Hillary gets yet another dig at the expense of Trump

Hillary asks if anything was going on today (yesterday). The irony that Hillary is making jokes about a now convict that previously garnered chants of "lock her up" I am sure is not lost on the Trump supporter. What say you?
Hillary and I both have something in common, neither of us will ever become president of the United States.

Hillary asks if anything was going on today (yesterday). The irony that Hillary is making jokes about a now convict that previously garnered chants of "lock her up" I am sure is not lost on the Trump supporter. What say you?

I say remember When Hillary paid for a Russian dossier? She paid a third party and listed it as a legal expense although it was meant to influence an election.
Hmm she even agreed to pay a fine over 100 k for listing it as that legal expense .
To bad there was not a State DA somewhere who decided to rig a jury and judge against her.

But Democrats have started this war now . Simply because they don’t like Trump. They are truly self serving pieces of S***
I say remember When Hillary paid for a Russian dossier? She paid a third party and listed it as a legal expense although it was meant to influence an election.
Hmm she even agreed to pay a fine over 100 k for listing it as that legal expense .
To bad there was not a State DA somewhere who decided to rig a jury and judge against her.

But Democrats have started this war now . Simply because they don’t like Trump. They are truly self serving pieces of S***
You angry brah? Two completely different scenarios which obviously you don't grasp. Have a great day I know I am!
You angry brah? Two completely different scenarios which obviously you don't grasp. Have a great day I know I am!

Yes. Two completely different scenarios because what Hillary did was actually to INFLUENCE an election and was much worse than Trumps accountant filing a payment as legal expense.

Yes I’m sure you celebrate a biased Judge manipulating a jury, but bogus jury instructions. The party of tinpot dictators, didn’t have the balls to throw an impartial trial. Undoubtedly they will try to out Trump IN prison and hope for the worst outcome. It will be on par with those people

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