Historical background of the conflict in Ukraine

Bulgarian horse breeding makes sense: the Bulgarian journalist uncovering Pentagon-funded biolabs in Ukraine, She loses her job at the newspaper, then Russian diplomats are expelled from Sofia. The next day, the Pentagon sends their marionette, Austin, to Sofia, and while the marionette Austin is in movement to Sofia, Putin's hypersonic missile smacks the precise location of the Pentagon link: Ivano-Frankivsk. It was a stroke of genius on Putin's part.
There is no doubt that pastoralists have always been at enmity with raiders who stole their cattle and then hid in the forests.
The boundaries of archaeological cultures usually correlate with the landscape.
Bulgarian horse breeding makes sense: the Bulgarian journalist uncovering Pentagon-funded biolabs in Ukraine, She loses her job at the newspaper, then Russian diplomats are expelled from Sofia. The next day, the Pentagon sends their marionette, Austin, to Sofia, and while the marionette Austin is in movement to Sofia, Putin's hypersonic missile smacks the precise location of the Pentagon link: Ivano-Frankivsk. It was a stroke of genius on Putin's part.
Obama fucked up all of Eastern Europe. He canceled the missile defense program. Against this background, such conjectures sound naive.
Obama fucked up all of Eastern Europe. He canceled the missile defense program. Against this background, such conjectures sound naive.
Viche Maidan at Ivano-Frankivsk is the Pentagon's opposite maidan number at Kiev. The puppetry is there: Viche Maidan Vertep Parade at christmas. Ivano-Frankivsk/Pentagon link the chron to the Libyan Civil War, automatically linking UN-NATO pathologies in Libya. Catholic-CIA puppet Biden, links to puppet Zelenskiy via Bandera-Pieracki and concentration of CIA operatives at Lviv. The Pieracki Interior Ministry link to Bandera is still the funky Pentagon link due to the chron for when Pentagon's "copulation" with Ivano-Frankivsk was concluded (Ukrainian ukladeno 'concluded'): 4 Mar 2011. This is not a coincidental chron for the effeminate Puppetmaster, the Pentagon. The founding of the U.S. Department of the Interior was 3 Mar 1847.

Thus, map of Libya Can be superimposed over nazi movements across North Africa in WWII, as we begin to track the movvement of the swastika from Swedish women healers whose apparati were inscribed with the swastika. Using Hodder's The Domestication of Europe, we'll search for resonating clues in the region now called Lithuania.
Using Hodder's The Domestication of Europe, we'll search for resonating clues in the region now called Lithuania.

Yes, Lithuania is remarkable. The historical lands of Lithuania (these are Baltic cultures, it is also known as Gutia, Gothia, Baltokrivia, the Old Russian state) are the source of both Nazism (its Prussian part, Wehrmacht troops) and Communism at the same time. This is undoubtedly the region that radically changed Europe in the middle of the 19th century and created modern Germany.
There really is a connection. Polish Ukraine is a steppe horse-breeding Ukraine, this is the reason for the genocide by Bandera, historically associated with the Hetmanate.
The hunting of horses goes back 9,000 years in Britain, horse bones being found at Star Carr (Yorkshire), so MI5-MI6 connections to CIA at Lviv should not be dismissed in studies of Stepan Bandera's controversial history. Kennedy's book, The Real Anthony Fauci mentions that CIA and MI6 are teaming up to control internet propaganda, and we watched in the media as the marionettes in the White House (POSPOTUS and his physician sleep-up), physically went to Wisconsin to molest the children and parents over the facism vaccine mandates.

At Star Carr also, they placed branches of saplings out into the water from the marshy area near shore, To extend traversible space, this likely the mechanical origin of British boat-building, chinking moss into the cracks, etc.

While not yet in Lithuania, Great Britain used to be part of the European continent.

Star Carr

Introducing Hodder's work, we can see how the house was used in striated space for control, this linking to the origins of the theologian and burial rituals, and the communist-nazi difference OP refers to, can be noted:

'I have so far suggested that the metaphor of the house was used to create two rather different social themes in south-east and central Europe, both of which I have termed domus. I have shown how the central European version of the domus was transformed still further in Northern Europe....In chapters 5 and 6, I described the main characteristics of the central European domus as monumentality, linear grading of space, the control of entrances and exits, and orientation. All these characteristics are present in the Danubian long house, but they are gradually extended to the burial domain.'
(Hodder, The Domestication of Europe, p. 219)

So the "humanitarian corridors" of Mariupol were debauched by the Kiev regime from the beginning, Azov neo-nazi Battalion using the population as shielding while blaming Russian forces for betraying the cease-fire in Western media.
I just watched two documentaries yesterday.

One was aimed at making the viewer feel about these issues.

Winter on Fire: Ukraine's Fight for Freedom | Full Feature | Netflix​

And the other was aimed at informing the viewer about these issues.

Ukraine on Fire: The Real Story - Full Documentary by Oliver Stone (Original English version)​

I find it interesting how the same facts and same players, can be looked at in two very different ways. I suppose it is easy when both accounts decide to ignore things they don't like to look at.

Seriously? No one is going to comment on this?
Viche Maidan at Ivano-Frankivsk is the Pentagon's opposite maidan number at Kiev. The puppetry is there: Viche Maidan Vertep Parade at christmas. Ivano-Frankivsk/Pentagon link the chron to the Libyan Civil War, automatically linking UN-NATO pathologies in Libya. Catholic-CIA puppet Biden, links to puppet Zelenskiy via Bandera-Pieracki and concentration of CIA operatives at Lviv. The Pieracki Interior Ministry link to Bandera is still the funky Pentagon link due to the chron for when Pentagon's "copulation" with Ivano-Frankivsk was concluded (Ukrainian ukladeno 'concluded'): 4 Mar 2011. This is not a coincidental chron for the effeminate Puppetmaster, the Pentagon. The founding of the U.S. Department of the Interior was 3 Mar 1847.

Thus, map of Libya Can be superimposed over nazi movements across North Africa in WWII, as we begin to track the movvement of the swastika from Swedish women healers whose apparati were inscribed with the swastika. Using Hodder's The Domestication of Europe, we'll search for resonating clues in the region now called Lithuania.

What does Libya have to do with it? Gaddafi was so much like Trump.

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