Hillary's Jumping Ship? Will We See a Campaign Committee Formed Soon?

Will Hillary make another run for the oval office in 2012?

  • I think she'll run and I'll explain in my post.

    Votes: 5 35.7%
  • No chance and I'll explain in my post.

    Votes: 8 57.1%
  • It depends and I'll explain in my post.

    Votes: 1 7.1%

  • Total voters
I've been saying for over a year now that Hillary will be the Democratic nominee. Obama will not run for re-election thereby paving the way for Hillary's nomination. There is just too much toxicity in the Obama administration and Obama will realize he has no chance for a second term. I think Hillary senses this also and she setting the stage for her ascension.

You're tripping that Obama will quit. Yes, there is toxicity, but Obama in his mind doesn't own that, we're all really on his side and want what he's offering. Yes, he's a clueless, self deluded moron, but he firmly believes it. Hillary will run for sure because the wants to be President. Just answering the "why" the poll says we have to do. I'm not sure why that needs to be pointed out, she's lusted for the office since her first two terms. And Bill wants to get back in and chase some skirt around the oval office. Just like Hillary's first two terms...
Okay people. Most of you are conducting a mature, grown up, intelligent discussion here despite strong opinions and wide differences in points of view. I appreciate that a lot. I would encourage all to take a hint from the rest and follow suit please. I do NOT want this thread to wind up in the flame zone please.

I've been racking my brain to think of an incumbant President who lost in the primaries and I can't think of one at least in my lifetime. I don't know Truman's deepest motives for not running for a second term but his low approval ratings could have been a factor. I'm pretty sure LBJ didn't run for a second term because he knew he would lose to just about anybody. But all the other one termers I believe did win their primary elections though losing in the general. Don't quote me on that though, because I didn't look it up.

I can't read Obama well enough to know whether he will or won't run in 2012. I know he has taken several opportunities to depict himself as a selfless public servant willing to sacrifice himself on the altar of politics to do what is right even if it means he is a one termer.

He hasn't left campaign mode since he was immacculated.

That's true, but I think he has been so 'handled' in his entire career that he didn't/doesn't have a clue how to govern or manage much of anything. So he has stuck to the one thing he had learned how to do well and that was campaign.

I honestly don't mean that unkindly those of you who are still banking on our President. He is usually not an unlikable person and I'll always give him credit where credit is due. But it is getting more and more difficult for many of his supporters to continue to support him.

And I agree with Sarah that the Clintons were not being disrespectful in open criticism of the President, but they definitely were not following the assigned script. And those who go off the script generally do have a method to their madness and all.

Yeah...and applauding the Clintons is dubious based upon what they put the country through in the 1990's...as to the 'script'...I found it odd that not many outlets carried it...which puts it under suspiscion.

As to the Hildebeast? I restate that she won't run...she has too much baggage from the 1990's....and it could be compared to the Lambasting that NEWT will take on the Republican side...(If his 'exploratory committee' comes to the conclusion he should run).

We are seeing too many familiar faces in politics. It's time for new blood as this Republic was designed for.
I've been racking my brain to think of an incumbant President who lost in the primaries

LBJ would have, which is why he didn't run. Carter faced the stiffest challenge in my memory. Before that it would have been long ago.
I've been racking my brain to think of an incumbant President who lost in the primaries

LBJ would have, which is why he didn't run. Carter faced the stiffest challenge in my memory. Before that it would have been long ago.

LBJ had Viet Nam...and other things...seeing that he took over for Kennedy and the images of 'Camelot' at that time.
I've been racking my brain to think of an incumbant President who lost in the primaries

LBJ would have, which is why he didn't run. Carter faced the stiffest challenge in my memory. Before that it would have been long ago.

LBJ had Viet Nam...and other things...seeing that he took over for Kennedy and the images of 'Camelot' at that time.

LBJ did it to himself. He escalated Vietnam from JFK's advisor approach and when the economy boomed and his popularity soared didn't want to end the war and allowed the military's hands to be tied to prolong it. In 67 he realized it wasn't going to be able to go on that way and the Tet offensive went out to actually win it. Which militarily it did, the kill ratio was tremendous in our favor and the Viet Cong army was shredded. But at that point the media was turning against the war and all that was broadcast on the news was the Americans who were killed. Then public opinion went from turning to cold negative and he was toast. Ironically for finally trying to end it. But he owns the whole policy and is responsible for the needless American and other lives that were lost because he liked being popular.
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I'm not necessarily disagreeing with all of what any of you are saying but I am struggling to agree with some of the stuff most are saying here.

The one thing that can rival an Obama ego is a Clinton ego. :)

Hillary spent all those years putting up with Bill's bimbos in Arkansas and Washington and all the other crap you put up with as First Lady, she stuck to the script, she toed the line, she paid all her dues. Then she had to wait patiently eight more long years and was no doubt elated as she watched the GOP fall out of favor and GWB's approval ratings plummet. Then finally it was her turn, her time, and her coronation was fully in her grasp----until Barack Hussein Obama, relatively unknown and inexperienced, snatched it away from her.

That had to be a really bitter pill to swallow.

But she knows she's not getting any younger and I can see her quietly testing the waters and probably watching to see if the GOP is going to shoot itself in the foot again. And if Obama continues to be viewed as detached and incompetent or devious and if the GOP can't get any serious momentum going, I can see her deciding it's her last chance and going for it.
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They haven't been critical of Obama at all.

Only in Conservative fantasy land.

Really? Don't get out from under that rock too often do you?

The Clinton duo, Bill and Hill slam Obama

Bill Clinton Slams Obama Administrations Ridiculous Delays in Issuing Offshore Drilling Permits

Sorry, I just don't find them saying anything like that as being disrespectful. They're all strong and opinionated people, they're allowed to disagree.

You're making a mountain out of a molehill.

And Sarah G, known for her lack of perception.....apparently in all things, staring at Mt. Everest sees a molehill
I'm not necessarily disagreeing with all of what any of you are saying but I am struggling to agree with some of the stuff most are saying here.

The one thing that can rival an Obama ego is a Clinton ego. :)

Clinton spent all those years putting up with Bill's bimbos in Arkansas and Washington and all the other crap you put up with as First Lady, she stuck to the script, she toed the line, she paid all her dues. She had to wait patiently eight long years and was no doubt elated as she watched the GOP fall out of favor and GWB's approval ratings plummet. Then finally it was her turn, her time, and her coronation was fully in her grasp----until Barack Hussein Obama, relatively unknown and inexperienced, snatched it away from her.

That had to be a really bitter pill to swallow.

But she knows she's not getting any younger and I can see her quietly testing the waters and probably watching to see if the GOP is going to shoot itself in the foot again. And if Obama continues to be viewed as detached and incompetent or devious and if the GOP can't get any serious momentum going, I can see her deciding it's her last chance and going for it.

This would make a great SIGLINE entry...;)
If she does run and wins, she can show that while Reagan showed that aging improves a fine wine, aging doesn't make wine into fine wine
I'm not necessarily disagreeing with all of what any of you are saying but I am struggling to agree with some of the stuff most are saying here.

The one thing that can rival an Obama ego is a Clinton ego. :)

Hillary spent all those years putting up with Bill's bimbos in Arkansas and Washington and all the other crap you put up with as First Lady, she stuck to the script, she toed the line, she paid all her dues. Then she had to wait patiently eight more long years and was no doubt elated as she watched the GOP fall out of favor and GWB's approval ratings plummet. Then finally it was her turn, her time, and her coronation was fully in her grasp----until Barack Hussein Obama, relatively unknown and inexperienced, snatched it away from her.

That had to be a really bitter pill to swallow.

But she knows she's not getting any younger and I can see her quietly testing the waters and probably watching to see if the GOP is going to shoot itself in the foot again. And if Obama continues to be viewed as detached and incompetent or devious and if the GOP can't get any serious momentum going, I can see her deciding it's her last chance and going for it.

Are we seeing 'Operation Chaos' part three brewing?

Sorry, I just don't find them saying anything like that as being disrespectful. They're all strong and opinionated people, they're allowed to disagree.

You're making a mountain out of a molehill.

And Sarah G, known for her lack of perception.....apparently in all things, staring at Mt. Everest sees a molehill

In my opinion, Sarah G's perception was right on here re the disrespectful part. I just took it further that they will only publicly disagree if there is another agenda at work.
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If she does run and wins, she can show that while Reagan showed that aging improves a fine wine, aging doesn't make wine into fine wine

True...but Reagan was on target in 1964...LONG BEFORE he decided to run...

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Okay people. Most of you are conducting a mature, grown up, intelligent discussion here despite strong opinions and wide differences in points of view. I appreciate that a lot. I would encourage all to take a hint from the rest and follow suit please. I do NOT want this thread to wind up in the flame zone please.

I've been racking my brain to think of an incumbant President who lost in the primaries and I can't think of one at least in my lifetime. I don't know Truman's deepest motives for not running for a second term but his low approval ratings could have been a factor. I'm pretty sure LBJ didn't run for a second term because he knew he would lose to just about anybody. But all the other one termers I believe did win their primary elections though losing in the general. Don't quote me on that though, because I didn't look it up.

I can't read Obama well enough to know whether he will or won't run in 2012. I know he has taken several opportunities to depict himself as a selfless public servant willing to sacrifice himself on the altar of politics to do what is right even if it means he is a one termer.

i'm impressed, i never thought of "that he might not want to run".
If she does run and wins, she can show that while Reagan showed that aging improves a fine wine, aging doesn't make wine into fine wine

The American public sadly has a short memory though. And Hillary's time as Secretary of State has given her at least the perception of foreign policy experience that she lacked, and she has managed to keep herself pretty scandal free the last two years. The average American isn't going to know whether she did her job well or not, but she hasn't created any really negative images for herself the last two years.

And she is still likely to have a media that will be mostly pulling for her.

The risk she takes in not getting it together for a another try now is what if Obama doesn't run? Or what if his approval ratings continue to drop and he DOES lose the primary. And then the Democrat wins the General? She might have to wait still eight more years for her chance and she'll be into her 70's and nowhere near as attractive a candidate.

She's saying she has no intention of running again, but how many politicians have said that at the beginning? If she has ANY inclination to try again, I can see her seeing the 2012 election as her last best chance.
There have been 4 sitting Presidents who were denied their parties nomination.

1. Franklin Pierce was defeated by John C. Fremont. Pierce was the only elected President in this list. The others were vice president who became President through illness or assassination.
2. Millard Fillmore
3. Andrew Johnson switched parties from Republican to Democrat and failed to secure the nomination
4. Chester A. Arthur

But this was before citizens elected nominees in primaries. It was the party hacks who elected party nominees back in the old days. Probably be better off today if we had kept that system in place!
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There have been 4 sitting Presidents who were denied their parties nomination.

1. Franklin Pierce was defeated by John C. Fremont. Pierce was the only elected President in this list. The others were vice president who became President through illness or assassination.
2. Millard Fillmore
3. Andrew Johnson switched parties from Republican to Democrat and failed to secure the nomination
4. Chester A. Arthur

But this was before citizens elected nominees in primaries. It was the party hacks who elected party nominees back in the old days. Probably be better off today if we had kept that system in place!

Good form.:clap2:
Okay people. Most of you are conducting a mature, grown up, intelligent discussion here despite strong opinions and wide differences in points of view. I appreciate that a lot. I would encourage all to take a hint from the rest and follow suit please. I do NOT want this thread to wind up in the flame zone please.

I've been racking my brain to think of an incumbant President who lost in the primaries and I can't think of one at least in my lifetime. I don't know Truman's deepest motives for not running for a second term but his low approval ratings could have been a factor. I'm pretty sure LBJ didn't run for a second term because he knew he would lose to just about anybody. But all the other one termers I believe did win their primary elections though losing in the general. Don't quote me on that though, because I didn't look it up.

I can't read Obama well enough to know whether he will or won't run in 2012. I know he has taken several opportunities to depict himself as a selfless public servant willing to sacrifice himself on the altar of politics to do what is right even if it means he is a one termer.

i'm impressed, i never thought of "that he might not want to run".

Well those little 'clues' do make me think that it has occurred to him as a possibility. If he thinks he won't win, he won't run. I'm sort of an amateur student of human nature and have been studying him for awhile. If you watch and listen close, he often leaves you with little clues as to where he's going with something or what he is thinking that he isn't saying.
There has been a low level rumor going on for some months that Michelle has told him she wants a divorce if he runs again. She hates living in the White House. So, perhaps all of this partying is just to make the most of the billionaire lifestyle while it lasts.
There has been a low level rumor going on for some months that Michelle has told him she wants a divorce if he runs again. She hates living in the White House. So, perhaps all of this partying is just to make the most of the billionaire lifestyle while it lasts.

I'd love to see this *rumour* taken to the nth extreme...we will see in the coming months...
And if Obama continues to be viewed as detached and incompetent

THAT'S the descriptions I've been tongue tied over. You said it perfectly. Detached and incompetent=Obama.
If his little signs he's putting out are easily read by others, the signs I'm getting is he knows he is way in over his head and may not even bother to run again in 2012 because it's not what he had in mind.

Hillary is strong. But she is burned out.

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