Hillary needs to burn in political hell...

for that speech tonight... She had her flock foaming at the mouth screaming for Denver. She cared not to difuse her divisive campaign recognizing her loss and instead gave hope to those that still cling to the rails of her sinking titanic... WTF was that.. if she wants the VP spot this was not the way to go about it...

Obama just clinched the nomination tonight. There is plenty of time to unite the party. There is no reason she should have to drop out at this moment. When the time comes, she will get behind Obama, whether as VP or just a high-profile supporter.

Give the woman her due. She has accomplished an amazing amount over the last 6 years and last 6 months. You can't expect her to just pack up ship because Obama reached some magic number of non-binding superdelegates.

Giver her time.
Hillary won the popular vote why should she back down now? Take it to Denver baby!
Maybe because caucuss states arent included in the vote totals. Maybe because the more educated people in Florida and Michigan who stayed home cause they knew it wouldnt count.. who are the more educated people more likely to vote for? Since O carried most if not all caucuses how can you say that she got more votes.. unless your saying that not everyones vote should count...
Obama just clinched the nomination tonight. There is plenty of time to unite the party. There is no reason she should have to drop out at this moment. When the time comes, she will get behind Obama, whether as VP or just a high-profile supporter.

Give the woman her due. She has accomplished an amazing amount over the last 6 years and last 6 months. You can't expect her to just pack up ship because Obama reached some magic number of non-binding superdelegates.

Giver her time.
I dunno.. kinda sounds like she is moving the bar once again.. "I'll continue till one candidate reaches that majik number..." Well, did I miss something or did Obama not hit that number... she should have taken that moment and graciously bowed out... it was the moment where she should have given the best speech of her life... what did she end up giving.. utter crap...'I had eighteen million.. Ive been fighting for healthcare for 16years not 16months... blah blah blah...she is still taking jabs and the race is over...
She has no due... nothing due to her.. she has been devisive and negative throughout.. shes used racism and mysoginistic ferver to whip up her base to the point where they would never think about voting for Obama ... A democratic presidential nominee should never put personal ambition over party...
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Making Obama look like a weakling isn't going to win over any voters, Jeepers. Why do you keep doing it?
It takes strength to take the highroad.. he should have buried her on Nafta and Colombian trade... he instead stayed focused on a positive message.. The talking heads this morning are recoginizing this fact that Obama ran a clean campaign...
I dunno.. kinda sounds like she is moving the bar once again.. "I'll continue till one candidate reaches that majik number..." Well, did I miss something or did Obama not hit that number... she should have taken that moment and graciously bowed out... it was the moment where she should have given the best speech of her life... what did she end up giving.. utter crap...
She has no due... nothing due to her.. she has been devisive and negative throughout.. shes used racism and mysoginistic ferver to whip up her base to the point where they would never think about voting for Obama ... A democratic presidential nominee should never put personal ambition over party...

How about no presidential nominee putting party before country ???
Did he win with more than 57 delegates? Since the party illegally gave him 57 he did not win?
Rumor has is that Hillary got more than 57 delegates illegally as you say.. granted the only thing that matters is what the PARTY says...
It takes strength to take the highroad.. he should have buried her on Nafta and Colombian trade... he instead stayed focused on a positive message.. The talking heads this morning are recoginizing this fact that Obama ran a clean campaign...

What positive message? Hillary is a racist? Or who cares about Florida voters?
I dunno.. kinda sounds like she is moving the bar once again.. "I'll continue till one candidate reaches that majik number..." Well, did I miss something or did Obama not hit that number... she should have taken that moment and graciously bowed out... it was the moment where she should have given the best speech of her life... what did she end up giving.. utter crap...
She has no due... nothing due to her.. she has been devisive and negative throughout.. shes used racism and mysoginistic ferver to whip up her base to the point where they would never think about voting for Obama ... A democratic presidential nominee should never put personal ambition over party...

She will get out when she feels the time is right, and I am sure that she will give a magnificent speech in the process.

The campaign did get a little dirty, but it got dirty on both sides, and much of the dirt can be attributed to supporters who I doubt are centrally controlled from the campaigns themselves. These candidates put all of their time and energy for months into getting this nomination, and it must be difficult to take the foot off the pedal.

Clinton ran a hard campaign, doing what she thought it would take to win. Don't begrudge her this. Both of the candidates have personal ambition, and believing that they were the best for the job, it shouldn't be surprising that they were driving hard to the end.

On a more practical note, Clinton's supporters feel strongly about their candidate because she was a very good candidate. Obama will need their votes to win in November, and it makes no sense to antagonize them now as we move into the next stage of the election.

Even if you don't care a bit for Hillary Clinton, if you do support Barack Obama, you should start being magnanimous and nice to her supporters for his sake.
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What positive message? Hillary is a racist? Or who cares about Florida voters?

Obama never said either of these things, and in general, the campaign was reasonably positive from both sides (considering how close it was). It is the supporters who drag it into the mud, not the campaigns themselves. Clinton and Obama will eventually make nice and get in the sandbox together. We should start doing the same.
She will get out when she feels the time is right, and I am sure that she will give a magnificent speech in the process.

The campaign did get a little dirty, but it got dirty on both sides, and much of the dirt can be attributed to supporters who I doubt are centrally controlled from the campaigns themselves. These candidates put all of their time and energy for months into getting this nomination, and it must be difficult to take the foot off the pedal.

Clinton ran a hard campaign, doing what she thought it would take to win. Don't begrudge her this. Both of the candidates have personal ambition, and believing that they were the best for the job, so it shouldn't be surprising that they were driving hard to the end.

On a more practical note, Clinton's supporters feel strongly about their candidate because she was a very good candidate. Obama will need their votes to win in November, and it makes no sense to antagonize them now as we move into the next stage of the election.

Even if you don't care a bit for Hillary Clinton, if you do support Barack Obama, you should start being magnanimous and nice to her supporters for his sake.

Conversly, Obama may garner stronger support by thanking her for her party support and then ignoring her like a dirty dish rag. This ain't about Hillary anymore and kissing her ass makes him look weak and stupid.
Conversly, Obama may garner stronger support by thanking her for her party support and then ignoring her like a dirty dish rag. This ain't about Hillary anymore and kissing her ass makes him look weak and stupid.

There is still 5 months until the general election - more than enough time to ingratiate himself to Clinton's supporters and then distance himself from Clinton herself, should he decide that is the best course.
There is still 5 months until the general election - more than enough time to ingratiate himself to Clinton's supporters and then distance himself from Clinton herself, should he decide that is the best course.

I cant' wait to see what form this ingratiating takes.
Me either. I actually have gotten to the point where I turn the radio off when he's speaking. Just like with Bush.

Obama's policies are little different than Clinton's. He didn't run a campaign that was any dirtier than Clinton's (neither was particularly dirty, but most pundits would say that she crossed the line more than he). He seems like a decent human being - never charged with a crime or anything like that.

What exactly is it about Obama that you dislike so much?
Obama's policies are little different than Clinton's. He didn't run a campaign that was any dirtier than Clinton's (neither was particularly dirty, but most pundits would say that she crossed the line more than he). He seems like a decent human being - never charged with a crime or anything like that.

What exactly is it about Obama that you dislike so much?

He strikes me as a phony and a user. Not much different than any politician, true. But somehow he seems more of both than most.
He strikes me as a phony and a user. Not much different than any politician, true. But somehow he seems more of both than most.

Could you be more specific?

When they poll on honesty, Clinton generally come out worse than Obama, yet that doesn't dissuade you from giving her your support.
He strikes me as a phony and a user. Not much different than any politician, true. But somehow he seems more of both than most.
Yeah.. workin as a comunity organizer in chicago after graduating from central community college... oops.. sorry.. Harvard... hes a phoney alright.. He by the was thrust into the national spotlight after being hand picked by Kerry ... You know dick about this man and your aforementioned quote shows it..

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