Hillary Clinton or John Kerry in 2016

We deserve better than Hillary. She's a corporate blue dog just like Obama. What's wrong with a real democrat like Alan Grayson or Dennis Kucinich. Or maybe Elizabeth Warren?


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After such an investment into Hillary, what happens when she doesn't run?

2016 is a long way away. She's doing nothing but sitting around gathering dust, to be periodically dusted off when democrats need a talking head.
Hillary Clinton is like Kim Kardashian. They are both famous for being famous.
A guy to watch is Maryland's O'Malley. He'd make Obama, Junebug and Reagan look like Grinches. To the best of my knowledge, O'Malley never saw a dollar of other people's money he didn't feel a strong compulsion to piss down some government drain.

In my opinion some vaguely blue dog is likely to come out of the woodwork. It'll surprise me if another "progressive" gets the nod.

It looks to me like Americans are getting fed up with partisans of both major parties. Again, in my opinion, the party that hits the "reasonable" button the hardest is most likely to end up with the fifty pieces of silver in 2016.
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Now that democrats and the left wing media ignore the Constitutional requirement that presidential candidates be born in the USA anything is possible. Vlad Putin might be a viable democrat candidate.
Aren't you glad that America has Free Elections where different people run every four years?

Imagine having to live in England or North Korea where they're stuck with the same damn Hereditary Leaders forever.
Would you really want a president who looked like Kerry? I suppose we'd have to add botox to the budget.


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