Hillary's 30,000 Emails Deleted Because of Private Email about Chelsea's Wedding and Yoga Lessons

Hillary will stay in until Iowa. She NEEDS to in order to keep the federal matching money. And greed IS her drive.
She can't quit. She is so in hock to people seeking influence that have donated both to her and the foundation that if she doesn't ride it out, she could end up sleeping with Luca Brazzi.
Classic politics. It began with Benghazi, a non-issue at the insistence of Democrats and turned into an issue never seen before, Trumping {sorry for the pun} Gary Hart's fling and even Edward's sleaze with his dying wife.

There is not much left of the Democrat party. Biden/Warren, 'the Old man and the Cherokee' won't help them now.
When your 10 points behind Col Sanders, that has to be embarrassing. Just three weeks ago Hillary, was making her snarky arrogant comments about Snapchat messages just disappearing all by themselves. The air left the balloon really fast.
When your 10 points behind Col Sanders, that has to be embarrassing. Just three weeks ago Hillary, was making her snarky arrogant comments about Snapchat messages just disappearing all by themselves. The air left the balloon really fast.
I seriously don't remember a collapse of this epic proportion in American politics before. The seemingly anointed one, hailed by all as the manifestation of the Obama legacy, to a tragic has been. To lose and lose again, grasping defeat from the jaws of victory.
When your 10 points behind Col Sanders, that has to be embarrassing. Just three weeks ago Hillary, was making her snarky arrogant comments about Snapchat messages just disappearing all by themselves. The air left the balloon really fast.
I seriously don't remember a collapse of this epic proportion in American politics before. The seemingly anointed one, hailed by all as the manifestation of the Obama legacy, to a tragic has been. To lose and lose again, grasping defeat from the jaws of victory.
As epic fails go it does come out on top. It beats McGovern when he picked ex mental hospital resident Eagleton.
When your 10 points behind Col Sanders, that has to be embarrassing. Just three weeks ago Hillary, was making her snarky arrogant comments about Snapchat messages just disappearing all by themselves. The air left the balloon really fast.
I seriously don't remember a collapse of this epic proportion in American politics before. The seemingly anointed one, hailed by all as the manifestation of the Obama legacy, to a tragic has been. To lose and lose again, grasping defeat from the jaws of victory.
As epic fails go it does come out on top. It beats McGovern when he picked ex mental hospital resident Eagleton.
To be fair, I thought Eagleton was OK but had bouts of depression. He was not a sleaze however. Hillary is a sleaze with little mitigation.
I think whats killing her is that she has doubled down on Crooked Liar.....with Gross Incompetence.

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