigated innocent person in America," Clinton doesn't shy away from the albatross of "her emails" that will likely forever be associated with her name, but rather uses it as an example of how people in positions of power can cherry-pick information to bend the ear of the media. In her memoir "What Happened?," which primarily centers on the 2016 election, Clinton highlights Trump's ability to give media a "new rabbit every day [knowing] they'd never catch any of them." Years after the fact, she mourns her race against Trump calling it "A break in history," and "Such a piece of unfinished business."

That unfinished business left many important issues vulnerable; such as minority rights, LGBTQ rights, and women's rights. When asked to comment on what is looking like the imminent reversal of Roe v. Wade, Clinton says "If you go down the rabbit hole of far right intellectuals, you see that birth control, gay marriage — all of it is at risk."

"The level of insidious rule making to further oppress women almost knows no end," Clinton says in her interview with Financial Times. "You look at this and how could you not but think that Margaret Atwood was a prophet? She's not just a brilliant writer, she was a prophet."

As many know, Atwood is the author of The Handmaid's Tale, the source material for Hulu's adaptation staring Elisabeth Moss which centers on a not too hard to imagine Republic of Gilead in which women are stripped of all rights and shuffled around as servants and breeding vessels.

In Clinton's interview, when the topic of Trump's claim that Biden "stole" the election from him, she tells Luce "I also believe in peaceful succession and transition and all of that . . . That tells you everything you need to know about Republican strategy for 2024. Even in his reptilian brain, Trump has to know that he lost this time. He refuses to accept it because it wasn't supposed to happen."

Towards the end of her interview, Clinton leaves Luce with an ominous parting sentiment saying: "We are standing on the precipice of losing our democracy, and everything that everybody else cares about then goes out the window." Following that up with "Look, the most important thing is to win the next election. The alternative is so frightening that whatever does not help you win should not be a priority."

This woman lies as easily as you or I go to the bathroom. Only in a Marxist forum like Slate would the patholigical liar not be called on any of her crimes. They should be starting with the most recent: her denial of the PROVEN charge that she personally approved her campaign's lie that Trump colluded with Russia in the 2016 election. So she actively tried to subvert the election, the claims with a straight face she's worried about the future of Democracy.

The fact is, Hillary is still FURIOUS that President Trump defeated her soundly in 2016. She's enormously envious of everything Trump has that she does not> A brilliant self-made career, public adulation, highly successful children, a loving spouse, and the knowledge that Trump has truly made a long-lasting positive difference in this country,. This evil woman's life has been a failure at every level, her popularity in the toilet. Exactly the opposite of the highly accomplished wildly beloved President Trump.

Trump is the most unsuccessful businessman in American History with 7 large corporate bankruptcies, and that's after he lost more than $1 billion in the 1980's. Most of Trump's money was gifted to him by his father, so "self-made" is right out the window. 7

Trump and his supporters are the laughingstock of the world. Even Kim got the better of the old dotard, and he left your economy in a total shambles. Public adulation. What a joke.

His children are never anywhere near him when they don't have to be, don't go to his birthday or Christmas. His wife is living with another man in New York.

Your last paragraph is from upside down land.
Yeah, like the...

Russian Collusion Conspiracy

Russian Bank Conspiracy

FBI Defrauding the FISA Court Conspiracy

US govt illegally spying on Americans conspiracy

Biden extorting the former Ukraine PM conspiracy

Obama running weapons to Mexican Drug Cartels conspiracy



In other words, any facts that make TRUMP look bad are Conspiracy Theories, including all investigations, charges, indictments and convictions.

While any lies that Trump makes up - like Biden "extorting" the Ukrainian PM for his own personal gain, are also designed to prove that Trump did nothing out of the ordinary.

Republicans investigated all of these supposed "crimes" endlessly and found NOTHING, because these are all CONSPIRACY THEORIES. When you investigate lies, you find nothing. Democrats committed no crimes and Republicans say that at the end of every investigation.
Well, since your description is PERFECT for Donald Trump, your statement seems logically impossible. But this place and discussion long ago left logic far, far behind.

Still, most sane and sober Americans (are there many these days?) can see that a Hillary vs. Donald “rerun” … would be the ruin of the country, and just about the worst of all possible worlds ... :omg:
Except you can't name any Trump crimes.
35% to 40% of our population now refuses to accept the results of our vote when they lose.

Yeah, I'd say it's pretty obvious that we're in the process of losing our democracy, which assumes that losers admit they lost.
35% to 40% of our population now refuses to accept the results of our vote when they lose.

Yeah, I'd say it's pretty obvious that we're in the process of losing our democracy, which assumes that losers admit they lost.
You mean like the pro-abort folks refusing to admit they lost?
Trump is the most unsuccessful businessman in American History with 7 large corporate bankruptcies, and that's after he lost more than $1 billion in the 1980's. Most of Trump's money was gifted to him by his father, so "self-made" is right out the window. 7

Trump and his supporters are the laughingstock of the world. Even Kim got the better of the old dotard, and he left your economy in a total shambles. Public adulation. What a joke.

His children are never anywhere near him when they don't have to be, don't go to his birthday or Christmas. His wife is living with another man in New York.

Your last paragraph is from upside down land.
Sure. An unsuccessful self-made multi-billionaire. You people don't even question the ridiculous talking points you've been given.
Hillary is wrong again.
The only real threat to our "democracy" is the Democrat Party's incredible abuses of power, total dishonestly and epic corruption.
The Dems are turning America into a banana republic.
Yes, she actually said this with a straight face.

Hillary Clinton may have lost to Trump in her 2016 run for president, but that in no way took her out of the political playing field. In an in-person interview with Edward Luce for Financial Times, Clinton voiced her opinion on the current political climate, and what she believes to be a growing threat to democracy and base-level women's rights.

Describing herself as "the most investigated innocent person in America," Clinton doesn't shy away from the albatross of "her emails" that will likely forever be associated with her name, but rather uses it as an example of how people in positions of power can cherry-pick information to bend the ear of the media. In her memoir "What Happened?," which primarily centers on the 2016 election, Clinton highlights Trump's ability to give media a "new rabbit every day [knowing] they'd never catch any of them." Years after the fact, she mourns her race against Trump calling it "A break in history," and "Such a piece of unfinished business."

That unfinished business left many important issues vulnerable; such as minority rights, LGBTQ rights, and women's rights. When asked to comment on what is looking like the imminent reversal of Roe v. Wade, Clinton says "If you go down the rabbit hole of far right intellectuals, you see that birth control, gay marriage — all of it is at risk."

"The level of insidious rule making to further oppress women almost knows no end," Clinton says in her interview with Financial Times. "You look at this and how could you not but think that Margaret Atwood was a prophet? She's not just a brilliant writer, she was a prophet."

As many know, Atwood is the author of The Handmaid's Tale, the source material for Hulu's adaptation staring Elisabeth Moss which centers on a not too hard to imagine Republic of Gilead in which women are stripped of all rights and shuffled around as servants and breeding vessels.

In Clinton's interview, when the topic of Trump's claim that Biden "stole" the election from him, she tells Luce "I also believe in peaceful succession and transition and all of that . . . That tells you everything you need to know about Republican strategy for 2024. Even in his reptilian brain, Trump has to know that he lost this time. He refuses to accept it because it wasn't supposed to happen."

Towards the end of her interview, Clinton leaves Luce with an ominous parting sentiment saying: "We are standing on the precipice of losing our democracy, and everything that everybody else cares about then goes out the window." Following that up with "Look, the most important thing is to win the next election. The alternative is so frightening that whatever does not help you win should not be a priority."

This woman lies as easily as you or I go to the bathroom. Only in a Marxist forum like Slate would the patholigical liar not be called on any of her crimes. They should be starting with the most recent: her denial of the PROVEN charge that she personally approved her campaign's lie that Trump colluded with Russia in the 2016 election. So she actively tried to subvert the election, the claims with a straight face she's worried about the future of Democracy.

The fact is, Hillary is still FURIOUS that President Trump defeated her soundly in 2016. She's enormously envious of everything Trump has that she does not> A brilliant self-made career, public adulation, highly successful children, a loving spouse, and the knowledge that Trump has truly made a long-lasting positive difference in this country,. This evil woman's life has been a failure at every level, her popularity in the toilet. Exactly the opposite of the highly accomplished wildly beloved President Trump.

We don't live in a democracy, we live in a plutocracy. Rule of the rich and powerful.

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