Hillary mentally unfit to serve as president?

Proof Hillary isn't fit to be president:

Here is just a partial list of "Her Evilness'" crimes that came to light during the Clinton administration years:

1) Whitewater scandal – This was the fraudulent land scheme, masterminded by Hillary and key witness Jim McDougal (who also mysteriously died in prison), while Hillary was a partner of the Rose Law Firm – also the firm of Vince Foster and Webster Hubbell, who later moved to D.C. with the Clintons to infest the White House Counsel's office with their "legal expertise." Hubbell was later indicted, tried and convicted for tax fraud. Foster turned up dead in Fort Marcy Park, as he was a material witness for then independent counsel Ken Starr's Whitewater criminal investigation.

2) Travelgate – To feather the nest of her friends, Harry and Susan Thomases, both Hollywood "beautiful people," Hillary had the head of the White House Travel Office, Billy Dale, fired on trumped-up claims of tax irregularities and then put the Thomases in charge to personally reap the profits of this government travel business. Dale, who was my client, was ultimately cleared, but not after his life was virtually ruined.

3) Filegate – This patented Hillary scandal was first detected by the House Government Reform and Oversight Committee, which had been investigating the Clintons' Travelgate caper. What was learned is that more than 900 FBI files had been ordered up by a former bar bouncer, Craig Livingstone, whom Hillary had hired to work in the White House Counsel's Office, on the first lady's orders and without proper legal justification. I later filed a class-action suit against the Clintons and other accomplices. The case went on for almost a decade and resulted in the uncovering of yet another Clinton scandal, E-mailgate – where the Clintons had covered up and suppressed more than a million potentially incriminating emails that should have been produced to me, Ken Starr and Congress over a variety of the duo's crimes. It was also during this Filegate case that it was learned that President Clinton, on the advice of his top political adviser, James Carville, had illegally released Privacy Act protected information from White House files to smear Kathleen Willey, a woman who was a material witness in the impeachment proceedings, as she was also sexually harassed by the "philanderer in chief" while working for him in the White House. This was the basis of Judge Lamberth's ruling that President Clinton had committed a crime.

4) Chinagate – Not to be outdone by her prior scandals, Hillary then masterminded a scheme whereby the Clinton-Gore presidential campaign of 1996 took bribes from communist Chinese banks and their government to bankroll the president's and the Democratic Party's re-election efforts when it appeared, due to their low standing in the polls, that all the stops needed to be pulled out. It was the lawsuit that I brought against Secretary of Commerce Ron Brown, where at Hillary's instruction, he literally sold seats on Department trade missions to China and elsewhere, which principally uncovered this. In late 1996 and early 1997, the scandal had burgeoned to such a level that joint congressional hearings were empaneled, ultimately to be shut down when Democrats uncovered illegal fundraising by some Republicans. The two parties, faced with mutual assured destruction, simply took an exit stage left. However, I soldiered on with my lawsuit. And, while I uncovered a lot about Bonnie and Clyde and their Chinese "friends," this scandal ultimately took back seat to the Monica Lewinsky scandal, since the media preferred sex to foreign espionage and graft. Hillary and Bill were ironically saved by Monica, who became the lightening rod drawing attention away to what at the time was perhaps the biggest scandal – Chinagate – in American history.

Proof Hillary isn t fit to be president
Not to worry little Zionist, the Israelis don't get a vote.

LOL some do:slap:

More than 80,000 American Jews living in Israel—out of an estimated 150,000 eligible voters—cast absentee ballots for Tuesday’s presidential election. According to an exit poll released on Thursday, which was conducted by get-out-the-vote group 85 percent of them voted for Republican candidate Mitt Romney

80 000 American-Israelis Voted Through Absentee Ballots and 85 Percent Reportedly Went for Romney ndash Tablet Magazine
I can do a better job than her drunk and high at the same time.

Please share your accomplishments with us.
Turned 600,000 in debt into million a year profit with my mouth and my brain. I have therefore accomplished more than hilary Has in her entire political career.

Good for You! Do your accomplishments compare with Hillary's? She is highly educated, rich and famous.
I give you the last two, but the first one. I got to call bull. Her entire life she made stupid decisions. So far except Chelsea, under the circumstances looks like she did a good job. That's all I can come up with.
Chelsea is a turkey-baster baby.
Unfit even to hold a driver's license without posing as an illegal alien so all requirements would be suspended.
So Hillary recounts this harrowing tale of her landing in a combat zone under sniper fire and having to keep her head down while running to the car. Pretty scary. Later when confronted with proof this never happened she declared I don't know why I said that I must have been sleep deprived.

Does this make her unfit to serve as president? Seriously, as president she will be frequently sleep deprived we can't have the woman armed with nukes hallucinating combat events that never took place. I think hallucinating combat events should disqualify anyone from being president.

Not to worry. Bill will be co-President and First Dude.
Watch out interns and female staff. Mr and Mrs liar back in our house, scary thought.
If we excluded the mentally unfit,the Democrat Party would disappear.
There are no batshit crazy women on the Republican side?

Perhaps though off hand I can't think if any, but you miss the point. The entire democrat party would be excluded.
Your point is total bullshit, and I ignored it. Perhaps part of your problem is that you see women like Palin and Bachman to be perfectly sane.

Your problem is that you hate women. I wasn't excluding men, you only considered the women to be bat shit crazy.
If we excluded the mentally unfit,the Democrat Party would disappear.
There are no batshit crazy women on the Republican side?

Perhaps though off hand I can't think if any, but you miss the point. The entire democrat party would be excluded.
Your point is total bullshit, and I ignored it. Perhaps part of your problem is that you see women like Palin and Bachman to be perfectly sane.

Your problem is that you hate women. I wasn't excluding men, you only considered the women to be bat shit crazy.

So he hates women because he calls Pailin and Bachman bat shit crazy? I call that being politically correct. You are the one saying he hates "all" women.
If she can't keep 4 americans safe, why should we trust her to keep all of us safe?

Using this argument, Bush couldn't keep anyone safe (think 9/11). Yet he was re-elected. Go figure.
He was handed Clinton's military. Go figure.

Oh yes, such an incompetent military that it stopped the slaughter in the Balkans. Attacking the good name of the U.S. military to justify bad politics is rather lame.
If we excluded the mentally unfit,the Democrat Party would disappear.
There are no batshit crazy women on the Republican side?

Perhaps though off hand I can't think if any, but you miss the point. The entire democrat party would be excluded.
Your point is total bullshit, and I ignored it. Perhaps part of your problem is that you see women like Palin and Bachman to be perfectly sane.

Your problem is that you hate women. I wasn't excluding men, you only considered the women to be bat shit crazy.
The subject was Hillary. You have no argument, so you make up something ridiculous about me.You must hate men.
If we excluded the mentally unfit,the Democrat Party would disappear.
There are no batshit crazy women on the Republican side?

Perhaps though off hand I can't think if any, but you miss the point. The entire democrat party would be excluded.
Your point is total bullshit, and I ignored it. Perhaps part of your problem is that you see women like Palin and Bachman to be perfectly sane.

Your problem is that you hate women. I wasn't excluding men, you only considered the women to be bat shit crazy.
The subject was Hillary. You have no argument, so you make up something ridiculous about me.You must hate men.
Your initial point was idiotic.
"If we exclude the mentally unfit the Dem Party would disappear"
Are there no crazy GOP women?

Serioysly? What kind of argumetn is that? Even if there are crazy GOP women, that does not mean that the initial point was wrong. Dems are the party of the lazy and the crazy.
So Hillary recounts this harrowing tale of her landing in a combat zone under sniper fire and having to keep her head down while running to the car. Pretty scary. Later when confronted with proof this never happened she declared I don't know why I said that I must have been sleep deprived.

Does this make her unfit to serve as president? Seriously, as president she will be frequently sleep deprived we can't have the woman armed with nukes hallucinating combat events that never took place. I think hallucinating combat events should disqualify anyone from being president.

If the GOP runs a candidate who's never told a lie, then you might have a case.
This would be known as an opinion. And a stupid one at that, but we expect little else from you.
I don't recall the left saying all that much about this....
But Romney saying he has binders full of women was covered by the left for months....
Romney has binders of women, Hillary has binders full of missed sniper bullets.

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