Hillary Clinton veers left in search of the Democratic base


Diamond Member
Mar 9, 2014
So the old, drunken douchebag is coming out of her closet to start campaigning... this will be fun to watch, if she doesn't break a leg or something!


washingtontimes ^

Hillary Clinton angrily condemned the bleakest results of Barack Obama’s economy in a recent speech, but didn’t dare say who was responsible for them. “What would Robert Kennedy say about the fact that still, today, more than 16 million children live in poverty in the richest nation on earth,” she said in an address to an elite, well-fed crowd in a Manhattan ballroom at an awards gala to honor the slain Democratic presidential candidate. “What would he say about the fact that such a large portion of economic gains have gone to such a small portion of our population,” she...
We spent 8 years hearing about how racist we're...I pray to god and moses that we don't have to live through 4-8 years hearing how SEXIST WE'RE. Because if we elect this BITCH.. We certainly will

The family will be branded as evil
A woman raising children will be evil
Men will all be evil
Over and over again for 4-8 fucking years.

Please god don't.
I can't really say anything for or against her bid, if she runs.

As long as she doesn't repeat the 'under fire' story, it should be tolerable under her.
I don't like Clinton and sure as hell hope she doesn't win the nomination, but any time someone brings the issue of rising income inequality up it is good. It's not brought up nearly enough, and is easily the biggest domestic issue in America right now.
Amazing how terrified the Right is of Hillary. They should be. In polling, she mops up the floor with every single potential contender from the GOP clown-car.

Alone, this thread proves it. All Hillary has to do is to wiggle her finger, and Rightie Douchebags react.

She acts. They react.

She is going to run, she is going to win the DEM nomination and she is going to sweep the 2016 GE. She is going to become our 45th president and join a row of 43 men who were there before her.
I don't like Clinton and sure as hell hope she doesn't win the nomination, but any time someone brings the issue of rising income inequality up it is good. It's not brought up nearly enough, and is easily the biggest domestic issue in America right now.
The Dems dont get it. They are responsible for the growth of income inequality over th last 8 years. Stagnant incomes in the middle class and rising asset values for the top tier have produced this. This was intentional on the administration's part. And it has produced nothing but failure.
Why would anyone vote for more of the same? Because they're stupid?
Amazing how terrified the Right is of Hillary. They should be. In polling, she mops up the floor with every single potential contender from the GOP clown-car.

Alone, this thread proves it. All Hillary has to do is to wiggle her finger, and Rightie Douchebags react.

She acts. They react.

She is going to run, she is going to win the DEM nomination and she is going to sweep the 2016 GE. She is going to become our 45th president and join a row of 43 men who were there before her.
You're such a frreak, Herr Scheissschreiber. No one is afraid of Hillary except the DNC because they know she cant win. She lacks that "new car smell".
"Hillary Clinton veers left in search of the Democratic base"

She's not going to find anyone there, particularly the base.

Democrats relegated 'the left' to the political backseat by 1992, winning four of the last six presidential elections as a result; the Party is controlled by, and its base comprised of, moderates and centrists reflecting the views of most Americans.

Consequently, attempting to associate democrats or HRC with 'the left' fails.

The question is whether republicans will be able to do the same with rightwing extremists whose positions on the issues do not reflect the views of most Americans.
"Hillary Clinton veers left in search of the Democratic base"

She's not going to find anyone there, particularly the base.

Democrats relegated 'the left' to the political backseat by 1992, winning four of the last six presidential elections as a result; the Party is controlled by, and its base comprised of, moderates and centrists reflecting the views of most Americans.

Consequently, attempting to associate democrats or HRC with 'the left' fails.

The question is whether republicans will be able to do the same with rightwing extremists whose positions on the issues do not reflect the views of most Americans.
The extreme left has taken over the Dems. That's the funny part. You dont get that yet. Where are the true moderates, the Joe Liebermans and the Zell Millers? They've been pushed out of the party of Pelosi and Reid, stomped on by the Clinton machine and the Obama machine. Now it's Liz "You didnt build that" Warren and Bernie Fucking Sanders telling us we need to nationalize industries. Why do you think Liz Warren polls so well among Dems? It isnt because she's a moderate.
Amazing how terrified the Right is of Hillary. They should be. In polling, she mops up the floor with every single potential contender from the GOP clown-car.

Alone, this thread proves it. All Hillary has to do is to wiggle her finger, and Rightie Douchebags react.

She acts. They react.

She is going to run, she is going to win the DEM nomination and she is going to sweep the 2016 GE. She is going to become our 45th president and join a row of 43 men who were there before her.
And the left did the same thing with Palin. Anything she did, no matter how minute, was instantly news and all over these boards. Was the left afraid of Palin at that time.

I seriously doubt that.

Why would you think the same reaction from the right means something different?

Her chances to win are irrelevant BTW in this conversation. Partisans ALWAYS believe their guy is going to take the nation in a landslide. Just look at the 'predictions' for Romney's landslide victory based in... in... well...

Yes, no one is afraid of here even if you think they really should be.
"Hillary Clinton veers left in search of the Democratic base"

She's not going to find anyone there, particularly the base.

Democrats relegated 'the left' to the political backseat by 1992, winning four of the last six presidential elections as a result; the Party is controlled by, and its base comprised of, moderates and centrists reflecting the views of most Americans.

Consequently, attempting to associate democrats or HRC with 'the left' fails.

The question is whether republicans will be able to do the same with rightwing extremists whose positions on the issues do not reflect the views of most Americans.
The extreme left has taken over the Dems. That's the funny part. You dont get that yet. Where are the true moderates, the Joe Liebermans and the Zell Millers? They've been pushed out of the party of Pelosi and Reid, stomped on by the Clinton machine and the Obama machine. Now it's Liz "You didnt build that" Warren and Bernie Fucking Sanders telling us we need to nationalize industries. Why do you think Liz Warren polls so well among Dems? It isnt because she's a moderate.
That is a very valid point.
Amazing how terrified the Right is of Hillary. They should be. In polling, she mops up the floor with every single potential contender from the GOP clown-car.

Alone, this thread proves it. All Hillary has to do is to wiggle her finger, and Rightie Douchebags react.

She acts. They react.

She is going to run, she is going to win the DEM nomination and she is going to sweep the 2016 GE. She is going to become our 45th president and join a row of 43 men who were there before her.
You're such a frreak, Herr Scheissschreiber. No one is afraid of Hillary except the DNC because they know she cant win. She lacks that "new car smell".

It's so fun to watch you get all emotional and note that you lack the ability to focus on any details at all. It's as if you froth at the brain and then froth at the mouth.

The DNC thinks she can't win? Really?

233 major polls within 17 months, the last three national polls, from three completely independent-from-each-other pollsters, show her mopping up the floor with her likely potential GOP contenders, and you want to postulate that the DNC is somehow scared that she can lose?

Hillary acts. GOPers react, kind of like a dead roadkiller animal twitching. A little sad, a little humorous, but definitely: consistent.

Carry on, fake Rabbi. While you and other Sanitarium candidates are screaming nasty things about Hillary, she is winning, and she is winning big. Just wait until she officially announces and gets a good 7-10 point bounce on top of what she already has.

And when she sails over 400 EV on election night 2016, I am gonna smear that news in your ugly face for years on end. That is a promise I intend to keep.


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