Hillary last sixty days


Gold Member
Dec 2, 2013
Actually that number is more like fifty days. Hillary will be tipped off by that she's about to be facing criminal charges relating to her email fiasco in ten days.
She will then have no choice but to withdraw for 'health reasons'.
The AG will have no choice but to make the charge formal or the FBI will be in open revolt.
No matter what happens when the voters are informed of the charges filed or not the party is literally over for Hillary. This leaves Bernie.
He doesn't stand any chance against Trump.
Ex-US atty: Clinton two months away from criminal
That hag lynch can also claim prosecutorial discretion and not prosecute even if the FBI wants to bring charges.

The DOJ is not an unbiased department, politically speaking. Lynch denied to prosecute that POS Lerner already, so I see no reason she won't do it again for one of the cronies.

They don't want to lose the white house, so they will protect her at any cost, including pissing off the FBI. New prez in under a year, with a whole new bunch of appointees, so the FBI will get over it is the simple logic.

Hope I'm wrong, but I think she walks on this.
She's expecting a post indictment bounce from the CPUSA base of the Dem Party
That hag lynch can also claim prosecutorial discretion and not prosecute even if the FBI wants to bring charges.

The DOJ is not an unbiased department, politically speaking. Lynch denied to prosecute that POS Lerner already, so I see no reason she won't do it again for one of the cronies.

They don't want to lose the white house, so they will protect her at any cost, including pissing off the FBI. New prez in under a year, with a whole new bunch of appointees, so the FBI will get over it is the simple logic.

Hope I'm wrong, but I think she walks on this.
The DNC is in a tough spot now. If the FBI recommends to the AG charges be brought against Hillary but the AG refuses to file the charges the FBI will openly revolt and the US voter will get to see every email involved. This will sink Hillary's chances.
If the AG goes ahead with charges Hillary's chances of even winning the nomination are over.
Either way IMO if the FBI files charges Hillary is finished.
We need to remember the FBI elite fucking HATE the Clintons going back to the Clinton's cocaine smuggling days in AK and worse and being able to get away with it.
And that's only the tip of the iceberg of HATE the FBI have for the Clintons on very personal levels.
We'll see what transpires.
I'm torn on this one. Be nice, and long overdue, for the hammer to finally fall on the fat-assed lying piece of crap Hillary, but then again the prospect of getting crushed by Trump in the election would certainly be fun to watch. Ultimately I'd go with whichever one really bothered her the most, really hurt.

Either one a great excuse though for firing up a fine quality schadenfreude cigar.
Actually that number is more like fifty days. Hillary will be tipped off by that she's about to be facing criminal charges relating to her email fiasco in ten days.
She will then have no choice but to withdraw for 'health reasons'.
The AG will have no choice but to make the charge formal or the FBI will be in open revolt.
No matter what happens when the voters are informed of the charges filed or not the party is literally over for Hillary. This leaves Bernie.
He doesn't stand any chance against Trump.
Ex-US atty: Clinton two months away from criminal

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