Hillary Trolls Take It To Next Level With Phone Bank Trolling

Maybe I'm just slow on this? I went to your link to see where this supposed information came from and also read the evidence was below, in this 'screen shot'', soooo, I'm reading the screen shot and don't see ANY connection or proof at all to this writer's claims that a PAC supporting Hillary is paying people....yadayadayada?

This is from your link, in full...where's the support that this is even happening? PROOF? or even close to proof...

A Super PAC called “Barrier Breakers 2016” Has allocated $1 million to pay internet trolls (on average $20 an hour) to post on social media in favor of Hillary. As seen in this screen shot.

As if Hillary needed to stoop any lower, she now is paying people to use the Bernie Sanders phone banking system as many people are reporting getting calls from people who claim to be with the Bernie campaign, but say subliminal messages like “If Bernie lost would who would you vote for” Or “Do you think Bernie can still win even know he is so far behind”

If you encounter one of these paid trolls please report it to the Sanders campaign so they can remove the troll from its phone banking system.
I don't know. Does she give individuals on the internet answers? I've never been on a dem website. I certainly wouldn't search for a Hillary site. Do you dispute that McCain was blindsided by Rove and Gingrich on behalf of Bush in the "whispering" dirty trick in South Carolina?

Dirty Tricks, South Carolina and John McCain

Still not willing to talk about topic? Diversion seems to be the specialty of the left.
I don't know. Does she give individuals on the internet answers? I've never been on a dem website. I certainly wouldn't search for a Hillary site. Do you dispute that McCain was blindsided by Rove and Gingrich on behalf of Bush in the "whispering" dirty trick in South Carolina?

Dirty Tricks, South Carolina and John McCain

Still not willing to talk about topic? Diversion seems to be the specialty of the left.

Moron. My reply was totally on topic. Dirty tricks happen generated by both parties and their pacs. My example was in support of a republican that had a dirty tricks by phone happen to him.

You are as stupid as a sack of hammers.
You mean they don't accuse Bernie of having an illegitimate black baby? Haven't they learned ANYTHING from the RNC?

What a troll-like response. So, no opinion on what Hillary is doing? She'd be proud of your diversion tactic. Does her campaign give you answers to post?
Our handlers are not directly involved with her campaign. That would be an ethics violation.

You have "handlers"? That's creepy! :lol:
Yup he's a member here. Codenamed CK.

I guess I wouldn't make a very good puppet. They won't even consider me as a mod. I've asked several times over the years and didn't get so much as a reply.

It appears I don't get a handler. This gives me a sad :sad:
Sorry man. Our organization's leader is a huge Niners fan. :dunno:
ok, did a google on it and there is a parent group called Correct the Record, that has organized a smaller group of people to 'set the record straight' and help bullied on social media Hillary supporters... by empowering them with the truth and facts, at a call center HELP LINE type of thing...

There was nothing about making up propaganda for Hillary, and nothing about passing lies about Bernie and nothing about paying $20 an hour to spread garbage that I could find....but I am still searching...

and I have no problem with any of this as long as there are no lies passed around...seems like the PAC can do whatever they want with their donations...

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