Hillary still finding ways to denigrate democracy


Gold Member
Jul 20, 2018

Hillary Clinton is still finding ways to denigrate democracy


Once the Clinton mafia has been dissembled and cast to the 4 winds the nation will awaken to the fact that this Nations experience with the Clinton's has been nothing short of disastrous and bizarre to the extreme.

'With the confirmation of Judge Kavenaugh, our fiery national nightmare is over. For now.

But only a Pollyanna would think peace is about to break out across the bloody political and cultural battlefields. We are a long way from fixing what was shattered and retrieving what has been lost.

There were many causes and events on the long road that brought us to this low place, but a telling moment took place almost exactly two years ago. It was the final debate of the presidential campaign, held on Oct. 19, 2016.'

Here is how the New York Times began its slanted coverage: “In a remarkable statement that seemed to cast doubt on American democracy, Donald J. Trump said Wednesday that he might not accept the results of next month’s election if he felt it was rigged against him — a stand that Hillary Clinton blasted as ‘horrifying.’ ”

After noting that no modern president refused to accept election results, the paper quoted Clinton attacking Trump.

“Let’s be clear about what he is saying and what that means,” she said. “He is denigrating — he is talking down our democracy. And I am appalled that someone who is the nominee of one of our two major parties would take that position.”

She added, “That is not the way our democracy works.”

Fast forward to now, and it is the height of irony — and hypocrisy — that Clinton and her supporters, including the Times, still refuse to accept the election’s outcome. It started with her flimsy claims of Russian collusion and continues uninterrupted, with the character assassination campaign against Brett Kavanaugh the latest example'.



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Hillary Clinton is still finding ways to denigrate democracy


Once the Clinton mafia has been dissembled and cast to the 4 winds the nation will awaken to the fact that this Nations experience with the Clinton's has been nothing short of disastrous and bizarre to the extreme.

'With the confirmation of Judge Kavenaugh, our fiery national nightmare is over. For now.

But only a Pollyanna would think peace is about to break out across the bloody political and cultural battlefields. We are a long way from fixing what was shattered and retrieving what has been lost.

There were many causes and events on the long road that brought us to this low place, but a telling moment took place almost exactly two years ago. It was the final debate of the presidential campaign, held on Oct. 19, 2016.'

Here is how the New York Times began its slanted coverage: “In a remarkable statement that seemed to cast doubt on American democracy, Donald J. Trump said Wednesday that he might not accept the results of next month’s election if he felt it was rigged against him — a stand that Hillary Clinton blasted as ‘horrifying.’ ”

After noting that no modern president refused to accept election results, the paper quoted Clinton attacking Trump.

“Let’s be clear about what he is saying and what that means,” she said. “He is denigrating — he is talking down our democracy. And I am appalled that someone who is the nominee of one of our two major parties would take that position.”

She added, “That is not the way our democracy works.”

Fast forward to now, and it is the height of irony — and hypocrisy — that Clinton and her supporters, including the Times, still refuse to accept the election’s outcome. It started with her flimsy claims of Russian collusion and continues uninterrupted, with the character assassination campaign against Brett Kavanaugh the latest example'.

Hillary Clinton is the living personification of what happens when you not only give EVERYONE a trophy but when you give cheaters trophies.

Toss her ass in jail already...
Hillary was the poster child for the Democrats. Until Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez took that from her. :1peleas::290968001256257790-final::21:
Hillary was the poster child for the Democrats. Until Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez took that from her. :1peleas::290968001256257790-final::21:

If hillary or billary had good cognitive abilities she would have like the old soldier just faded away. Unfortunately for her....the net result of her continued hateful and seditious politics might be a real investigation into the clinton crime family.

Hillary Clinton is still finding ways to denigrate democracy


Once the Clinton mafia has been dissembled and cast to the 4 winds the nation will awaken to the fact that this Nations experience with the Clinton's has been nothing short of disastrous and bizarre to the extreme.

'With the confirmation of Judge Kavenaugh, our fiery national nightmare is over. For now.

But only a Pollyanna would think peace is about to break out across the bloody political and cultural battlefields. We are a long way from fixing what was shattered and retrieving what has been lost.

There were many causes and events on the long road that brought us to this low place, but a telling moment took place almost exactly two years ago. It was the final debate of the presidential campaign, held on Oct. 19, 2016.'

Here is how the New York Times began its slanted coverage: “In a remarkable statement that seemed to cast doubt on American democracy, Donald J. Trump said Wednesday that he might not accept the results of next month’s election if he felt it was rigged against him — a stand that Hillary Clinton blasted as ‘horrifying.’ ”

After noting that no modern president refused to accept election results, the paper quoted Clinton attacking Trump.

“Let’s be clear about what he is saying and what that means,” she said. “He is denigrating — he is talking down our democracy. And I am appalled that someone who is the nominee of one of our two major parties would take that position.”

She added, “That is not the way our democracy works.”

Fast forward to now, and it is the height of irony — and hypocrisy — that Clinton and her supporters, including the Times, still refuse to accept the election’s outcome. It started with her flimsy claims of Russian collusion and continues uninterrupted, with the character assassination campaign against Brett Kavanaugh the latest example'.


If it's not ODS then it's HDS.

Too funny.
Hillary and supporters may have forgotten her words.
download (40).jpeg
A reminder.

Hillary has a history of changing her views over the years to fit the current narrative or latest outrage dujour. A political chameleon.

Too bad she can't follow her own advice...Hillary-Clinton-Quotes-1-1024x478.jpg

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