History repeats itself...why Democrats are terrified...

The most encouraging thing to me is that Independents are polling much better for Trump. Democrats are going to vote for their candidate regardless. They aren't free thinkers. Republicans tend to be less in lock-step, so we have to hope the Bush Republicans aren't dumb enough to help gat Kamala elected.
This is all subterfuge, and gaslighting DBA....If we want to use polls, (really a finger in the air at that moment) we need to look at the issues that matter to the American people today....

Economy = Trump up
Border = Trump way up
Crime = Trump up
Pricing = Trump up.....

This is what matters, ie; kitchen table issues, and the Harris team doesn't have an answer for that...
I was just looking at some RCP stuff. If you compare this point of the race to the same time period of 2020:

In the top battlegrounds, Trump is doing 3.7% better now than he did in 2020

In the RCP national average polling, Trump is doing 4.4% better now than he did in 2020

Trump's favorability rating is 5.8% better now than it was at this time in 2020
He has solidified his base, yes.

He has found every fascist, domestic terrorist, and anger ranger in the country.

Will it be enough?
I was just wondering...

In a tie...Where congress gets 1 vote per state....

Would a State where Biden won, that by chance or fluke has more House Representatives that were Republican than Democratic, cast their one vote for their state for President, to Trump, even though their citizens chose Biden as the winner when they voted?

Would they use their representative majority, to over rule their citizen's choice via vote, for President?

Or are the state congress critters obligated to the citizens of their state and honor how the citizens voted?
You mean like when Blue Dog Democrats like Ike Skelton...my Rep in 2009... voted against the overwhelming majority in his district to pass Obamacare?

And he wasn't the only one.

So... Yeah.
He has solidified his base, yes.

He has found every fascist, domestic terrorist, and anger ranger in the country.

Will it be enough?
Ummmmmmmmmmmmm, you seem to be forgetting all of the democrats who can't afford to live anymore and are tired of high crimes are voting for Trump. Hell, even 60% of Teamster members are voting for Trump.
Ummmmmmmmmmmmm, you seem to be forgetting all of the democrats who can't afford to live anymore and are tired of high crimes are voting for Trump. Hell, even 60% of Teamster members are voting for Trump.
None of the above can tolerate him. We will see now. T would have beat the dementiac B so very easily,
None of the above can tolerate him. We will see now. T would have beat the dementiac B so very easily,
None of what above? The Teamsters? No, the Teamster organized crime gangster thugs in charge can't stand Trump because Trump is for the Teamster members and the Teamster members are for Trump, 60% to 30%.
You mean like when Blue Dog Democrats like Ike Skelton...my Rep in 2009... voted against the overwhelming majority in his district to pass Obamacare?

And he wasn't the only one.

So... Yeah.

Ok....I am a little confused, I admit! Erase my last question! 😁

Let's say, Georgia does not send electors to congress for 1/6.....for whatever reason....but one candidate still reached the 270...

That candidate still won, right?

So let's say that the 'in the lead' candidate did not meet the 270 because Georgia never certified that candidate's win via the citizen's vote in that state....and never sent their electors....

That is when the Congress critters of that state, get together and vote amongst each other on who won their state and who their vote for President will be???

OR would not meeting 270 mean each and every state would have to cast new votes for president...1 vote a state....which I think is the case?????

And if it is every state casting 1 vote via a congressional vote, are congress delegations of each state, required to cast their state's one vote, for whom their citizen's chose in their election?

Or can they go rogue?

P.S. Missourian, I usually try to stay away from any of your posts, well...because I luv you bunches and bunches, and because we are complete opposites in our support and non support for Trump and I just want to avoid any strife between us! 😍
And that 43k is less than 1% of the unaccounted, unvetted, non-electioneering-proof mail-in votes that Biden received.
Ok....I am a little confused, I admit! Erase my last question! 😁

Let's say, Georgia does not send electors to congress for 1/6.....for whatever reason....but one candidate still reached the 270...

That candidate still won, right?

So let's say that the 'in the lead' candidate did not meet the 270 because Georgia never certified that candidate's win via the citizen's vote in that state....and never sent their electors....

That is when the Congress critters of that state, get together and vote amongst each other on who won their state and who their vote for President will be???

OR would not meeting 270 mean each and every state would have to cast new votes for president...1 vote a state....which I think is the case?????

And if it is every state casting 1 vote via a congressional vote, are congress delegations of each state, required to cast their state's one vote, for whom their citizen's chose in their election?

Or can they go rogue?

P.S. Missourian, I usually try to stay away from any of your posts, well...because I luv you bunches and bunches, and because we are complete opposites in our support and non support for Trump and I just want to avoid any strife between us! 😍

Love you too, Care. 💕

There will never be strife between us.

To answer your question...

(Edit...tl;dr?...skip to post #35)

If no candidate reaches 270, the vote goes to the House and the Senate.

Every State would vote.

In the House, all the Representatives from the State vote among themselves and the outcome of that vote is the SINGLE vote issued by that state.

If we take Missouri as an example...we have 8 total representatives, 6 Republicans and 2 Democrats that together form the Missouri Delegation to the US House of Representatives.

That Delegation gets ONE vote for President in the event no candidate reaches 270 Electoral votes.

It's pretty clear that Missouri Democrats would be overruled and the one vote for the State of Missouri would go to the Republican.

Each state would get one vote, and the winner would be the President.

Currently there are 26 states with majority Republican Delegations of Representatives, and 22 states with majority Democrat delegations. Two states have an evenly split delegation.

But it is the newly elected House that does the voting, not the current one.

So we won't know the makeup until after the election...but it is likely not to change significantly.

Can they go rogue?

The individual Representatives are not constrained to vote down party lines. A Democrat in West Virginia could vote for Trump or a Republican in California could vote for Harris.
But I think your real question is...if say Georgia went to Harris in the election, but Harris lost say Nevada and Wisconsin and we ended in a 269-269 tie, would the Georgia Delegation of Representatives, which has 9 Republicans and 5 Democrats be constrained to vote for Harris?
The answer is no.

And I suspect the Georgia delegation would definitely vote for Trump.

Hope that wasn't too convoluted.

270toWin has a really good article about the ramifications of a 269-269 tie and the steps that would be Constitutionally mandated to break that tie.

Last edited:
Every suspect poll (aka Dem RIGGED) I have looked into OVERSAMPLED Dems and pulled other underhanded tricks to produce the propaganda result Dems were looking for, shocker.
Just an interesting aside, six states only have one Congressional district...and by extension, only one US Representative in the House.

Alaska, Vermont, Delaware, Wyoming, North Dakota and South Dakota.
OR would not meeting 270 mean each and every state would have to cast new votes for president...1 vote a state....which I think is the case?????

They will likely vote along party lines in the states that count.
Just to show how a small swing in one swing state can make the difference in this election, consider PA:

Biden won the state by only 40,000 votes, and it’s practically a must-win for Kamala. Now, she has alienated a lot of groups, from the working class concerned about inflation, to the industry involved with fracking, to Jews who support Israel and were dissed by her skipping over their governor because he is Jewish and she’s worried about pissing off the antisemitic Muslims.

Let’s take the Jews, since that’s the group I’m most familiar with. There are 550,000 Jews in PA. Let’s say 400,000 are voting age and voted, 300,000 for Biden and 100,000 for Trump in 2020. If just 10% of the Jews switch from the D to Trump this time, that’s a swing of 60,000 right there. That alone would win PA for Trump.

NOW consider all the millions of working class people, struggling with the high inflation created under the Harris Administration. Let’s say of the 13 million in PA, 10 million are working or lower-middle class - and 7 million voted, half for Biden. That means 3.5 million, and if only 2% - that would be 70,000 - switch to Trump this time, that’s another swing of 140,000.

This alone is a swing of 200,000 - and we haven’t even considered the fracking industry.

And Biden won by just 40,000.

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