Hillary Clinton’s Email Woes Persist

Judicial watch is still pursuing the issue,,,, a full and public airing of her misconduct will continue......
Judicial Watch is a right wing organization. If they weren', they would be talking about Trump U & his bribery charge in Florida or Trump's renting his building to his own Secret Service protection detail or Trump buying his 20 ft portrait by his Foundation or Trump using his position to lobby for his own businesses or Trump using campaign funds for personal user as his campaign spent 20-30$ of its money oin Trump's businesses.

Will we see Judicial Watch do any of that?????? Of course not, They want to talk about an e-mail on a private server.
Doesnt change what she did.....and seems plenty of info on the Donald otherwise you wouldnt know eh......afraid of whats still to come eh,.......
Hillary did what she did....that must be held up to scrutiny.
Judicial watch is still pursuing the issue,,,, a full and public airing of her misconduct will continue......
Judicial Watch is a right wing organization. If they weren', they would be talking about Trump U & his bribery charge in Florida or Trump's renting his building to his own Secret Service protection detail or Trump buying his 20 ft portrait by his Foundation or Trump using his position to lobby for his own businesses or Trump using campaign funds for personal user as his campaign spent 20-30$ of its money oin Trump's businesses.

Will we see Judicial Watch do any of that?????? Of course not, They want to talk about an e-mail on a private server.
Doesnt change what she did.....and seems plenty of info on the Donald otherwise you wouldnt know eh......afraid of whats still to come eh,.......
Hillary did what she did....that must be held up to scrutiny.
Does not matter now, and Trump won't go forward with it.
Trumpkins and Trumpkinettes: Attention!

Your focusing on Clinton will have no affect of the rest of America (the majority of America) focusing closely on Trump. He is going to be given the same chance the far right and alt right gave Obama from day one.
"The State Department’s independent watchdog has issued a highly critical analysis of Hillary Clinton’s email practices while running the department, concluding that Clinton failed to seek legal approval for her use of a private server and that agency staff members would not have given their blessing if it had been sought because of “security risks.”

The report by the inspector general’s office concludes that Clinton, the Democratic front-runner for president, handled email in a way that was “not an appropriate method” for preserving public records and that her practices failed to comply with department policy. The review found that Clinton, who has said her system was secure, also never provided security details to agency officials responsible for safeguarding sensitive government information."

State Dept. inspector general report sharply criticizes Clinton’s email practices

This report clearly demonstrates Hillary is a first class screw up, thankfully she ran her campaign like she ran the email program.
Judicial watch is still pursuing the issue,,,, a full and public airing of her misconduct will continue......
Judicial Watch is a right wing organization. If they weren', they would be talking about Trump U & his bribery charge in Florida or Trump's renting his building to his own Secret Service protection detail or Trump buying his 20 ft portrait by his Foundation or Trump using his position to lobby for his own businesses or Trump using campaign funds for personal user as his campaign spent 20-30$ of its money oin Trump's businesses.

Will we see Judicial Watch do any of that?????? Of course not, They want to talk about an e-mail on a private server.
Doesnt change what she did.....and seems plenty of info on the Donald otherwise you wouldnt know eh......afraid of whats still to come eh,.......
Hillary did what she did....that must be held up to scrutiny.
Does not matter now, and Trump won't go forward with it.
Who cares someone will, stupid. Now go on and read the OP and respond on point if you can, moron boy.
Here's what's awesome...because Hillary lost the election she has none of the immunity from prosecution she would have had as president. If she were smart she'd shut her big fat mouth and hope Trump decides not to sick the FBI and Justice Dept on her corrupt ass.

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