Hillary also claimed that her shot at winning the presidency was “stolen.”

Genocidal lying imbecile ^ still trying to communicate.
Here’s your hero Crazy Nikki! She’s a bloodthirsty moron like you.

That’s right. SHE claimed that the 2016 election was stolen from her.

I mention this fact, here, because I believe it bears repetition that Hillary has no scruples.

And our liberals are absolutely two-faced when they complain that Trump has said the 2020 election was stolen.

But, it’s “ok” when they make such claims.
Are you assholes STILL doing this?

At least once a month, and twice in the past week, you dipshits attempt to draw some kind of moral equivalency between Clinton and Trump.

Is there some radio or TV propagandist who keeps regurgitating this bullshit? There has to be. It can't be a coincidence more than one tard is starting these topics, and you creeps are too stupid to initiate anything on your own.

So here's the thing, dipshit.

1. Hillary conceded the day after the election. She called Trump the night of the election and he acknowledged she conceded.

2. Hillary did not create illegal fake electors in seven states.

3. Hillary did not pressure the Vice President, Joe Biden, to overthrow the election.

4. Hillary did not rage-tweet for MONTHS, working up her followers into a rage.

5. Hillary did not invite her followers to come to DC and then prompt them to violently invade the Capitol.

6. To this day, Traitor Trump has not conceded the election.

Mm-kay, dipshit? There simply is NO comparison.

Sure, losers whine. So what? Clinton did not attempt to overthrow our democracy.

Stop being such a stupid, stupid, stupid idiot.
Derp, we watched and heard it all! At best he did nothing, i.e. dereliction of duty.
So you have nothing. But you "heard it all". Kinda flies in the face of your claim he isn't being prosecuted for his words, huh Simp?
Are you assholes STILL doing this?

At least once a month, and twice in the past week, you dipshits attempt to draw some kind of moral equivalency between Clinton and Trump.

Is there some radio or TV propagandist who keeps regurgitating this bullshit? There has to be. It can't be a coincidence more than one tard is starting these topics, and you creeps are too stupid to initiate anything on your own.

So here's the thing, dipshit.

1. Hillary conceded the day after the election. She called Trump the night of the election and he acknowledged she conceded.

2. Hillary did not create illegal fake electors in seven states.

3. Hillary did not pressure the Vice President, Joe Biden, to overthrow the election.

4. Hillary did not rage-tweet for MONTHS, working up her followers into a rage.

5. Hillary did not invite her followers to come to DC and then prompt them to violently invade the Capitol.

6. To this day, Traitor Trump has not conceded the election.

Mm-kay, dipshit? There simply is NO comparison.

Sure, losers whine. So what? Clinton did not attempt to overthrow our democracy.

Stop being such a stupid, stupid, stupid idiot.
You’re the dipshit. You and your fellow asshole libturd brethren insist that Trump threatens “our democracy” by claiming that the 2020 election was stolen.

But you love to pretend that Shrillary Rotten Clinton hasn’t said the same thing of the 2016 presidential election result.

So, try to be honest. Otherwise, you might as well just STFU. Nobody buys your rank hypocrisy.
So you have nothing. But you "heard it all". Kinda flies in the face of your claim he isn't being prosecuted for his words, huh Simp?
Actually, in NY he’s being tried for his dirty deeds. :biggrin:
Actually, in NY he’s being tried for his dirty deeds. :biggrin:
Man, you are scrambling hard. WTF does the NY sham trial have to do with your claim Trump incited an insurrection? :cuckoo: :cuckoo: :cuckoo:

I accept the fact you can’t bring anything to support your obvious lies, liar.

What else ya got, liar?:dance::dance:
Man, you are scrambling hard. WTF does the NY sham trial have to do with your claim Trump incited an insurrection?
It doesn’t; it’s just another example of Trump’s dirty deeds.

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