Hillary in 2016


Diamond Member
Jan 29, 2013
The Big Easy
Then again "What does it matter?"

A little trivia to see how much history you know (can guess at). Be honest, it's kinda fun and revealing.

If you don't know the answer make your best guess.

Answer all the questions before looking at the answers.

Who said it?
1) "We're going to take things away from you on behalf of the common good."

A. Karl Marx
B. Adolph Hitler
C. Joseph Stalin
D. None of the above

2) "It's time for a new beginning, for an end to government of the few, by the few, and for the few...... And to replace it with shared responsibility for shared prosperity."

A. Lenin
B. Mussolini
C. Idi Amin
D. N one of the Above

3) "(We) .....can't just let business as usual go on, and that means something has to be taken away from some people."

A. Nikita Khrushev
B. Josef Goebbels
C. Boris Yeltsin
D. None of the above

4) "We have to build a political consensus and that requires people to give up a little bit of their own ... in order to create this common ground."

A. Mao Tse Dung
B. Hugo Chavez
C. Kim Jong Il
D. None of the above

5) "I certainly think the free-market has failed."

A. Karl Marx
B. Lenin
C. Molotov
D. None of the above

6) "I think it's time to send a clear message to what has become the most profitable sector in (the) entire economy that they are being watched."

A. Pinochet
B. Milosevic
C. Saddam Hussein
D. None of the above

Scroll down for the SURPRISING answers ~~>>


(1) D. None of the above. Statement was made by Hillary Clinton
(2) D. None of the above. Statement was made by Hillary Clinton
(3) D. None of the above. Statement was made by Hillary Clinton
(4) D. None of the above. Statement was made by Hillary Clinton
(5) D. None of the above. Statement was made by Hillary Clinton
(6) D. None of the above. Statement was made by Hillary Clinton

Be afraid, Be very afraid!!
its not surprising fish
she is farther left than obama. THAT is fuckin scarey
what is even scarier is that if she gets the nom, she will win. partisan politics sucks!
welcome to the NWO
If that is the game you are playing.....Republicans don't have a chance of beating Hillary

If your plans are Hillary is a Marxist, Whitewater, Blowjobs and Benghazi

You lose
its not surprising fish
she is farther left than obama. THAT is fuckin scarey
what is even scarier is that if she gets the nom, she will win. partisan politics sucks!
welcome to the NWO

I don't think she will get the nomination, way too much baggage for the DNC to try to cover up.

But if she does run, I look forward to the GOP ads showing her screaming like a drunk banshee and then doing her fake black accent. "ah ain't no ways tarred"

what a terrible person she is.
If that is the game you are playing.....Republicans don't have a chance of beating Hillary

If your plans are Hillary is a Marxist, Whitewater, Blowjobs and Benghazi

You lose

Just one question, RW. Do you support the ideas in her quotes?
If Hillary runs in 2016, and the GOP continues on it's present path, she will win. The present GOP is out there in the La-La land of the far right wing, and will lose big time because of that unless the sane people within that party regain control.
If Hillary runs in 2016, and the GOP continues on it's present path, she will win. The present GOP is out there in the La-La land of the far right wing, and will lose big time because of that unless the sane people within that party regain control.

same question for you, rocks. Do you support the ideas in her quotes? yes or no.
If Hillary runs in 2016, and the GOP continues on it's present path, she will win. The present GOP is out there in the La-La land of the far right wing, and will lose big time because of that unless the sane people within that party regain control.

The problem with the extreme right is they think they can spout shit like in the OP and win elections. They don't understand the concept of preaching to the choir. This kind of rhetoric is red meat to TeaTards but turns off moderates and independents.
If that is the game you are playing.....Republicans don't have a chance of beating Hillary

If your plans are Hillary is a Marxist, Whitewater, Blowjobs and Benghazi

You lose

Just one question, RW. Do you support the ideas in her quotes?

Why don't you post the whole quote, in context and we can talk

The context is clear. Do you support her socialist ideas or not? Or, as I suspect, are you nothing but a dem troll whose job is to post left wing bullshit 24/7/365?
If Hillary runs in 2016, and the GOP continues on it's present path, she will win. The present GOP is out there in the La-La land of the far right wing, and will lose big time because of that unless the sane people within that party regain control.

The problem with the extreme right is they think they can spout shit like in the OP and win elections. They don't understand the concept of preaching to the choir. This kind of rhetoric is red meat to TeaTards but turns off moderates and independents.

Being anti-socialist is not extreme right. Believing in the constitution is not extreme right.

You dems are experts at the politics of personal destruction and innuendo. But you get all huffed up when it comes to turn about.

Hillary said those things, she is a far left loon. Do you agree with her or not?
Just one question, RW. Do you support the ideas in her quotes?

Why don't you post the whole quote, in context and we can talk

The context is clear. Do you support her socialist ideas or not? Or, as I suspect, are you nothing but a dem troll whose job is to post left wing bullshit 24/7/365?

As with most quotes from conservative nutjobs, context is critical. I know it plays with the radical right, but it doesn't play with me. Pick a single Hillary quote from above, provide full context and we can talk

Sounds fair doesn't it?
Why don't you post the whole quote, in context and we can talk

The context is clear. Do you support her socialist ideas or not? Or, as I suspect, are you nothing but a dem troll whose job is to post left wing bullshit 24/7/365?

As with most quotes from conservative nutjobs, context is critical. I know it plays with the radical right, but it doesn't play with me. Pick a single Hillary quote from above, provide full context and we can talk

Sounds fair doesn't it?

Nice dodge, but your refusal to respond to a legitimate question proves that you are nothing but a disengenuous troll.

But, one more chance. Do you agree with Hillary's political philosophy as expressed by her in these quotes and many others. Put these quotes in any context that you want, their meaning is clear. Everyone knows that she is a far left socialist. Are you in agreement with her?
If the election was held today Hillary would win in a landslide. . :cool:

Keep believing that, then be sure to reserve your spot in the mental institution. Even the DNC is not stupid enough to run her. She would be dem version of Dole and McCain---------"its her turn, we have to run her" LOLOLOLOLOL bring it on. :lol:
If Hillary runs in 2016, and the GOP continues on it's present path, she will win. The present GOP is out there in the La-La land of the far right wing, and will lose big time because of that unless the sane people within that party regain control.

same question for you, rocks. Do you support the ideas in her quotes? yes or no.

Her quotes won't matter if the GOP puts up a candidate similar to the last two.

If the GOP can stop focusing so much on the opposition, and take a good hard look at themselves instead, they could probably start winning again. But as long as their entire campaign strategy revolves around running crap candidates and saying "Hey, look at that guy over there", then they don't stand a chance.
If the election was held today Hillary would win in a landslide. . :cool:

Keep believing that, then be sure to reserve your spot in the mental institution. Even the DNC is not stupid enough to run her. She would be dem version of Dole and McCain---------"its her turn, we have to run her" LOLOLOLOLOL bring it on. :lol:

We fully intend to run her

We can also fully expect Republicans to form their circular firing squad and lose big again
its not surprising fish
she is farther left than obama. THAT is fuckin scarey
what is even scarier is that if she gets the nom, she will win. partisan politics sucks!
welcome to the NWO

I don't think she will get the nomination, way too much baggage for the DNC to try to cover up.

But if she does run, I look forward to the GOP ads showing her screaming like a drunk banshee and then doing her fake black accent. "ah ain't no ways tarred"

what a terrible person she is.

D voters dont give a shit about that stuff!
the only people that see Benghazi as a big lie and cover up that it was, are not the Ds. partisan politics!
If Hillary runs in 2016, and the GOP continues on it's present path, she will win. The present GOP is out there in the La-La land of the far right wing, and will lose big time because of that unless the sane people within that party regain control.

same question for you, rocks. Do you support the ideas in her quotes? yes or no.

Her quotes won't matter if the GOP puts up a candidate similar to the last two.

If the GOP can stop focusing so much on the opposition, and take a good hard look at themselves instead, they could probably start winning again. But as long as their entire campaign strategy revolves around running crap candidates and saying "Hey, look at that guy over there", then they don't stand a chance.

Romney/Ryan was a very good ticket. It they had won, the country would be in much better economic condition today. We would also not be the laughing stock of the rest of the world as we are under obozo the clown prince.

YOu say stop focusing on the opposition---what the fuck were you dems doing when you were digging though palin's trash cans and Romney's tax returns? practice what you preach, assholes.

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