Trump Supporter Found Guilty Of Breaking 'Ancient' KKK Law For Sharing A Meme In 2016 That Did NOT Deny Anyone Their Vote

There No Stupid Like MAGA MAGGOT Stupid.

Traitor Sticker Helped Police Find Jefferson County Man Charged In Homophobic Hate Crime, Prosecutors Say.

The total fucking dufus who was dead from the neck up stupid enough to this left a Traitor Loving Sticker at the scene of his bigoted outings. The sticker was traced to on-line seller, and that seller then was able to identify the person who purchased it on-line and it turns out the shit for brains bigot was the only person in area to have purchased the sticker

Stupid Stupid Stupid, thy name anyone absolutely dead from the neck up to support the 5-Deferment Draft Dodging, Pooty Fucking Orange Shit Stain.

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