Hillary Gives Away the Game

All of the major media, including Fox News, were initially attributing the Benghazi attack on the video. How quickly Fox forgets that.

There were protests happening in several locations in the Middle East over that video. The Benghazi attack occurred at the same time as those protests, so it wasn't exactly surprising people assumed the attack was connected.

I find it ironic the dipshits who swallowed the partisan piss in the weeks that followed and regurgitated a non-stop stream of manufactured bullshit all the way up to and beyond the election believe they have a moral leg to stand on about who was initially blamed for the attack.

Once again, the idiots shot their credibility to hell, and then fail to see their own hypocrisy in their decrying over what Obama said in the immediate days after the attack.

You dipshits spent WEEKS making shit up, and you dare criticize someone else for making a perfectly understandable assumption that the attack was related to the video? Seriously? As I said, even Fox News made that assumption.

"Obam watched as they died." "There was a stand down order". Remember that manufactured diarrhea you greedily slurped up, fuckheads?

You post topic after topic after topic every day on this forum of complete and total bullshit without making the slightest effort to fact check. The "gun grabbing unconstitutional EOs" just being the most recent example.

So excuse the fuck out of me if no one takes your whining about Obama's confusion over the initial facts seriously.

How can you stand the stench of your own hypocrisy?

BS, anyone with half a brain knew from the git go, or shortly after, that mortars are not brought to protests. There were protests in Australia allegedly over the video. WTF did they have to do with the non-watched video?

Even if we are to believe you they keep saying it was the video, without knowing, for two fully weeks, even you had to know by then that the story as nothing but BS. How can we ever believe this administration again? Why if they only suspected it did they come out and say with surety it was the video? They didn't know but that acted as they did. Or they did know and they lied. Your choice.
A lot of bars have been considerably lowered by the UnConservatives over the past four years. Their ire is now raised by the most picayune, stupid things.

One can't help but be entirely confident they will forget their new standards when a Republican doesn't meet them.

Hypocrisy, rather than principles, have become a way of life for what was once a great party.
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A lot of bars have been considerably lowered by the UnConservatives over the past four years. Their ire is now raised by the most picayune, stupid things.

One can't help but be entirely confident they will forget their new standards when a Republican doesn't meet them.

Hypocrisy, rather than principles, have become a way of life for what was once a great party.

A lot of bars have been considerably lowered by the UnProgressives over the past four (six) years. Their ire is now lowered by every failure and stupid things.

One can't help but be entirely confident they will forget their new standards when a Republican doesn't meet them.

Hypocrisy, rather than principles, have become a way of life for what was never a great democrat party
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It has been four months since the Benghazi attacks, said Colbert, “and every day the American people on Fox News have been demanding that the American people demand answers.”

Given the chance to hold Secretary of State Hillary Clinton’s “feet to the fire,” Senate Republicans proved once and for all, said Colbert, “that they suck at their jobs.”

He then rolled a clip reel of Fox News Channel pundits despairing that the questioning senators didn’t “drill down” on “the questions.” Charles Krauthammer was shown lamenting that no one asked “sequential follow-ups” of Clinton and that her interlocutors were merely making speeches.

“The Republicans looked like weenies,” said Fox contributor Lt. Col. Ralph Peters.

“Yes, weenies,” Colbert agreed. “Pink and plump with just a little bit of sphincter!”

It was Wisconsin’s Sen. Ron Johnson, however, who Colbert found the most “embarrassing.”

“Bill, roll the footage of Hillary stomping Ron’s ‘johnson,’


Clinton, he said, “slapped these guys around and walked out of there with their nuts in her attaché case.”

Colbert: Hillary left Benghazi hearing with GOP?s ?nuts in her attaché case? | The Raw Story

Well at least Colbert realizes she is a lying liberal who was let off the hook by the GOP. You know the guys you folks keep saying won't let thing lie. At leas Colbert knows that Hillary should have been excoriated but wasn't. I wonder if Colbert is all for trying Hillary in a civil case. Funny how when the perpetrator of lies and distortion, Hillary, isn't pillaged enough that becomes the problem. Not the fact that she is lying out her kazoo and everyone knows it. No the problem, according to Colbert, is that the white guys didn't beat her up enough. Man the liberal left is disingenuous.

Believe what you want, she still walked out with their nuts in her briefcase........
It has been four months since the Benghazi attacks, said Colbert, “and every day the American people on Fox News have been demanding that the American people demand answers.”

Given the chance to hold Secretary of State Hillary Clinton’s “feet to the fire,” Senate Republicans proved once and for all, said Colbert, “that they suck at their jobs.”

He then rolled a clip reel of Fox News Channel pundits despairing that the questioning senators didn’t “drill down” on “the questions.” Charles Krauthammer was shown lamenting that no one asked “sequential follow-ups” of Clinton and that her interlocutors were merely making speeches.

“The Republicans looked like weenies,” said Fox contributor Lt. Col. Ralph Peters.

“Yes, weenies,” Colbert agreed. “Pink and plump with just a little bit of sphincter!”

It was Wisconsin’s Sen. Ron Johnson, however, who Colbert found the most “embarrassing.”

“Bill, roll the footage of Hillary stomping Ron’s ‘johnson,’


Clinton, he said, “slapped these guys around and walked out of there with their nuts in her attaché case.”

Colbert: Hillary left Benghazi hearing with GOP?s ?nuts in her attaché case? | The Raw Story

Well at least Colbert realizes she is a lying liberal who was let off the hook by the GOP. You know the guys you folks keep saying won't let thing lie. At leas Colbert knows that Hillary should have been excoriated but wasn't. I wonder if Colbert is all for trying Hillary in a civil case. Funny how when the perpetrator of lies and distortion, Hillary, isn't pillaged enough that becomes the problem. Not the fact that she is lying out her kazoo and everyone knows it. No the problem, according to Colbert, is that the white guys didn't beat her up enough. Man the liberal left is disingenuous.

Believe what you want, she still walked out with their nuts in her briefcase........

Believe what you want but you and Colbert are just trying to paint her lying in the best possible light. She lied there was nothing more to be said. WTF did you and Colbert think she was going to shreek???? That she personally order the killings? People died and she lied. They let her off easy for sure but there wasn't any where else to go and had they continued to grill the double sighted drunk you folks would have just bitched all the louder.

Colbert couldn't care less his aim is to sell soap suds.
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She / it has stroked out.

Time to put the old hag out to pasture.

Probably not far from the truth. I saw a MD interviewed on CNN who pointed out the glasses she was wearing. They are glasses made specifically for those suffering from double vision.

Never heard of them, myself, but the did a close up and, indeed, they were not your "regular" lenses...

However, is it any surprise, when we have these dirtbags (on BOTH sides) who go to Washington and 40 years later are STILL waddling around "leading us"???
America just brings out the worst in other people around the world. This is not Hillary Clinton's fault. The U.S. brings these things onto itself because we like to start wars, invade sovereign nations and steal foreign resources.

EMBASSY Number of Attacks
United States 32
France 10
Israel 7
Soviet Union 6
Turkey 6
United Kingdom 6
Denmark 5
Russia 4
Japan 4
Chile 3
Egypt 3
Iran 3
Saudi Arabia 3
China 2
Germany 3 (2 after 1990, 1 before)
Greece 2
India 2
Spain 2
Switzerland 2
Australia 1
Belgium 1
Bulgaria 1
Canada 1
Costa Rica 1
Cuba 1
Dominican Republic 1
Ethiopia 1
Indonesia 1
Iraq 1
Italy 1
Jordan 1
Kuwait 1
Libya 1
Malaysia 1
Mexico 1
Myanmar 1
Pakistan 1
Philippines 1
Poland 1
Portugal 1
Romania 1
Slovakia 1
The Netherlands 1
West Germany 1 (also included in Germany)
Belarus 1

List of attacks on diplomatic missions - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
you love obama but hate the US ...big surprise....:doubt:
Well at least Colbert realizes she is a lying liberal who was let off the hook by the GOP. You know the guys you folks keep saying won't let thing lie. At leas Colbert knows that Hillary should have been excoriated but wasn't. I wonder if Colbert is all for trying Hillary in a civil case. Funny how when the perpetrator of lies and distortion, Hillary, isn't pillaged enough that becomes the problem. Not the fact that she is lying out her kazoo and everyone knows it. No the problem, according to Colbert, is that the white guys didn't beat her up enough. Man the liberal left is disingenuous.

Believe what you want, she still walked out with their nuts in her briefcase........

Believe what you want but you and Colbert are just trying to paint her lying in the best possible light. She lied there was nothing more to be said. WTF did you and Colbert think she was going to shreek???? That she personally order the killings? People died and she lied. They let her off easy for sure but there wasn't any where else to go and had they continued to grill the double sighted drunk you folks would have just bitched all the louder.

Colbert couldn't care less his aim is to sell soap suds.

There was always a lot less to this “misrepresentation” than Republicans claimed. In her now-infamous talk show comments five days after the attack, Rice made it clear that her characterization of what happened in Benghazi (which was drawn from talking points prepared by the intelligence community) was a preliminary one. And, far from denying that the attack was committed by organized terrorists, she said on CBS’ “Face the Nation” that “it’s clear that there were extremist elements that joined in and escalated the violence. Whether they were Al Qaeda affiliates, whether they were Libyan-based extremists or Al Qaeda itself, I think is one of the things we'll have to determine."

Republicans tuned out that qualification because they were outraged by Rice’s comment on the same program that the United States had “decimated Al Qaeda.” That comment, by the way, came in response to a general question about the Romney campaign’s charge that the Obama administration was projecting weakness abroad.

Thus was born the conspiracy theory that Johnson recycled in questioning Clinton: the idea that the administration lied about whether the Benghazi attack was the work of terrorists to shore up the president’s claim that he had decimated Al Qaeda. (Republicans seem to believe that “decimate” means “eliminate.”)

This was the claim Mitt Romney clumsily put forward in the second presidential debate when he disputed the claim that on the day after the attack, as Obama said, “I stood in the Rose Garden and I told the American people in the world that … this was an act of terror.” Republicans were apoplectic when moderator Candy Crowley backed up Obama. They complained for days that she had misinterpreted a transcript in which Obama condemned the Benghazi attack and pledged: “No acts of terror will ever shake the resolve of this great nation.”

Republicans hoped that Benghazi would be campaign gold for Romney. Due in part to Romney’s ineptitude, that “issue” never gained traction. So Republicans took out their disappointment on Susan Rice -- and, Wednesday, on Hillary Clinton. But she gave as good as she got.

Clinton goes back to basics on Benghazi - latimes.com
[No acts of terror will ever shake the resolve of this great nation.”

Republicans hoped that Benghazi would be campaign gold for Romney. Due in part to Romney’s ineptitude, that “issue” never gained traction. So Republicans took out their disappointment on Susan Rice -- and, Wednesday, on Hillary Clinton. But she gave as good as she got.

Clinton goes back to basics on Benghazi - latimes.com

Not sure if the liberal left actually listens to itself. First you and Colbert claim that the GOP was tough enough on her then you make the implication that she gave as good as she got. What she did is lie as has been shown, pounded her fists, and shreeked. Being a married man I can say when woman start with that BS all I want to do is flee.
FactCheck.org : Benghazi Timeline

Sept. 16: Libya President Mohamed Magariaf says on CBS News’ “Face the Nation” that the attack on the U.S. consulate was planned months in advance. But Susan Rice, the U.S. ambassador to the United Nations, tells CBS News’ Bob Schieffer: “We do not have information at present that leads us to conclude that this was premeditated or preplanned.” She says it began “spontaneously … as a reaction to what had transpired some hours earlier in Cairo,” and “extremist elements” joined in the protest. (It was later learned that Rice received her information from the CIA.)

Sept. 16: Magariaf says in an interview with NPR: “The idea that this criminal and cowardly act was a spontaneous protest that just spun out of control is completely unfounded and preposterous. We firmly believe that this was a precalculated, preplanned attack that was carried out specifically to attack the U.S. consulate.”

Sept. 18: Asked about Magariaf’s assessment that the video had nothing to do with the terrorist attack in Benghazi, the White House spokesman says Obama “would rather wait” for the investigation to be completed. “But at this time, as Ambassador Rice said and as I said, our understanding and our belief based on the information we have is it was the video that caused the unrest in Cairo, and the video and the unrest in Cairo that helped — that precipitated some of the unrest in Benghazi and elsewhere,” Carney says. “What other factors were involved is a matter of investigation.”

Sept. 20: Carney calls it a “terrorist attack” after being asked how the White House now classifies the attack. But he says the White House has no evidence that it was “a significantly preplanned attack” and blames the video for igniting the incident in Benghazi.

⬐ Click to expand/collapse the full transcript ⬏

Sept. 25: Obama speaks at the United Nations. He praises Chris Stevens as “the best of America” and condemns the anti-Muslim video as “crude and disgusting.” He does not describe the Benghazi attack as a terrorist attack.
America just brings out the worst in other people around the world. This is not Hillary Clinton's fault. The U.S. brings these things onto itself because we like to start wars, invade sovereign nations and steal foreign resources.

EMBASSY Number of Attacks
United States 32
France 10
Israel 7
Soviet Union 6
Turkey 6
United Kingdom 6
Denmark 5
Russia 4
Japan 4
Chile 3
Egypt 3
Iran 3
Saudi Arabia 3
China 2
Germany 3 (2 after 1990, 1 before)
Greece 2
India 2
Spain 2
Switzerland 2
Australia 1
Belgium 1
Bulgaria 1
Canada 1
Costa Rica 1
Cuba 1
Dominican Republic 1
Ethiopia 1
Indonesia 1
Iraq 1
Italy 1
Jordan 1
Kuwait 1
Libya 1
Malaysia 1
Mexico 1
Myanmar 1
Pakistan 1
Philippines 1
Poland 1
Portugal 1
Romania 1
Slovakia 1
The Netherlands 1
West Germany 1 (also included in Germany)
Belarus 1

List of attacks on diplomatic missions - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

It must be tiring to constantly deflect and obfuscate every criticism of your beloved leaders. Reading your posts certainly is.

And facing reality must be tiring for you, too, dear.
Believe what you want, she still walked out with their nuts in her briefcase........


Republicans hoped that Benghazi would be campaign gold for Romney. Due in part to Romney’s ineptitude, that “issue” never gained traction. So Republicans took out their disappointment on Susan Rice -- and, Wednesday, on Hillary Clinton. But she gave as good as she got.

Man, she did. And I seriously doubt the righties here on this board could handle 20 minutes of that kind of grilling much less 5 hours.
[No acts of terror will ever shake the resolve of this great nation.”

Republicans hoped that Benghazi would be campaign gold for Romney. Due in part to Romney’s ineptitude, that “issue” never gained traction. So Republicans took out their disappointment on Susan Rice -- and, Wednesday, on Hillary Clinton. But she gave as good as she got.

Clinton goes back to basics on Benghazi - latimes.com

Not sure if the liberal left actually listens to itself. First you and Colbert claim that the GOP was tough enough on her then you make the implication that she gave as good as she got. What she did is lie as has been shown, pounded her fists, and shreeked. Being a married man I can say when woman start with that BS all I want to do is flee.

Hahahahaaa....you're not sexist or anything like that. Want to see clips of McCain whining? Want to see video of John Boehner crying? Want to see a clip of Karl Rove squirming on election night? Yuk, when I see a man whine, cry and squirm I just want to flee.
[No acts of terror will ever shake the resolve of this great nation.”

Republicans hoped that Benghazi would be campaign gold for Romney. Due in part to Romney’s ineptitude, that “issue” never gained traction. So Republicans took out their disappointment on Susan Rice -- and, Wednesday, on Hillary Clinton. But she gave as good as she got.

Clinton goes back to basics on Benghazi - latimes.com

Not sure if the liberal left actually listens to itself. First you and Colbert claim that the GOP was tough enough on her then you make the implication that she gave as good as she got. What she did is lie as has been shown, pounded her fists, and shreeked. Being a married man I can say when woman start with that BS all I want to do is flee.

Except that no one lied about what occured in Benghazi. ".... it's important to know that there's an FBI investigation that has begun and will take some time to be completed. That will tell us with certainty what transpired." or something simular before any of the approved talking points were disseminated.

Republicans hoped that Benghazi would be campaign gold for Romney. Due in part to Romney’s ineptitude, that “issue” never gained traction. So Republicans took out their disappointment on Susan Rice -- and, Wednesday, on Hillary Clinton. But she gave as good as she got.

Man, she did. And I seriously doubt the righties here on this board could handle 20 minutes of that kind of grilling much less 5 hours.

Given the fact she lost her cool and was shrieking and waving her arms around like that, she gave nothing but ammunition for another attack back.
That is based upon the simple truth that in any interaction between people, when one loses control they have granted control to the other.
Hillary lost it, she got spanked and looks foolish.

and btw, I am far from a "rightie".
grow up and learn there are multifacets to each and every issue. very few fit into your preferred left/right paradigm.
Man, she did. And I seriously doubt the righties here on this board could handle 20 minutes of that kind of grilling much less 5 hours.

Given the fact she lost her cool and was shrieking and waving her arms around like that, she gave nothing but ammunition for another attack back.
That is based upon the simple truth that in any interaction between people, when one loses control they have granted control to the other.
Hillary lost it, she got spanked and looks foolish.

and btw, I am far from a "rightie".
grow up and learn there are multifacets to each and every issue. very few fit into your preferred left/right paradigm.

Yes she gave them what they crave, a small sound byte. As long as there are dittoheads willling to swallow the sound bytes and wash it down large glass of bullshit as truth, the circus will continue.
America just brings out the worst in other people around the world. This is not Hillary Clinton's fault. The U.S. brings these things onto itself because we like to start wars, invade sovereign nations and steal foreign resources.

EMBASSY Number of Attacks
United States 32
France 10
Israel 7
Soviet Union 6
Turkey 6
United Kingdom 6
Denmark 5
Russia 4
Japan 4
Chile 3
Egypt 3
Iran 3
Saudi Arabia 3
China 2
Germany 3 (2 after 1990, 1 before)
Greece 2
India 2
Spain 2
Switzerland 2
Australia 1
Belgium 1
Bulgaria 1
Canada 1
Costa Rica 1
Cuba 1
Dominican Republic 1
Ethiopia 1
Indonesia 1
Iraq 1
Italy 1
Jordan 1
Kuwait 1
Libya 1
Malaysia 1
Mexico 1
Myanmar 1
Pakistan 1
Philippines 1
Poland 1
Portugal 1
Romania 1
Slovakia 1
The Netherlands 1
West Germany 1 (also included in Germany)
Belarus 1

List of attacks on diplomatic missions - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

It must be tiring to constantly deflect and obfuscate every criticism of your beloved leaders. Reading your posts certainly is.

Well of course. Its easier to point a finger at the past than answer the questions about the present. Of course none of the defenders of that fuck and his administration want to admitt what a bunch of fucked up idiots are running that State Department.

Its easy to say "Well. It happend here and here." Rather than try to defend what happened in Benghazi.

As I said. For them its just four dead men. No sweat.

I see, so you take an isolated incident and don't bother to understand the bigger picture. History has no meaning for you.

That's so typical of the rightwinger...they think American history started in 2009 and want to erase the eight years of Middle East meddling by Bush, Rumsfeld and Cheney. I don't blame you. I'd like to forget it, too.

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