Hillary New Ad Campaign


Diamond Member
May 20, 2009


"Has this ever happened to you? Your Boss switches sides in the War on Terror and uses a Middle Eastern Consulate to arm his brothers in Jihad when the whole thing goes kablooey and now the government wants your emails to see 'what she knew and when she knew it, blah blah' so you're forced to takes direction form his Boss, some lady named Val who concocts a total whackaloon story about the attack being caused by a video no one ever saw? Well, I'm not saying that ever happened to me, but if it did and if all my emails were somehow or other, er, 'accidentally' lost, a service like Carbonite would have been able to retrieve them Huma like, which is to say lickety split.

Remember, if you want to be able to give the government the power to retrieve incriminating emails, use Carbonite" -- HRC

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