Hillary Uses The Repulsive "H Word". You Can Only Imagine What Bill Had To Say To Her Later On.

Rexx Taylor

Platinum Member
Jan 6, 2015
:ack-1: :cow: :puke: If there is one vulgar word a politician should never use in a victory speech, we all know it's "Hole".
Hillary said Hole last night in referring to America.
And we were all shocked!
So can you imagine what Bill said to her later on?, would of it been something like,,,,,
Bill:,,,you know Hillary, being you have that annoying anyrism problem, you really need to keep reading off your hand like Sarah Palin used to,, last night you said "Hole" in front of 200 million people. Are you aware that most people assumed you were speaking about a very private body part when you said Hole Hillary?
:shock: :slap: :smartass:
now if Trump had said hole, u think Hillary would of had a cow and ripped on him for such vulgar language? but its ok for Hillary to use four/five letter words all the time, right?
Hillary probably just woke up a little while ago and just discovered that she said a very very bad word in front of Millions,,now she has to prepare an apology. how will she explain this one?
Context my boy....context

You are a hole

We are in a hole
now all little children are asking mommy,,,,,,"Mommy, Mommy, Hillary said hole? what does hole mean?"
Context my boy....context

You are a hole

We are in a hole

Or, elect me and we will sure the fuck be in a hole...


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