Hillary Protected Boko Haram for $$$$$$$$$

And now, the true story:

Why Hillary Clinton Was Right on Boko Haram

1. The Nigerians didn’t want it. According to Robert Jackson, the principal deputy assistant secretary for African affairs, Nigerian President Goodluck Jonathan didn’t want the group to be labeled as a FTO.

“The government of Nigeria feared that designating these individuals and the organizations would bring them more attention, more publicity and be counter productive," Jackson told a Senate subcommittee earlier this month. "For some time we accepted that point of view.”

2. It would have been ineffective. The FTO designation allows the United States to prohibit American businesses from doing business with the group, as well as prohibits American citizens from funding it. Because the group has no economic ties to the Untied States, these tools would have been ineffective.

All the FTO would have done was raise the profile of the group. It’s not as if the United States was idle in the early fight against the group; it increased aid to Nigeria and sent FBI agents there to help.

Related: Libyan Mission Over, But U.S. Deeper into Africa

3. At the time, the group posed no threat outside of northern Nigeria, and there was little evidence that it had connections to al Qaeda. Boko Haram is not one of the four groups that al Qaeda leader Ayman al-Zawahiri has granted the al Qaeda tag. Al Qaeda has even condemned the group for the kidnappings.

Boko Haram has more similarities to a gang than an organized terror group like al Shabaab in Somalia and Kenya and al Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb in North Africa. Its leader, Abubakar Shekau, is an Islamic radical, but most of the foot soldiers are young men with no futures fed up with endless cycles of poverty and government corruption.

4. Getting into the anti-terrorism business with the Nigerian military is a losing proposition. The Nigerian military is responsible for a host of their own human rights abuses in their effort to eradicate the group. Providing anything more than information that could help locate the girls would be supporting these violations.

Why Hillary Clinton Was Right on Boko Haram
This is simple. As soon as Hillary holds her FIRST OPEN press conference in 246 days and counting ---

someone MIGHT be able to ask that question.. But if it was ME -- I would take an Uber to the next state after leaving the room..
hiLIARy truly is the most corrupt person to ever be a major party nominee for President.

The Clinton Foundation is chockfull-o-cash-for-favors, but some cash is more tainted than others. New information has come to light that hiLIARy obstructed the designation of Boko Haram as a terrorist group in order to benefit her donors.

Why did Hillary Clinton's State Department drag its feet on the terror designation in the face of near unanimous opposition from the rest of the U.S. government?

A recent series of reports exposes that a close Clinton family confidante -- and Hillary campaign bundler -- who profited from Nigeria's lucrative oil fields. He engaged in multiple illegal deals throughout Africa.

Also, other donors to the Clinton Global Initiative are deeply involved in Nigeria's corrupt oil industry.

Were they the motivation behind Hillary's inexplicable position on Boko Haram?...

Hillary Obstructed Boko Haram's Terror Designation as Clinton Allies Cashed In

Pajamas Media? Are you shitting me? Duh, I'll wait for a credible source...
hiLIARy truly is the most corrupt person to ever be a major party nominee for President.

The Clinton Foundation is chockfull-o-cash-for-favors, but some cash is more tainted than others. New information has come to light that hiLIARy obstructed the designation of Boko Haram as a terrorist group in order to benefit her donors.

Why did Hillary Clinton's State Department drag its feet on the terror designation in the face of near unanimous opposition from the rest of the U.S. government?

A recent series of reports exposes that a close Clinton family confidante -- and Hillary campaign bundler -- who profited from Nigeria's lucrative oil fields. He engaged in multiple illegal deals throughout Africa.

Also, other donors to the Clinton Global Initiative are deeply involved in Nigeria's corrupt oil industry.

Were they the motivation behind Hillary's inexplicable position on Boko Haram?...

Hillary Obstructed Boko Haram's Terror Designation as Clinton Allies Cashed In
Assuming Kasich or even Jeb were the nominee, I'd be a happy guy. And, imo, Hillary's selling access while SoS should disqualify her in any year, but when Trump says he admires Putin, and thinks Putin is a better leader despite killing media and opposition pols, and engages in demigod and xenophobic tactics .... it's like which sewer is worse.

but consider that at the time, Boko Harum was a purely internal Nigerian issue, and with Nigeria you have not just the corruption led by western oil but also institutionalized LGBT abuse. In short the army is prone to human rights abuses. So, walk lightly. Nigeria was in no hurry, and we were trying to begin training their army and hopefully add some professionalism.

What Media Is Missing In Its Rush To Tie Hillary Clinton To Kidnapped Nigerian Girls

Here’s Why Hillary Clinton Resisted Designating Boko Haram As A Terrorist Organization

But I look for some solid whitstleblower evidence or some report of a quid pro quo contrary to US interests, and I really don't see one. I'd be happy to read more.

Nice equivocating there. I'm sure hiLIARy appreciates the spin.

Not equivocated boedicca. I was trying to say nicely what Jake said. the Nigerian govt DID NOT WANT boca harum labled, and their reasoning was not illogical because US interference IN AN INTERNAL Nigerian issue could have been backfired, and we were trying to work with the Nigerian govt , which at best is corrupt and a human rights abuser itself.

So YOU are asserting some nefarious quid pro quo between Nigerian money and boca harum. The Nigerian money has EVERY INTEREST TO OPPOSE BOKU HARUM. The US interest is to get the oil, and at the same time ameliorate the abuses by both groups against the innocents.

You have no case. But, I don't like Hillary's selling access, and I'd open to any info anyone has. We got off to a bad start, and I'm attempting civility.

do not over exert yourself----this is a message board----
not a visit with your in-laws

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