Hillary's appalling taste in clothes down thru the years.

Hillary is obviously in awful health and i'm sure she doesn't want to run. But she has little choice. If trump wins, she is going to prison over the email scandal.
So how about a response to the question of all the types of socialism so all of them lead to Communism or just Marx's Scientific Socialism?

Sadly for you, I don't feel like doing the research, you may never know... :cry:
Good on you Lumpy.....I doubt this creature knows the difference between Capitalism and Communism........what a bore Regent IS
I know why Marx's dialectical materialism didn't work, do you?
There are professionals who speculate Crooked Hillary wears giant, ballooning jackets to hide NHL style hip pads in case she falls and a catheter because of incontinence resulting from her head injury.
Replace the word professionals with partisan hacks or quacks and you post would be accurate.
Folks as Clementine pointed out previously posted WHAT THE FUCK IS CROOKED HILLARY HIDING WITH THE GIANT, PARACHUTES SHE WEARS! Look for the tubes on the thigh going to a pouch near the knee! That is why they have her wear fucking house coats! To cover the thighs which giveaway the catheter.

In case you think that ugly design was given to her by some gay wardrobe individual, they probably hired Detroit car graphic designers. You know when they test drive upcoming cars and put the funny looking sheet over the car so the shape cannot be discerned by the public?

Again, no wig since it was so hot and would result in possible fainting.


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