Hillary Clinton Will Sit Down With Black Lives Matter Activists

and the next day Hillary needs to go to her local $2.50 all u can eat chinese buffet, go use their ladies room that hasnt been serviced in two days,,,,then she will know what it feels like to be a democrat who votes for democrats.
Of course she will...

Democrats just LOVE black thugs that kill cops and burn down the neighborhood!!!

You bet and I wonder why no one is addressing the black on black killing going on in every major city??

Apparently those black lives don't matter. The only ones that do are the ones killed by LEO's
This is good news. She can only besmirch herself by association with those thugs. Will she apologize for saying "all lives matter" or will she go full retard and say only black lives matter?
Hillary Clinton Will Sit Down With Black Lives Matter Activists?

Why not, the half/negroid/racist leader did...

Obama Thanks Black Lives Matter Leaders for Their ‘Outstanding Work’

by Jerome Hudson 21 Feb 2016


Flanked by liberal legislators, and Black Lives Matter founders Brittany Packnett and DeRay Mckesson, President Obama told White House meeting of young militant leftists that they “are much better organizers” than he was at their age, and that he is “confident that they are going to take America to new heights.”


More than 30 Baltimore businesses and buildings, including a senior living facility, were burned to the ground last April by hundreds of thugs enraged over the police-involved death of Freddie Gray.

Obama thanked the room of leftists for “the degree of focus and seriousness and constructiveness” they bring to the issue of police violence.

The meeting also included
Rep. John Lewis (D-GA), Al Sharpton, MSNBC anchor and president of the National Action Network, plus Rashad Robinson, the executive director of the far-left boycott campaign organization Color of Change, and Cornell Brooks, president of the NAACP, among others.


Obama Thanks Black Lives Matter Leaders for Their 'Outstanding Work' - Breitbart

Wonder if they addressed the big cities where blacks kill blacks in record numbers??
"We want to hear from anyone ready to address this urgent problem and work toward solutions."

WASHINGTON -- Hillary Clinton agreed to meet with DeRay Mckesson and the Campaign Zero movement on Tuesday evening. The meeting will be the latest in a series of accomplishments for the group of activists seeking racial justice and policing reforms.

Mckesson tweeted at the 2016 presidential hopeful on Monday asking if she could meet before the release of her criminal justice platform:

"It demonstrates a willingness to engage on a host of topics related to criminal justice and racial equity," said Mckesson, who has been openly critical of various presidential candidates for seldom addressing the unique issues facing black Americans. "I'm hopeful that we will have a candid and thoughtful conversation that will lead to the release of a strong platform by her campaign."​

More: Hillary Clinton Will Sit Down With Black Lives Matter Activists

I applaud Mrs. Clinton for actively engaging with Black Lives Matter to help end racial injustice.

If'n Ah was her, I'd stay stand-in in that meetin'. Jus sayin'
Oh she may meet with them, but do something, nope, sort of like the lip service we see at the helm of state. If she did something her support would wake up to the truth and wouldn't have the fire and brimstone to mobilize future support. Lesson number one, keep one's troops pissed, hungry, neglected, and on the res.
"We want to hear from anyone ready to address this urgent problem and work toward solutions."

WASHINGTON -- Hillary Clinton agreed to meet with DeRay Mckesson and the Campaign Zero movement on Tuesday evening. The meeting will be the latest in a series of accomplishments for the group of activists seeking racial justice and policing reforms.

Mckesson tweeted at the 2016 presidential hopeful on Monday asking if she could meet before the release of her criminal justice platform:

"It demonstrates a willingness to engage on a host of topics related to criminal justice and racial equity," said Mckesson, who has been openly critical of various presidential candidates for seldom addressing the unique issues facing black Americans. "I'm hopeful that we will have a candid and thoughtful conversation that will lead to the release of a strong platform by her campaign."​

More: Hillary Clinton Will Sit Down With Black Lives Matter Activists

I applaud Mrs. Clinton for actively engaging with Black Lives Matter to help end racial injustice.
Good old Hillary. Going back to the 'negro well'. Just like the LIBs do every election cycle.
Problem is during the mid terms the negroes stayed home. That scared the living shit out of the DNC.
DEM turnout in the last 15 states where dems held primaries something like 4 million less DEMs showed up to vote than four years ago. While REP turnout was UP about 8 million voters. THAT is making the 'DNC Debbie' crap her pants.
Watch Hillary eating fried chicken and grits and speaking perfect ebonics.
"We want to hear from anyone ready to address this urgent problem and work toward solutions."

WASHINGTON -- Hillary Clinton agreed to meet with DeRay Mckesson and the Campaign Zero movement on Tuesday evening. The meeting will be the latest in a series of accomplishments for the group of activists seeking racial justice and policing reforms.

Mckesson tweeted at the 2016 presidential hopeful on Monday asking if she could meet before the release of her criminal justice platform:

"It demonstrates a willingness to engage on a host of topics related to criminal justice and racial equity," said Mckesson, who has been openly critical of various presidential candidates for seldom addressing the unique issues facing black Americans. "I'm hopeful that we will have a candid and thoughtful conversation that will lead to the release of a strong platform by her campaign."​

More: Hillary Clinton Will Sit Down With Black Lives Matter Activists

I applaud Mrs. Clinton for actively engaging with Black Lives Matter to help end racial injustice.
Good old Hillary. Going back to the 'negro well'. Just like the LIBs do every election cycle.
Problem is during the mid terms the negroes stayed home. That scared the living shit out of the DNC.
DEM turnout in the last 15 states where dems held primaries something like 4 million less DEMs showed up to vote than four years ago. While REP turnout was UP about 8 million voters. THAT is making the 'DNC Debbie' crap her pants.
Watch Hillary eating fried chicken and grits and speaking perfect ebonics.

Here is solutions
1. Legalize drugs
2. release all prisoners that are serving time for doing drugs that were legalized.
3. Replace Clintons 3 strike laws
4. Grant more money to schools and grants for college.

It is true that blacks do a lot more drugs then anyone else and it is wrong for us to have drugs illegal. We're hurting a lot of people for stupid reasons.
Only 7% of inmates in Federal prisons are there for dealing drugs. Almost 100% of these inmates were finally put away for being caught multiple times dealing 'hard drugs' were illegal weapons were involved.
There are literally ZERO inmates in Federal prison for "doing drugs" AKA dope. That's right ZERO!
Prison cells cost too much money to house inmates caught with a fucking dime bag. Wise up asshole!
Talk to fucking Bill about what should happen to someone who commits multiple sexual assaults and rapes against women.
Admit only applicants who legitimately have the required scholastic records of excellence to colleges and universities. I'm all for the Government paying 100% of the tuition.
None of this fucking 'AA' lower the bar bullshit.
BTW. I agree with you that based on per capita negroes do, as you say " a lot more drugs than anyone else".
My question for you is how do these drug users get the money to buy the drugs? They aren't working. They are semi-literate. They generally have IQs in the low eighties. So where is the money coming from?
Drugs are a 'victimless crime'????? Not if you have to live behind steel barred windows and doors so you won't get home invaded.
"We want to hear from anyone ready to address this urgent problem and work toward solutions."

WASHINGTON -- Hillary Clinton agreed to meet with DeRay Mckesson and the Campaign Zero movement on Tuesday evening. The meeting will be the latest in a series of accomplishments for the group of activists seeking racial justice and policing reforms.

Mckesson tweeted at the 2016 presidential hopeful on Monday asking if she could meet before the release of her criminal justice platform:

"It demonstrates a willingness to engage on a host of topics related to criminal justice and racial equity," said Mckesson, who has been openly critical of various presidential candidates for seldom addressing the unique issues facing black Americans. "I'm hopeful that we will have a candid and thoughtful conversation that will lead to the release of a strong platform by her campaign."​

More: Hillary Clinton Will Sit Down With Black Lives Matter Activists

I applaud Mrs. Clinton for actively engaging with Black Lives Matter to help end racial injustice.

Hillary is doing nothing but pandering to get the black vote by telling them that the reason for the problems in the black community is the fault of white people. When people who have nothing in their lives to better themselves, it's easy to accept that tripe and be willing to take whatever a Liberal is willing to give you.
Of course she will...

Democrats just LOVE black thugs that kill cops and burn down the neighborhood!!!

We don't! But a lot of this anger is because so many are arrested for dumb reasons. Drugs should be legalize and no one should have to serve for decades for a non-violent crime.

People that murder and burn businesses downs should go to prison.
When you say drugs should be legalized, are you saying all drugs or some drugs.
Marijuana I can see.
but what about cocain, heroin, crack, meth and maybe throw in a little acid or shrooms?
Everything legal?
The radical anti-law enforcement, anti-America nut case left is her base. Of course she will meet with them.

I am for law enforcement but throwing people in prison for smoking a leaf is dumb! Legalize and press for solutions.
No one gets sent to prison for "smoking leaf". No one!
Where do you get these bullshit from?
actually any more, few get thrown in jail for shooting heroin.

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