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Hitler, Palestinian Arab Nazism, and Modern IslamoNazism:


Diamond Member
Mar 16, 2012
[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_embedded&v=d51poygEXYU#!]Hitler, The Mufti Of Jerusalem And Modern Islamo Nazism - YouTube[/ame]
Just look what those Zionazi's in Israel are doing to the Palestinians keeping them captives in Israel with their damn peace offerings, security fence & land concessions when all the Palestinians want is to be free from Israel. Not once has Israel even tried to help free them by finding an incentive to offer the surrounding Arab countries to grant their Palestinians a right of return back to their indigenous homelands. No Arab country, who know the Palestinians best, ever treated the Palestinians like Israel does. Shame on Israel.
For those who do not know-----loss of COGNITIVE function ie DEMENTIA
is far more prevalent in 'holocaust' survivors in old age than in others.
The medical literature is replete with studies on the COGNITIVE
DISORDERS of this group for MANY DECADES

One can find examples of aged holocaust survivors who could come
up with all kinds of weird opinions.

The issues may be related to prolonged malnutrition and to
[ame=http://youtube.com/watch?v=W3XqI1594jo]the shocking similarites between Muslim and Nazi beliefs. - YouTube[/ame]
Palestinians gonna try to 'contain' Israel...

Palestinians aim to isolate Israel
20 Dec.`12 — Weeks ahead of Israeli elections, Palestinian officials are already plotting a series of tough steps against Israel to be taken if, as polls predict, Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu is re-elected and peace efforts remain stalled.
Emboldened by their newly upgraded status at the United Nations, the Palestinians are talking of filing war crimes charges against Israel, staging mass demonstrations in the West Bank, encouraging the international community to impose sanctions, and ending the security cooperation that has helped preserve quiet in recent years. These plans, combined with growing international impatience with Israeli settlement construction on occupied land, could spell trouble and international isolation for the Israeli leader.

In a series of interviews with The Associated Press, a number of Palestinian officials all voiced a similar theme: Following the U.N. General Assembly's recognition of "Palestine" as a nonmember observer state in November, the status quo cannot continue. "2013 will see a new Palestinian political track. There will be new rules in our relationship with Israel and the world," said Hussam Zumlot, an official in President Mahmoud Abbas' Fatah movement. Israeli-Palestinian peace talks broke down shortly before Netanyahu's election in early 2009 and have remained frozen throughout his term, mostly due to the dispute over Israel's construction of settlements in east Jerusalem and the West Bank. The Palestinians claim the areas, along with the Gaza Strip, for a future state. Israel captured the areas in the 1967 Mideast war.

The Palestinians have demanded that Israel halt settlement construction before negotiations can resume, saying the continued building is a show of bad faith. Netanyahu says talks should resume without preconditions, and notes that a 10-month partial freeze on construction he imposed two years ago failed to bring about substantive negotiations. Frustrated with the impasse, the Palestinians turned to the United Nations for recognition of an independent state in the West Bank, east Jerusalem and Gaza. Israel, which withdrew from Gaza in 2005, rejects a return to its 1967 lines.

Although the U.N. vote did not change the situation on the ground, it had deep implications. Opposed by just nine countries, it amounted to a strong international endorsement of the Palestinian position on future borders. It also cleared the way for them to join international agencies to press their grievances against Israel. Netanyahu has accused the Palestinians of bypassing direct negotiations. "One would hope we will in fact see in 2013 the re-emergence of the Israeli-Palestinian negotiating process," said Netanyahu's spokesman, Mark Regev. "There is no substitute for direct talks. You're not going to make peace in resolutions at the United Nations or other international forums."

More AP Exclusive: Palestinians aim to isolate Israel - Yahoo! News
The Palestinian's are using the same playbook that brought down the apartheid South Africa government.

Basically, to isolate Israel, and use international economic sanctions to cripple it and eventually bring the zionist government down. :cool:
The Palestinian's are using the same playbook that brought down the apartheid South Africa government.

Basically, to isolate Israel, and use international economic sanctions to cripple it and eventually bring the zionist government down. :cool:

Sunni Man,

Now, we need to see the Palestinians take the illegal settlement issue to the Criminal Court at The Hague. The illegal settlements and their 600,000+ illegal settlers are war crimes! Let's see criminal prosecutions for Israel establishing these illegal settlements!

The Zionists are the Nazis of today with their daily crimes agaisnt humanity carried out in the Occupation of Palestine!

And there was supposed to be some important UN Report issued yesterday on the illegal settlements, but I have heard no news about it! Have to go research that again!

The Palestinian's are using the same playbook that brought down the apartheid South Africa government.

Basically, to isolate Israel, and use international economic sanctions to cripple it and eventually bring the zionist government down. :cool:

Sunni Man,

Now, we need to see the Palestinians take the illegal settlement issue to the Criminal Court at The Hague. The illegal settlements and their 600,000+ illegal settlers are war crimes! Let's see criminal prosecutions for Israel establishing these illegal settlements!

The Zionists are the Nazis of today with their daily crimes agaisnt humanity carried out in the Occupation of Palestine!

And there was supposed to be some important UN Report issued yesterday on the illegal settlements, but I have heard no news about it! Have to go research that again!

Is this screed your way of saying the Arab/Nazi connection isn't real or just your way of justifying it?
The settlements are not war crimes. Do you even know what war crimes are? :D
The Palestinian's are using the same playbook that brought down the apartheid South Africa government.

Basically, to isolate Israel, and use international economic sanctions to cripple it and eventually bring the zionist government down. :cool:

Sunni Man,

Now, we need to see the Palestinians take the illegal settlement issue to the Criminal Court at The Hague. The illegal settlements and their 600,000+ illegal settlers are war crimes! Let's see criminal prosecutions for Israel establishing these illegal settlements!

The Zionists are the Nazis of today with their daily crimes agaisnt humanity carried out in the Occupation of Palestine!

And there was supposed to be some important UN Report issued yesterday on the illegal settlements, but I have heard no news about it! Have to go research that again!

Is this screed your way of saying the Arab/Nazi connection isn't real or just your way of justifying it?
The settlements are not war crimes. Do you even know what war crimes are? :D

I found that UN Report addressing the illegal settlements! it is actually a two page document from OCHA entitled The Humanitarian Impact Of Isreali Settlement Policies Update December 2012

Also read that in March we will see a Report by The UN Human Rights Council Addressing the illegal settlements!

The OCHA Report, dated 12/19/2012, Findings: "1. Settlements are illegal under international law as they violate Article 49 of the Fourth Geneva Convention, which prohibits the transfer of the occupying power's civilian population into occupied territory. This has been confirmed by the International Court of Justice, the High Contracting parties to the Fourth Geneva Convention and the United Nations Security Council."

Peace Not Walls » Blog Archive » New OCHA report on illegal Israeli settlement impact on Palestinians - Evangelical Lutheran Church in America

Substantial violations of the Fourth Geneva Convention are war crimes, we have documented in the OCHA Report the substantial History of Israel's illegal settlement construction. We are not speaking of one isolated settlement or a few settlements being constructed, we are speaking of Israel, since 1967, officially approving 150 illegal settlements in the Occupied West Bank and East Jerusalem and the Israeli government allowing some 100 illegal outposts to be set up.

Starvation siege had been the preferred method of Genocide by the ass lickers of muhummad since the founding of that perverted cult. In modern
times---to the delight of ass lickers world wide----the ass lickers did manage to starve more than a million Biafran children to death. A very interesing
manifestion of the filth of the Whore of Babylon's techniques was attempted
circa 1950 by the khalb and khalbah ass lickers against Israel. It worked like this----the UMMAH OF ASS LICKERS proclaimed that any company thruout the world which did business with ISRAEL---would be under boycott by the internatioinal league of ass lickers. This program led to interesting outcomes. Of the companies USA the PEPSI COLA company----stayed out of Israel. Some silly aspects of the boycott included "make-up"
industries-----as far as I remember REVLON did not buy into the filth of the
WHORE OF BABYLON---but several other companies did. But the
real issue was FOOD INDUSTRIES targeted by the WHORE OF BABYLON.
The best outcome was the rapid developement of FOOD SCIENCE techniques. Israel went into EMERGENCY MODE to find ways to feed its
population----which led to lots of innovation and a whole BUNCH of
studies for publicactions in the Medical Literature.
To the dismay of the WHORE OF BABYLON-----Israel came thru---with a
program of govenrment subsidized BREAD AND MILK ---seems so
familiar to me------jewish grandmas are convinced that if kids
get enough bread and milk-----they will SURVIVE--and survive they did.
I am fascinated by the HEIGHT of kids whose parents came out of shariah
shit holes-----the parents are invariably short in stature----and the KIDS
like basketball players. Must have been that government subsidized milk.
But there was another fascinating outcome-----the biggest market for ISRAELI
products became ---the ASS LICKERS THEMSELVES ---this phenomenon has
rendered lots of christian escapees from shariah shit holes in the USA---
wealthy-----with their connections----they simply re labeled and diverted stuff
they bought from Israel to eager ass licking customers of the UMMAH

A Jew Of Conscience, and he even refers to himself and others who are willing to speak out against Israeli human rights abuses in that way!

And he grew up in Nazi Germany and the way Jews were spoken about and looked down upon by Nazis is exactly the same way Israel speaks of and looks down on the Palestinian! He mentioned Israeli officials calling Palestinians a cancerous growth, and he recalls the very same type of statements about Jews by Nazis, like being called vermin!


A Jew Of Conscience, and he even refers to himself and others who are willing to speak out against Israeli human rights abuses in that way!

And he grew up in Nazi Germany and the way Jews were spoken about and looked down upon by Nazis is exactly the same way Israel speaks of and looks down on the Palestinian! He mentioned Israeli officials calling Palestinians a cancerous growth, and he recalls the very same type of statements about Jews by Nazis, like being called vermin!


That's it? some jews ape the filth of arabs and wasps in describing others?
If I had not attended sunday school with my lutheran neighbor----I would have
not heard words like "******" and "wop" spoken aloud. I know lots of
Israelis -----lots and lots----and have been there----I have never heard them
describe arabs using any perjorative terms-----in fact----just what words did
the old man claim were used? The only nasty words I hear from Israelis
is in HEAVY TRAFFIC----and ALWAYS ARABIC I would list them but in the past
I got in trouble for doing so
Sunni Man,

Now, we need to see the Palestinians take the illegal settlement issue to the Criminal Court at The Hague. The illegal settlements and their 600,000+ illegal settlers are war crimes! Let's see criminal prosecutions for Israel establishing these illegal settlements!

The Zionists are the Nazis of today with their daily crimes agaisnt humanity carried out in the Occupation of Palestine!

And there was supposed to be some important UN Report issued yesterday on the illegal settlements, but I have heard no news about it! Have to go research that again!

Is this screed your way of saying the Arab/Nazi connection isn't real or just your way of justifying it?
The settlements are not war crimes. Do you even know what war crimes are? :D

I found that UN Report addressing the illegal settlements! it is actually a two page document from OCHA entitled The Humanitarian Impact Of Isreali Settlement Policies Update December 2012

Also read that in March we will see a Report by The UN Human Rights Council Addressing the illegal settlements!

The OCHA Report, dated 12/19/2012, Findings: "1. Settlements are illegal under international law as they violate Article 49 of the Fourth Geneva Convention, which prohibits the transfer of the occupying power's civilian population into occupied territory. This has been confirmed by the International Court of Justice, the High Contracting parties to the Fourth Geneva Convention and the United Nations Security Council."

Peace Not Walls » Blog Archive » New OCHA report on illegal Israeli settlement impact on Palestinians - Evangelical Lutheran Church in America

Substantial violations of the Fourth Geneva Convention are war crimes, we have documented in the OCHA Report the substantial History of Israel's illegal settlement construction. We are not speaking of one isolated settlement or a few settlements being constructed, we are speaking of Israel, since 1967, officially approving 150 illegal settlements in the Occupied West Bank and East Jerusalem and the Israeli government allowing some 100 illegal outposts to be set up.


I won't even bother to note that the OCHA is a UN agency but I will note that neither OCHA nor your source, the Peace Not Walls blog of the Lutheran Church, makes mention of war crimes.
So who are the "we" to whom you refer, Sherri? Are you affiliated with the Lutherans? OCHA?
Some other organization? Multiple personalities? :D
Last edited:

A Jew Of Conscience, and he even refers to himself and others who are willing to speak out against Israeli human rights abuses in that way!

And he grew up in Nazi Germany and the way Jews were spoken about and looked down upon by Nazis is exactly the same way Israel speaks of and looks down on the Palestinian! He mentioned Israeli officials calling Palestinians a cancerous growth, and he recalls the very same type of statements about Jews by Nazis, like being called vermin!


That's it? some jews ape the filth of arabs and wasps in describing others?
If I had not attended sunday school with my lutheran neighbor----I would have
not heard words like "******" and "wop" spoken aloud. I know lots of
Israelis -----lots and lots----and have been there----I have never heard them
describe arabs using any perjorative terms-----in fact----just what words did
the old man claim were used? The only nasty words I hear from Israelis
is in HEAVY TRAFFIC----and ALWAYS ARABIC I would list them but in the past
I got in trouble for doing so

And he mentions the land thefts, I think, the Holocaust survivor in that first video. And in the second video, the Jew of conscience there, whose parents fled Poland to escape Hitler, speaks of Israel's murder of Palestinian grandmothers in Gaza as being just like Nazis murdered his grandmother in her own bed!

And to prove the truth about what these Jews have said, I just got through posting yesterday in another thread about a grandmother Israel murdered in Gaza in November, when they wiped out three generations of one family, the Al-Dalou family, in one unlawful strike in Gaza on civilians in a civilian house, a war crime under The Fourth Geneva Convention!

Israel/Gaza: Israeli Airstrike on Home Unlawful | Human Rights Watch

Some Jews have a conscience!

The Israeli people and it's psychopathic zionist rulers comprise a nation of 7 million people who are suffering from an acute form of mass Stockhelm Syndrome.

Which came about because of their warped identification with their previous Nazi masters and mentors whom they have emulated in both thought and brutal actions towards their arab neighbors.
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Isn't it just awful Sherri? All those dead Palestinians. Do you think maybe NOW might be a good time for Hamas to recognize Israel & stop attacking the Israeli's?

A Jew Of Conscience, and he even refers to himself and others who are willing to speak out against Israeli human rights abuses in that way!

And he grew up in Nazi Germany and the way Jews were spoken about and looked down upon by Nazis is exactly the same way Israel speaks of and looks down on the Palestinian! He mentioned Israeli officials calling Palestinians a cancerous growth, and he recalls the very same type of statements about Jews by Nazis, like being called vermin!


That's it? some jews ape the filth of arabs and wasps in describing others?
If I had not attended sunday school with my lutheran neighbor----I would have
not heard words like "******" and "wop" spoken aloud. I know lots of
Israelis -----lots and lots----and have been there----I have never heard them
describe arabs using any perjorative terms-----in fact----just what words did
the old man claim were used? The only nasty words I hear from Israelis
is in HEAVY TRAFFIC----and ALWAYS ARABIC I would list them but in the past
I got in trouble for doing so

And he mentions the land thefts, I think, the Holocaust survivor in that first video. And in the second video, the Jew of conscience there, whose parents fled Poland to escape Hitler, speaks of Israel's murder of Palestinian grandmothers in Gaza as being just like Nazis murdered his grandmother in her own bed!

And to prove the truth about what these Jews have said, I just got through posting yesterday in another thread about a grandmother Israel murdered in Gaza in November, when they wiped out three generations of one family, the Al-Dalou family, in one unlawful strike in Gaza on civilians in a civilian house, a war crime under The Fourth Geneva Convention!

Israel/Gaza: Israeli Airstrike on Home Unlawful | Human Rights Watch

Some Jews have a conscience!


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