Hillary SILENT On YouTube Video Exposing her Benghazi LIE


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2015
"Hillary Clinton Silent on Revelation About ‘YouTube Video’ Benghazi Excuse"
LINK: Hillary Clinton Silent on Revelation About 'YouTube Video' Benghazi Excuse - Breitbart

Found in Hillary's 'hidden' (until the FBI found and released it) was the 'Smoking Gun' e-mail that drives the 'final nail' in Hillary's proverbial 'coffin':

The U.S. embassy in Tripoli, Libya, sent a September 14, 2014, notice to State Department officials in Washington, D.C., telling them (do) not to use their “Innocence of Muslims” talking point because it was not true and would not hold up to scrutiny.


'Hillary, do NOT try to blame the 'Innocence of Muslims' film for the terrorist attack in Benghazi. There was no protest - the film had nothing to do with it, and the story will NEVER live up to the scrutiny.'

'Chelsea, the Ansar al Sharia Brigade attacked the compound in Benghazi and killed Ambassador Stevens and 4 Americans."

'Prime Minister (of Turkey), we KNOW this was a terrorist attack, that the film had NOTHING to do with it.'

HILLARY: 'This was a protest that went out of Control'.

HILLARY: 'I am so sorry for your loss! this was a protest over a video that went wrong, turned violent. I promise you we will bring that film-maker to justice (despite all of that 'freedom of speech' crap)!'

HILLARY (Before Congress): 'I DON'T KNOW if it was terrorist attack, a protest, or a bunch of Muslims said ' let's go out and kill some Americans'...What difference does it make?'
(It's pretty sad when a bunch of guys out for a walk and decide they want to kill some Americans can overpower a State Department's security team and kill an Ambassador...and 3 Ex-NAVY SEALS!)
Okay, waiting on that indictment...

...yeah, so is Eric holder, who became the 1st Atty General in US history to be Censured (by a unanimous bi-partisan Congress) for his 4 Felony counts of Perjury from which the Obama administration protected him!
Okay, waiting on that indictment...

...yeah, so is Eric holder, who became the 1st Atty General in US history to be Censured (by a unanimous bi-partisan Congress) for his 4 Felony counts of Perjury from which the Obama administration protected him!
Yup, bi-partison: 17 were forced because of politics to vote for the censure; 67 Democrats voted against it; and the rest walked out of the chamber in protest. You are bat crazy.
Yup, bi-partison: 17 were forced because of politics to vote for the censure.

JS, this isn't the 'Conspiracy Theory' room....

The FACT that Eric Holder perpetrated 3 Felony counts of Perjury is un-deniable. As with Hillary, they used his own testimony and his own correspondence to prove beyond AND reasonable doubt - as in 'dead to rights - that he lied. He even ADMITTED he was caught in a lie before Congress and corrected his story.

The despicable thing in this case is that this piece of fecal matter was the same guy who filed charges against Scooter Libby and helped put him in jail and they he ends up committing worse crimes than Libby and walks!

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