Hillary's top three reasons why you should vote for her.


Diamond Member
Dec 30, 2014
1. Donald Trump won't apologize for claiming Obama wasn't born in the US. OOOOOOOOOOOOHHHHHH
2. Donald Trump appeals to something called the "Alt Right" WHOOOOOOOOAAAAAAAAA
3. Donald Trump didn't disavow David Duke fast enough AAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHH

Hmmmmm not much about Hilary in there. I wonder why?
I thought her 3 reasons were:

1. I'm a woman

2. It's my turn

3. I'm a woman
Hillary's personal statement:

1. "I didn't stay married to that rapist dog for nothin' ya know!"

2. "I used to be a woman!"

3. "Vote for me quickly while you still can!"

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