'Hillary Complicit In Husband's Sexual Assaults and Rapes'

"This no longer about Bill Clinton's transgressions or his infidelities or girlfriends or sex ... it's not about that anymore," Willey told the Washington Examiner. "What it's about is the actions that his wife has taken against the women that he has raped and assaulted."

Bill Clinton accuser Kathleen Willey: Hillary was complicit in his sexual misconduct

"Every woman who makes these claims should be heard / believed."
-- Hillary Clinton

Kathleen Willey worked very hard to try to get Bill Clinton to sleep with her....according to Linda Tripp's sworn testimony...Willey followed him around like a puppy dog making certain she was at any after hour events that Clinton was at, hoping to catch his eye and hoping to get him to sleep with her...Ken Starr wouldn't use any of her testimony because Starr knew she was lying... it's not like Linda Tripp had any love for Clinton in all of this, she did tape Monica and ratted out Monica's affair to Ken Starr...

Linda Tripp testified that Bill did NOT go after Willey, but Willey went after him...that's not Hillary bashing the lady, that's her friend, and Starr...

Willey is no one to use as a reputable source...she's a known liar, ask ken starr, he'd confirm it.

Link to prove Willey trying to get Bubba to sleep with her?!

Her husband's body wasn't even cold yet when he assaulted her.

Bill Clinton was / is a sexual predator who assaulted, harassed, and raped women and was / is a pedophile...his wife enabled his crimes and viciously bullued, intimidated, and silenced his victims to protect the 'family' and her own political future.

These two should be headed to the 'Big House' rather than the White House.
"This no longer about Bill Clinton's transgressions or his infidelities or girlfriends or sex ... it's not about that anymore," Willey told the Washington Examiner. "What it's about is the actions that his wife has taken against the women that he has raped and assaulted."

Bill Clinton accuser Kathleen Willey: Hillary was complicit in his sexual misconduct

"Every woman who makes these claims should be heard / believed."
-- Hillary Clinton

Kathleen Willey worked very hard to try to get Bill Clinton to sleep with her....according to Linda Tripp's sworn testimony...Willey followed him around like a puppy dog making certain she was at any after hour events that Clinton was at, hoping to catch his eye and hoping to get him to sleep with her...Ken Starr wouldn't use any of her testimony because Starr knew she was lying... it's not like Linda Tripp had any love for Clinton in all of this, she did tape Monica and ratted out Monica's affair to Ken Starr...

Linda Tripp testified that Bill did NOT go after Willey, but Willey went after him...that's not Hillary bashing the lady, that's her friend, and Starr...

Willey is no one to use as a reputable source...she's a known liar, ask ken starr, he'd confirm it.


Monica Lewinsky has been silent and out of the public eye for years. I suspect a payoff.
"This no longer about Bill Clinton's transgressions or his infidelities or girlfriends or sex ... it's not about that anymore," Willey told the Washington Examiner. "What it's about is the actions that his wife has taken against the women that he has raped and assaulted."

Bill Clinton accuser Kathleen Willey: Hillary was complicit in his sexual misconduct

"Every woman who makes these claims should be heard / believed."
-- Hillary Clinton

Kathleen Willey worked very hard to try to get Bill Clinton to sleep with her....according to Linda Tripp's sworn testimony...Willey followed him around like a puppy dog making certain she was at any after hour events that Clinton was at, hoping to catch his eye and hoping to get him to sleep with her...Ken Starr wouldn't use any of her testimony because Starr knew she was lying... it's not like Linda Tripp had any love for Clinton in all of this, she did tape Monica and ratted out Monica's affair to Ken Starr...

Linda Tripp testified that Bill did NOT go after Willey, but Willey went after him...that's not Hillary bashing the lady, that's her friend, and Starr...

Willey is no one to use as a reputable source...she's a known liar, ask ken starr, he'd confirm it.


Monica Lewinsky has been silent and out of the public eye for years. I suspect a payoff.
...or death threat.
"This no longer about Bill Clinton's transgressions or his infidelities or girlfriends or sex ... it's not about that anymore," Willey told the Washington Examiner. "What it's about is the actions that his wife has taken against the women that he has raped and assaulted."

Bill Clinton accuser Kathleen Willey: Hillary was complicit in his sexual misconduct

"Every woman who makes these claims should be heard / believed."
-- Hillary Clinton

Kathleen Willey worked very hard to try to get Bill Clinton to sleep with her....according to Linda Tripp's sworn testimony...Willey followed him around like a puppy dog making certain she was at any after hour events that Clinton was at, hoping to catch his eye and hoping to get him to sleep with her...Ken Starr wouldn't use any of her testimony because Starr knew she was lying... it's not like Linda Tripp had any love for Clinton in all of this, she did tape Monica and ratted out Monica's affair to Ken Starr...

Linda Tripp testified that Bill did NOT go after Willey, but Willey went after him...that's not Hillary bashing the lady, that's her friend, and Starr...

Willey is no one to use as a reputable source...she's a known liar, ask ken starr, he'd confirm it.


Besides, Hillary should have been thanking these women I guess! Heaven knows why her detractors keep trying to make "something" of her defending her family! "Yes, thanks Monica for giving Bill countless hummers!" :banana: :biggrin:
"This no longer about Bill Clinton's transgressions or his infidelities or girlfriends or sex ... it's not about that anymore," Willey told the Washington Examiner. "What it's about is the actions that his wife has taken against the women that he has raped and assaulted."

Bill Clinton accuser Kathleen Willey: Hillary was complicit in his sexual misconduct

"Every woman who makes these claims should be heard / believed."
-- Hillary Clinton

Kathleen Willey worked very hard to try to get Bill Clinton to sleep with her....according to Linda Tripp's sworn testimony...Willey followed him around like a puppy dog making certain she was at any after hour events that Clinton was at, hoping to catch his eye and hoping to get him to sleep with her...Ken Starr wouldn't use any of her testimony because Starr knew she was lying... it's not like Linda Tripp had any love for Clinton in all of this, she did tape Monica and ratted out Monica's affair to Ken Starr...

Linda Tripp testified that Bill did NOT go after Willey, but Willey went after him...that's not Hillary bashing the lady, that's her friend, and Starr...

Willey is no one to use as a reputable source...she's a known liar, ask ken starr, he'd confirm it.


Besides, Hillary should have been thanking these women I guess! Heaven knows why her detractors keep trying to make "something" of her defending her family! "Yes, thanks Monica for giving Bill countless hummers!" :banana: :biggrin:

Monica should have swallowed it.
"This no longer about Bill Clinton's transgressions or his infidelities or girlfriends or sex ... it's not about that anymore," Willey told the Washington Examiner. "What it's about is the actions that his wife has taken against the women that he has raped and assaulted."

Bill Clinton accuser Kathleen Willey: Hillary was complicit in his sexual misconduct

"Every woman who makes these claims should be heard / believed."
-- Hillary Clinton

Kathleen Willey worked very hard to try to get Bill Clinton to sleep with her....according to Linda Tripp's sworn testimony...Willey followed him around like a puppy dog making certain she was at any after hour events that Clinton was at, hoping to catch his eye and hoping to get him to sleep with her...Ken Starr wouldn't use any of her testimony because Starr knew she was lying... it's not like Linda Tripp had any love for Clinton in all of this, she did tape Monica and ratted out Monica's affair to Ken Starr...

Linda Tripp testified that Bill did NOT go after Willey, but Willey went after him...that's not Hillary bashing the lady, that's her friend, and Starr...

Willey is no one to use as a reputable source...she's a known liar, ask ken starr, he'd confirm it.


Besides, Hillary should have been thanking these women I guess! Heaven knows why her detractors keep trying to make "something" of her defending her family! "Yes, thanks Monica for giving Bill countless hummers!" :banana: :biggrin:

Monica should have swallowed it.

By the looks of her, she had swallowed everything else! :2up: :alcoholic: :suck:
No, Hillary has just spent a life time protecting pedohiles and enabling sexual predatory assaulters, harasssers, and rapists while attacking and silencing the victims....

...And no bitter gold-digging ex cut out of the fortune she married into has ever accused Hillary of rape...
"This no longer about Bill Clinton's transgressions or his infidelities or girlfriends or sex ... it's not about that anymore," Willey told the Washington Examiner. "What it's about is the actions that his wife has taken against the women that he has raped and assaulted."

Bill Clinton accuser Kathleen Willey: Hillary was complicit in his sexual misconduct

"Every woman who makes these claims should be heard / believed."
-- Hillary Clinton

Susan Mikula, Rachel Maddow’s Partner: 5 Fast Facts You Need to Know
And people like this support Hillary. Liberal media is a hypocritical joke.
Hillary = 'War on Women'

She is / has been her sexual deviant sexual assaulting / harassing / raping & pedophile husband's enabler for decades.

What about Trump who was accused of rape by his wife Ivana? Bill Clinton is certainly no role model when it comes to honesty and being faithful to his wife, but look at the Donald's past especially how he treats women. He makes Bill Clinton look like a saint.
You are SERIOUSLY going to compare decades of career-long sexual predatory assaults, harassments, rapes, and pedophilia by Bill Clinton AND the enabling and repeated RE-victimization of his victims by the current DNC presidential candidate to the angry, bitter claims of an ex-wife?!

I believe the latest news about Trump says it all regarding his decades-long disrespect of women, lewd comments, alleged rape, harassments, and being the true definition of a scumbag.
Hillary = 'War on Women'

She is / has been her sexual deviant sexual assaulting / harassing / raping & pedophile husband's enabler for decades.

What about Trump who was accused of rape by his wife Ivana? Bill Clinton is certainly no role model when it comes to honesty and being faithful to his wife, but look at the Donald's past especially how he treats women. He makes Bill Clinton look like a saint.

Are you nuts Bill Clinton's list of victims is over 24 women and those are just the ones known. Trump is mother Teresa compared to Bill and his enabling old hag Hillary.

Mother Teresa? Give me a freaking break! Trump is just as much of a sleazy piece of crap as Bill Clinton is regarding his treatment of women. You're just playing partisan politics and excusing the actions of one slimebag while bashing the other.
"This no longer about Bill Clinton's transgressions or his infidelities or girlfriends or sex ... it's not about that anymore," Willey told the Washington Examiner. "What it's about is the actions that his wife has taken against the women that he has raped and assaulted."

Bill Clinton accuser Kathleen Willey: Hillary was complicit in his sexual misconduct

"Every woman who makes these claims should be heard / believed."
-- Hillary Clinton


Hmmm lets see

Donald Trump- adulterer, caught on tape talking about his desire for extra marital affairs and how he can just grab a woman by her pussy- accused of rape

Hillary Clinton- none of those.

Amen Hillary- at least you are not an adulterer accused of rape.

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