Historical background of the conflict in Ukraine

Origins of this war and the Ukrainian pathology In general must go back to at least the Neolithic to link up to the theologian's pathology, religion. Next, since Swedish Vikings came south into Ukraine region carrying their swastika with them, we must entertain the idea that Ukraine was founded as a Viking kingship accompanied by the Catholic (protection-racket) mafia. These time periods will more strongly link our war origins and currently, for example, to Ukrainian neo-nazis at Mariupol about to be decimated by Russian forces, people dead (or at least genuflecting), in the streets.

It may be a mistake to leave out of the story the theologian-pimps, as Putin proceeds to destroy the West's mafia cult, because when the CIA goes to church, it's not to pray.
The Vitings were in fact servants of the Teutonic Knights

These were not Swedes, but Lithuanians, they owned the hetmanate.

Yes, this apparently has been going on since the Bronze Age, the Aryans expelled from there some vagabonds who made mounds and grazed goats. Since then, they were periodically expelled from there and they hid in the swamps.
The Vitings were in fact servants of the Teutonic Knights

These were not Swedes, but Lithuanians, they owned the hetmanate.

Yes, this apparently has been going on since the Bronze Age, the Aryans expelled from there some vagabonds who made mounds and grazed goats. Since then, they were periodically expelled from there and they hid in the swamps.
Ok, the trajectory is moving. Those Vikings coming down, they were called "rowers" but also went on to trade in Syria, Iran, etc. the Shanidar Cave, Iran containing red-haired mummies. One source we have as the glaciers receded and H. Sapiens moved north, is Hodder's The Domestication of Europe. This book also shows evidence for the the beginnings of theology in the Neolithic.

Any Lithuanian artifacts of swastika symbolism? How far back can the hetmanate be traced with assurance?
Ok, the trajectory is moving. Those Vikings coming down, they were called "rowers" but also went on to trade in Syria, Iran, etc. the Shanidar Cave, Iran containing red-haired mummies. One source we have as the glaciers receded and H. Sapiens moved north, is Hodder's The Domestication of Europe. This book also shows evidence for the the beginnings of theology in the Neolithic.

Any Lithuanian artifacts of swastika symbolism? How far back can the hetmanate be traced with assurance?
Hetmanate comes from the people of Torqs, I posted the map above.

The history of the swastika is unclear, but it is clear that there were no swastikas in Aryan cultures.

The original Germans originate from the non-Aryan culture of line-corded ceramics of old Europe.

There was no single Neolithic, part of the Germano-Balts lived in the Neolithic about 1000 years ago.
The history of the swastika is unclear, but it is clear that there were no swastikas in Aryan cultures.
True, there are ornaments in the form of swastikas on sitashta dishes, but this is not a highlighted symbol. I have not found any other evidence.


No. 15

The symbolic meaning is clearly not present here, it's just a coincidence
perhaps this is somehow connected with the snake cults of old Europe (that is, anti-Aryan culture)


RE: Historical background of the conflict in Ukraine

SUBTOPIC: The Forgotten Agreement
※→rupol2000, Quasar44, et al,

BLUF: There should not be a "war" at all. The Ukraine's security was betrayed.


In the Budapest Memorandum (1994) was struck → the Ukraine was returned control (to the Russian Federation) of the several thousand nuclear weapons for the guarantee of the Ukraine's security. This agreement was entered into by the US, UK, and Russia (
as the defenders of the Ukraine's national security and territorial integrity). You can see, right now, what integrity the word of the former superpowers has today.

The US is no longer the leader of the free world and has lost its credibility as a dependable partner in any mutual defense. When the chips are down, the US cannot be counted upon to do the right thing. The US will sell anyone down the river if it suits them.


Most Respectfully,
Who said "You can count on the Americans to do the right thing after. They have
Origins of this war and the Ukrainian pathology In general must go back to at least the Neolithic to link up to the theologian's pathology, religion. Next, since Swedish Vikings came south into Ukraine region carrying their swastika with them, we must entertain the idea that Ukraine was founded as a Viking kingship accompanied by the Catholic (protection-racket) mafia. These time periods will more strongly link our war origins and currently, for example, to Ukrainian neo-nazis at Mariupol about to be decimated by Russian forces, people dead (or at least genuflecting), in the streets.

It may be a mistake to leave out of the story the theologian-pimps, as Putin proceeds to destroy the West's mafia cult, because when the CIA goes to church, it's not to pray.
This is an absolute 100% lie, which during the time of the left spread with terrible speed in Russia.

The Khazars never accepted Judaism. By themselves, these letters are mostly considered fake, but in any case, they can only talk about the diaspora on the territory of the Khazars and not about the Khazars.

It is quite possible that these Jews were just the people Rus, because these are merchants and the place of settlement of the Ashkenazis just coincides with the ancient Russian state almost exactly.

Cossacks and hussars descended from the Khazars. The Cossacks still have the Khazar endoethnonym.
In addition, they are probably related to the Hazaras of Afghanistan, the inhabitants of the Khazarjat
This is an absolute 100% lie, which during the time of the left spread with terrible speed in Russia.

The Khazars never accepted Judaism. By themselves, these letters are mostly considered fake, but in any case, they can only talk about the diaspora on the territory of the Khazars and not about the Khazars.

It is quite possible that these Jews were just the people Rus, because these are merchants and the place of settlement of the Ashkenazis just coincides with the ancient Russian state almost exactly.

Cossacks and hussars descended from the Khazars. The Cossacks still have the Khazar endoethnonym.
In addition, they are probably related to the Hazaras of Afghanistan, the inhabitants of the Khazarjat
Remember Alfred Lillienthal? He spent some time in Saudi Arabia and I got to hear him speak. The hazara people have Chinese ancestors.
Remember Alfred Lillienthal? He spent some time in Saudi Arabia and I got to hear him speak. The hazara people have Chinese ancestors.

If only in the sense of the Uighurs. This is the former Turkestan, now it is nominally part of China. Uighurs and Khazars are the peoples of Genghis Khan. These are the descendants of the Aryans.

There is no "China" as such, these are different peoples occupied by the Xin and Tungus

Half of "china" is Tibet, it's not "china" either
surada By the way, the Black Sea Khazars were at war with the Arab Caliphate, this was even before the campaign of Genghis Khan, around the 10th century. So the Arabs cannot be called objective experts here. Although the Pashtuns, for example, recognize that the Hazaras were the people of Genghis Khan. That is why the Taliban are destroying them.
surada By the way, the Black Sea Khazars were at war with the Arab Caliphate, this was even before the campaign of Genghis Khan, around the 10th century. So the Arabs cannot be called objective experts here. Although the Pashtuns, for example, recognize that the Hazaras were the people of Genghis Khan. That is why the Taliban are destroying them.
Hazara people have always been subject to discrimination. They are Shia Muslims and considered low class.
Hazara people have always been subject to discrimination. They are Shia Muslims and considered low class.
I am sure that they are being destroyed precisely because this is the land of the ancient Aryans. The best warriors came out from there, Sarmatian cataphracts came from those places, the Parthians defeated Rome, Genghis Khan defeated the Caliphate.

These are the threats of the world left, their historical enemies.

Ukraine and Hungary are also connected with this, many of them come from those places. Therefore, Bandera destroyed native Ukrainians, and in Hungary they banned the protection of children from perversion propaganda.

And they recently became Muslims. During the time of the Caliphate, they rebuffed the Arabs. They were Islamized no earlier than Tamerlane.
I am sure that they are being destroyed precisely because this is the land of the ancient Aryans. The best warriors came out from there, Sarmatian cataphracts came from those places, the Parthians defeated Rome, Genghis Khan defeated the Caliphate.

These are the threats of the world left, their historical enemies.

Ukraine and Hungary are also connected with this, many of them come from those places. Therefore, Bandera destroyed native Ukrainians, and in Hungary they banned the protection of children from perversion propaganda.

And they recently became Muslims. During the time of the Caliphate, they rebuffed the Arabs. They were Islamized no earlier than Tamerlane.
Which Caliphate are you talking about?
All other caliphates were derivatives, what's the difference?

Read what they write about Genghis Khan in Islamic literature.
The siege of Baghdad was in 1258.. so it must be earlier. How does that prove the khazars weren't Jews? Have you read What Price Israel?
surada well, yes, the Seljuks struck the first blow there. But they still have the same Islam, I don’t think that anything has changed significantly there before Genghis Khan defeated them.
How does that prove the khazars weren't Jews?
I wrote everything above, this is complete nonsense. They generally have no reason to say that they were Jews, even if they admit that the letters are not a fake. This could only prove that there was one Jew or a group of Jews in Khazaria.

It's like saying that Americans are Jews. Are there no Jews in America or do they not know how to write?

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