Hitler: Love Him Or Love Him.


VIP Member
Aug 9, 2014
Hitler may not have been perfect, but he was way better than Stalin. With Hitler, there wouldn't be the type of crap going on as is going on in Fugerson. There wouldn't be hordes of illegal invader scabs coming over our southern border. And their favorite weapon, yelling out "RACIST!" if things didn't go their way, would be laughable. Also, according to one website, there are 101 million unemployed Americans. If Hitler were running things, that wouldn't be the case. If Hitler were running things, many of our jobs wouldn't have gone overseas. And instead of our yearly trade deficit with China being being anywhere from 300 billion to over 700 billion, it would be zero. Etc. times zillions.
No. I think I'd shoot him. He is responsible for the utter destruction of one of the nicest countries in the world. Tens of millions died because he a was a stupid syphilitic moron. Only other morons would like him. Hello MORON!:fu:
Would we get the Autobahn (no speed limit) ?

How about a cool eagle pin? Would we get those?
Hitler may not have been perfect, but he was way better than Stalin. With Hitler, there wouldn't be the type of crap going on as is going on in Fugerson. There wouldn't be hordes of illegal invader scabs coming over our southern border. And their favorite weapon, yelling out "RACIST!" if things didn't go their way, would be laughable. Also, according to one website, there are 101 million unemployed Americans. If Hitler were running things, that wouldn't be the case. If Hitler were running things, many of our jobs wouldn't have gone overseas. And instead of our yearly trade deficit with China being being anywhere from 300 billion to over 700 billion, it would be zero. Etc. times zillions.
Saddam Hussein Hitler Stalin Mao More 13 Deadliest Dictators Photos - The Daily Beast
Hitler may not have been perfect, but he was way better than Stalin. With Hitler, there wouldn't be the type of crap going on as is going on in Fugerson. There wouldn't be hordes of illegal invader scabs coming over our southern border. And their favorite weapon, yelling out "RACIST!" if things didn't go their way, would be laughable. Also, according to one website, there are 101 million unemployed Americans. If Hitler were running things, that wouldn't be the case. If Hitler were running things, many of our jobs wouldn't have gone overseas. And instead of our yearly trade deficit with China being being anywhere from 300 billion to over 700 billion, it would be zero. Etc. times zillions.
You are a sick puppy.
Whether it's Attila the Hun, Genghis Khan, Cortez, Saddam Hussein, etc, they didn't rise to power by doing everything wrong. The Vikings who invaded Britannia were genocidal maniacs, but they also brought advancements in culture and technology.

Hitler was a weirdo, and had a lot of mental health issues. He had a personal physician (Theodore Morell) who gave him regular injections of vitamins, methamphetamines, ketamine, strychnine, etc.. Hitler was tripping out, full time, and became very cranky when off his meds. He was a walking medical experiment of Morell, who took extensive notes.

For good or ill, the Nazis left a legacy that we inherit. Marge Schott got in trouble for saying that the Nazis did certain things well. You're not allowed to say that. It's strictly verboten.
No. I think I'd shoot him. He is responsible for the utter destruction of one of the nicest countries in the world. Tens of millions died because he a was a stupid syphilitic moron. Only other morons would like him. Hello MORON!:fu:
You are so utterly stupid that I couldn't resist answering you. You just can't get over the fact that though Hitler wasn't perfect, he was way better than Stalin. In the early 30's, Stalin caused up to 10 million Ukrainians to starve to death. He didn't even need to use "death camps" to do it. Not to mention all of Stalin's other atrocities. Not being able to put you on my ignore list, I will just say fuck off yourself brainwashed MORON!
Hitler may not have been perfect, but he was way better than Stalin. With Hitler, there wouldn't be the type of crap going on as is going on in Fugerson. There wouldn't be hordes of illegal invader scabs coming over our southern border. And their favorite weapon, yelling out "RACIST!" if things didn't go their way, would be laughable. Also, according to one website, there are 101 million unemployed Americans. If Hitler were running things, that wouldn't be the case. If Hitler were running things, many of our jobs wouldn't have gone overseas. And instead of our yearly trade deficit with China being being anywhere from 300 billion to over 700 billion, it would be zero. Etc. times zillions.
Saddam Hussein Hitler Stalin Mao More 13 Deadliest Dictators Photos - The Daily Beast
As for Sadam Hussein, things were even worse without him. As for Stalin, like I told westwall, he was way worse than Hitler. As for Mao, being a gook, who cares.
Hitler may not have been perfect, but he was way better than Stalin. With Hitler, there wouldn't be the type of crap going on as is going on in Fugerson. There wouldn't be hordes of illegal invader scabs coming over our southern border. And their favorite weapon, yelling out "RACIST!" if things didn't go their way, would be laughable. Also, according to one website, there are 101 million unemployed Americans. If Hitler were running things, that wouldn't be the case. If Hitler were running things, many of our jobs wouldn't have gone overseas. And instead of our yearly trade deficit with China being being anywhere from 300 billion to over 700 billion, it would be zero. Etc. times zillions.
You are a sick puppy.
If you want to find out how "sick" I am, I invite you to read my threads, "The Cost Of Not Backing Hitler" and "Why Vote National Socialist. (nazi party)"
No. I think I'd shoot him. He is responsible for the utter destruction of one of the nicest countries in the world. Tens of millions died because he a was a stupid syphilitic moron. Only other morons would like him. Hello MORON!:fu:
You are so utterly stupid that I couldn't resist answering you. You just can't get over the fact that though Hitler wasn't perfect, he was way better than Stalin. In the early 30's, Stalin caused up to 10 million Ukrainians to starve to death. He didn't even need to use "death camps" to do it. Not to mention all of Stalin's other atrocities. Not being able to put you on my ignore list, I will just say fuck off yourself brainwashed MORON!
You might be interested, cultsmasher, in the OSS Psychological profile of Hitler that was compiled from the mid-thirties until his suicide on 4/30/1945. It proves beyond a doubt that he was one step below dogshit.
No. I think I'd shoot him. He is responsible for the utter destruction of one of the nicest countries in the world. Tens of millions died because he a was a stupid syphilitic moron. Only other morons would like him. Hello MORON!:fu:
You are so utterly stupid that I couldn't resist answering you. You just can't get over the fact that though Hitler wasn't perfect, he was way better than Stalin. In the early 30's, Stalin caused up to 10 million Ukrainians to starve to death. He didn't even need to use "death camps" to do it. Not to mention all of Stalin's other atrocities. Not being able to put you on my ignore list, I will just say fuck off yourself brainwashed MORON!
You might be interested, cultsmasher, in the OSS Psychological profile of Hitler that was compiled from the mid-thirties until his suicide on 4/30/1945. It proves beyond a doubt that he was one step below dogshit.
First of all, I said that Hitler wasn't perfect. What more do you want. Also, I could care less what the OSS had to say. Because history is written by the winners. Another thing is that an English officer once noted that in warfare, truth is the first casualty. Like it or not, Hitler was better than Stalin. If you would care to find out some reasons why, I invite you to read my thread, "The Cost Of Not Backing Hitler."
Hitler was a virgin.

What kind of loser is the head of a country and STILL can't get laid?


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