Hillary Looking More And More Like A Dictator Every Day


Diamond Member
Gold Supporting Member
Jul 21, 2009
Headmaster's Office, Hogwarts
I used to think Hillary and Elton John had the same tailor. Now it looks like Hillary has the same tailor as Pol Pot and Chairman Mao. Maybe even a bit of Little Kim Jung Un thrown in there.

This is the old Hillary Clinton.


Lately she has gone in for these Dr. Evil outfits.


Pol Pot
Chairman Mao

I think when she was overseas working for Obama as Secretary of State somebody switched her with a clone.
Please, please.

Let dimocraps be so stupid as to run this walking advertisement for FDS as their nominee.

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HRC is why our GOP is going to run a mainstream Republican and not a far right hick as the candidate.
"Hillary Looking More And More Like A Dictator Every Day"

You and most others on the partisan right are looking more and more desperate, and ridiculous, every day.
This is a joke, and yet you want to take it seriously.

I'd like to remind you of all of the wild accusations that were thrown out about Sarah Palin and her kids. Frankly, I think you should be ashamed of yourself, and I also feel none of you liberals have room to talk. Absolutely nothing.
I feel shame for any person who attacks candidates' children, right or left.
That is stupid politicking, RR, as time and experience shows.

Playing low allows your opponent to stomp you from above.
"Hillary Looking More And More Like A Dictator Every Day"
You and most others on the partisan right are looking more and more desperate, and ridiculous, every day.
This is a joke, and yet you want to take it seriously.
If it's a joke you've put it in the wrong forum. Posts like this are why the 'Satire' forum was created. Can we get a mod to move it?

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