Hillary's Jumping Ship? Will We See a Campaign Committee Formed Soon?

Will Hillary make another run for the oval office in 2012?

  • I think she'll run and I'll explain in my post.

    Votes: 5 35.7%
  • No chance and I'll explain in my post.

    Votes: 8 57.1%
  • It depends and I'll explain in my post.

    Votes: 1 7.1%

  • Total voters
We seem to be building a consensus here. And that consensus has some support elsewhere even from Hillary herself:

In an interview to air at 8pm tonight on PBS's Tavis Smiley Reports, Hillary Clinton tells Smiley she does not envision serving as Secretary of State for a second term. She also tells Smiley she is "absolutely not interested" in another presidential run:

TAVIS SMILEY: Finally, there’s already speculation about whether or not Secretary Clinton is going to do this for the full first time, and whether or not she has any interest if asked to stay on to do it for eight years? You see how tough the job is, can you imagine yourself doing all four years and, if asked, doing it for another four years?

HILLARY CLINTON: No, I really can’t. I mean, it is just…

TAVIS SMILEY: No to what? All four or eight?

HILLARY CLINTON: The whole, the whole eight, I mean, that that would be very challenging. But I, you know, I don't wanna make any predictions sitting here, I’m honored to serve, I serve at the pleasure of the President, but it’s a, it’s a 24/7 job, and I think at some point, I will be very happy to LAUGHS pass it on to someone else.

More here:
Clinton signals not a two-term Secretary of State - Laura Rozen - POLITICO.com

But there are some analysts out there who think she will:

From Dennis Mansfield (and note Morris's column that he links.)

I believe that President Obama's performance ratings will so sour the Democratic Party that he will make Jimmy Carter's Presidency look like it was historic and strong.

Simply put, it's been 32 years since a sitting President was challenged by a member of his own party. Carter beat Kennedy in August of 1980.

Carter then lost to Reagan in November of 1980.

Democratic Party members who have an institutional memory remember that fact.

And they will not forget it in 2012.

Hillary Clinton is in an unusually strong position to run and win.

For my money, the stars may well align themselves for just such a run and nomination win.

President Obama will be a victim of his own motto: "Change".

PS: Here's what Dick Morris also had to say about it in Townhall.com. Good reasoning, too...
DennisMansfield.com: Hillary Clinton WILL run for President in 2012...bet me!

Whatever one thinks about Dick Morris personally, he was the one who singlehandedly orchestrated the Bill Clinton image in the Presidency and in so doing got to know both Bill and Hillary very very well. His political instincts sometimes miss the mark but his perceptions rarely do.

Foxfyre, I am a 100% in agreement with you.
No. It's too late.

Hillary would have had to quit last year. Now, with the situations in Egypt, Libya, Bahrain, etc. combined with the tragedy in Japan, bailing before the end of Obama's first term will make her look like a Big Rat. She can't run against him while she is Secretary of State. She is in A Pickle.

I will make one caveat: If Obama decides not to run for reelection, then Hillary will run. But I doubt The One will do that.

Wrong, she will not look like a big Rat if she appears to be doing it because of a serious lack of Leadership Ability on the part of Obama.

If she sites all the times she thinks(as do many others) that Obama has dropped the ball already as her reason for challenging, I think not only would she not piss anyone but the Far far left off, but I think she would have a legitimate shot at winning.

Obama really has been that bad, and it is becoming harder and harder for even his most die hard supporters to hide just how incompetent he has been.

You can repeat it as much as you like, but it's not magically going to become true. Obama's popularity isn't falling. His approval ratings are higher now than they were a year ago. No one in history with approval ratings above 46% has lost a re-election campaign. Obama's currently at 49%.

Hillary isn't going to run on how she disagrees with everything that Obama has done because more Americans agree with what Obama has done than don't. In fact, the only core voters that Obama is losing are the far left.
Okay, I don't have a link (yet) and will post one as soon as I can locate one from a credible source. But I've heard on Fox News, ABC TV and ABC radio news today speculation that Hillary Clinton is not happy in her current role and may be bailing out as Secretary of State soon.

What do you think? Any truth to the rumor?

And if true, does that signal a challenge to President Obama in 2012 IF his approval ratings continue to slip?

I saw on the ticker at Fox News that she was not going to be the secretary of state for a 2nd term and that she is thinking of running for President.

Question: Has there ever been a sitting President that lost in the primaries?

LBJ looked like he might lose to Robert Kennedy in '68 before Kennedy's assassination in Cali.
Hillary Clinton will retire at the end of Obama's first term. Obama will be the Democratic nominee, and he'll most likely win.

Feel free to quote me on that.

:lol: They can't get their own decent candidate so the're eyeing Hillary up.. :lol:
Personally speaking..I don't care if its a democrat or republican or a being from saturn...I want SOMEONE to be strong, firm, fair. Key word..STRONG.
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Okay, I don't have a link (yet) and will post one as soon as I can locate one from a credible source. But I've heard on Fox News, ABC TV and ABC radio news today speculation that Hillary Clinton is not happy in her current role and may be bailing out as Secretary of State soon.

What do you think? Any truth to the rumor?

And if true, does that signal a challenge to President Obama in 2012 IF his approval ratings continue to slip?

I don't think she will run for office. I think she's burned out and she is completely disgusted with how things are being handled.

She is Disgusted that Democrats chose an incompetent, Inexperience Boob over her. We would be much Better off had she won. Period.
No. It's too late.

Hillary would have had to quit last year. Now, with the situations in Egypt, Libya, Bahrain, etc. combined with the tragedy in Japan, bailing before the end of Obama's first term will make her look like a Big Rat. She can't run against him while she is Secretary of State. She is in A Pickle.

I will make one caveat: If Obama decides not to run for reelection, then Hillary will run. But I doubt The One will do that.

Wrong, she will not look like a big Rat if she appears to be doing it because of a serious lack of Leadership Ability on the part of Obama.

If she sites all the times she thinks(as do many others) that Obama has dropped the ball already as her reason for challenging, I think not only would she not piss anyone but the Far far left off, but I think she would have a legitimate shot at winning.

Obama really has been that bad, and it is becoming harder and harder for even his most die hard supporters to hide just how incompetent he has been.

I haven't formed a firm opinion yet, but I tend to think this is a real possibility IF Obama continues to drop balls and appear to be clueless and incompetent to more and more people or IF he appears to have an agenda that is unacceptable to most of mainstream America, she could see an opportunity to be the knight in shining armor selflessly putting herself in the position of saving us all. The Democrats simply don't have ANYBODY waiting in the wings with the star power that she still commands.

She would have to resign immediately or risk being seen as an accomplice to his failures. I don't see that happening.
How is announcing that she will not want to remain as Secretary of State "Jumping Ship"?

Colin Powell was booted out. But he thought that he would actually be SecState. He soon learned that he was only window dressing.

There is every real possibility that Ms. Clinton will either serve as SecDef or move over to SCOTUS.

Nice try.
I think she has said she has no intention of running and this would be her last public service office.
I don't know why but in this case I believe her.

Shitrod, you're full of shit. You HOPE Hellary won't run because then the MONUMENTAL FRAUD, The Pathologically LYING Stone Cold MARXIST Obami Salaami will be TOAST !!!

Now, there is no doubt that Hellary is a contemptible LibTURD....so it's a replacement of one LibTURD by another.


So, the best of the two possible choices is that all the rational people who love America will hope that Hellary wins the 2012 Dem Primary Nomination....which she obviously will.....even though she'll be the harder LibTURD to beat.
Doubtful She has alot of baggage that will come to haunt her frankly...but I applaud both her and Bill for finally waking up and being critical of the present occupant of the Oval Office. Better late than never.
How is announcing that she will not want to remain as Secretary of State "Jumping Ship"?

Colin Powell was booted out. But he thought that he would actually be SecState. He soon learned that he was only window dressing.

There is every real possibility that Ms. Clinton will either serve as SecDef or move over to SCOTUS.

Nice try.

Fellow Travelling Commie,

You like the Obamarrhoidal Shitrod before you, are spinning shit.

Your hero and choice, the MONUMENTAL FRAUD, Pathologically LYING Stone Cold MARXIST Obami Salaami, will be TOAST.....because Hellary will kick Obami Salaami's semi-black arse right outa the WH.

And, to your regret.....YOU KNOW IT !!!
Wrong, she will not look like a big Rat if she appears to be doing it because of a serious lack of Leadership Ability on the part of Obama.

If she sites all the times she thinks(as do many others) that Obama has dropped the ball already as her reason for challenging, I think not only would she not piss anyone but the Far far left off, but I think she would have a legitimate shot at winning.

Obama really has been that bad, and it is becoming harder and harder for even his most die hard supporters to hide just how incompetent he has been.

I haven't formed a firm opinion yet, but I tend to think this is a real possibility IF Obama continues to drop balls and appear to be clueless and incompetent to more and more people or IF he appears to have an agenda that is unacceptable to most of mainstream America, she could see an opportunity to be the knight in shining armor selflessly putting herself in the position of saving us all. The Democrats simply don't have ANYBODY waiting in the wings with the star power that she still commands.

She would have to resign immediately or risk being seen as an accomplice to his failures. I don't see that happening.

She is going to resign but not to run against Obama.
Doubtful She has alot of baggage that will come to haunt her frankly...but I applaud both her and Bill for finally waking up and being critical of the present occupant of the Oval Office. Better late than never.

They haven't been critical of Obama at all.

Only in Conservative fantasy land.
No. It's too late.

Hillary would have had to quit last year. Now, with the situations in Egypt, Libya, Bahrain, etc. combined with the tragedy in Japan, bailing before the end of Obama's first term will make her look like a Big Rat. She can't run against him while she is Secretary of State. She is in A Pickle.

I will make one caveat: If Obama decides not to run for reelection, then Hillary will run. But I doubt The One will do that.

Wrong, she will not look like a big Rat if she appears to be doing it because of a serious lack of Leadership Ability on the part of Obama.

If she sites all the times she thinks(as do many others) that Obama has dropped the ball already as her reason for challenging, I think not only would she not piss anyone but the Far far left off, but I think she would have a legitimate shot at winning.

Obama really has been that bad, and it is becoming harder and harder for even his most die hard supporters to hide just how incompetent he has been.

You can repeat it as much as you like, but it's not magically going to become true. Obama's popularity isn't falling. His approval ratings are higher now than they were a year ago. No one in history with approval ratings above 46% has lost a re-election campaign. Obama's currently at 49%.

Hillary isn't going to run on how she disagrees with everything that Obama has done because more Americans agree with what Obama has done than don't. In fact, the only core voters that Obama is losing are the far left.


You're just another Obamarrhoidal Stooge, and your crap is just as full of shit as the other Extreme Lefty Whackjobs in the Dem Party.....which is taking the same PREDICTABLE pattern.


According to the Rasmussen Poll a few days ago regarding Obama's Approval Rating:
Mar 16 ..........Mar 9:
Approve: 42% ...........47%

Disaprove: 56% ...........52%

And an "Approval rating" of 42% is NOT an "Approval rating" of 49% as you claim, you lying LibTURD arsehole.....and it's 4% below your own cut-off statistic.

So, even though you LibTURDS are CONTINUOUSLY exposed as Pathological Fucking LIARS.....and YOU will, of course, predictably CONTINUE your Pathological Lying.....you are STILL going to be continuously exposed.
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Doubtful She has alot of baggage that will come to haunt her frankly...but I applaud both her and Bill for finally waking up and being critical of the present occupant of the Oval Office. Better late than never.

They haven't been critical of Obama at all.

Only in Conservative fantasy land.

Really? Don't get out from under that rock too often do you?

The Clinton duo, Bill and Hill slam Obama

Bill Clinton Slams Obama Administrations Ridiculous Delays in Issuing Offshore Drilling Permits
Okay people. Most of you are conducting a mature, grown up, intelligent discussion here despite strong opinions and wide differences in points of view. I appreciate that a lot. I would encourage all to take a hint from the rest and follow suit please. I do NOT want this thread to wind up in the flame zone please.

I've been racking my brain to think of an incumbant President who lost in the primaries and I can't think of one at least in my lifetime. I don't know Truman's deepest motives for not running for a second term but his low approval ratings could have been a factor. I'm pretty sure LBJ didn't run for a second term because he knew he would lose to just about anybody. But all the other one termers I believe did win their primary elections though losing in the general. Don't quote me on that though, because I didn't look it up.

I can't read Obama well enough to know whether he will or won't run in 2012. I know he has taken several opportunities to depict himself as a selfless public servant willing to sacrifice himself on the altar of politics to do what is right even if it means he is a one termer.
Okay people. Most of you are conducting a mature, grown up, intelligent discussion here despite strong opinions and wide differences in points of view. I appreciate that a lot. I would encourage all to take a hint from the rest and follow suit please. I do NOT want this thread to wind up in the flame zone please.

I've been racking my brain to think of an incumbant President who lost in the primaries and I can't think of one at least in my lifetime. I don't know Truman's deepest motives for not running for a second term but his low approval ratings could have been a factor. I'm pretty sure LBJ didn't run for a second term because he knew he would lose to just about anybody. But all the other one termers I believe did win their primary elections though losing in the general. Don't quote me on that though, because I didn't look it up.

I can't read Obama well enough to know whether he will or won't run in 2012. I know he has taken several opportunities to depict himself as a selfless public servant willing to sacrifice himself on the altar of politics to do what is right even if it means he is a one termer.

He hasn't left campaign mode since he was immacculated.
I haven't formed a firm opinion yet, but I tend to think this is a real possibility IF Obama continues to drop balls and appear to be clueless and incompetent to more and more people or IF he appears to have an agenda that is unacceptable to most of mainstream America, she could see an opportunity to be the knight in shining armor selflessly putting herself in the position of saving us all. The Democrats simply don't have ANYBODY waiting in the wings with the star power that she still commands.

She would have to resign immediately or risk being seen as an accomplice to his failures. I don't see that happening.

She is going to resign but not to run against Obama.

Uh Huh.....Here is another Extreme Obamarrhoidal Lefty, Sarah G, following the same predictable pattern, tooting the same predictable bullshit, hoping that her choice....the MONUMENTAL FRAUD Pathologically LYING Stone Cold MARXIST Obami Salaami will not be turned into the PREDICTABLE TOAST by Hellary (the lesser of the two Evils).

And, Sarah G.....like the other extreme Lefty Obamarrhodal Stooges KNOWS that Hellary will run, and Obami Salaami's semi-black Political Charlatan's arse will be kicked outa the WH.....by the other less noxious LibTURD Hellary, even if, God Forbid, the Anti-LibTURDS lose.
Doubtful She has alot of baggage that will come to haunt her frankly...but I applaud both her and Bill for finally waking up and being critical of the present occupant of the Oval Office. Better late than never.

They haven't been critical of Obama at all.

Only in Conservative fantasy land.

Really? Don't get out from under that rock too often do you?

The Clinton duo, Bill and Hill slam Obama

Bill Clinton Slams Obama Administrations Ridiculous Delays in Issuing Offshore Drilling Permits

Sorry, I just don't find them saying anything like that as being disrespectful. They're all strong and opinionated people, they're allowed to disagree.

You're making a mountain out of a molehill.
Okay people. Most of you are conducting a mature, grown up, intelligent discussion here despite strong opinions and wide differences in points of view. I appreciate that a lot. I would encourage all to take a hint from the rest and follow suit please. I do NOT want this thread to wind up in the flame zone please.

I've been racking my brain to think of an incumbant President who lost in the primaries and I can't think of one at least in my lifetime. I don't know Truman's deepest motives for not running for a second term but his low approval ratings could have been a factor. I'm pretty sure LBJ didn't run for a second term because he knew he would lose to just about anybody. But all the other one termers I believe did win their primary elections though losing in the general. Don't quote me on that though, because I didn't look it up.

I can't read Obama well enough to know whether he will or won't run in 2012. I know he has taken several opportunities to depict himself as a selfless public servant willing to sacrifice himself on the altar of politics to do what is right even if it means he is a one termer.

He hasn't left campaign mode since he was immacculated.

That's true, but I think he has been so 'handled' in his entire career that he didn't/doesn't have a clue how to govern or manage much of anything. So he has stuck to the one thing he had learned how to do well and that was campaign.

I honestly don't mean that unkindly those of you who are still banking on our President. He is usually not an unlikable person and I'll always give him credit where credit is due. But it is getting more and more difficult for many of his supporters to continue to support him.

And I agree with Sarah that the Clintons were not being disrespectful in open criticism of the President, but they definitely were not following the assigned script. And those who go off the script generally do have a method to their madness and all.

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