HLN just lied Again , Are They Co-Oping With Fox News?


Gold Member
Mar 30, 2011
They just said the lead prosecutor wanted to file manslaughter charges but the prosecution forced him to file second degree murder.

First...the prosecutor files charges. And the lead investigator wanted to file manslaughter charges from the start when the Republican/ Fox News analyst State Attorney's office said no charges will be filed...
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oh for crying out loud, do you people have LIVES?

worrying over who is co-opting with Fox news....dear gawd
I guess the breathless post is about the Zimmerman trial. The left expects us to recognize it immediately so I guess they have a lot riding on the verdict. Is Van Jones standing by with an army of looters and arsonists like he did after the Rodney King verdict? Anyway it isn't good for your mental health to dwell on what MM thinks about what the prosecutor thought because of what the investigator thought. Let it go.
Who or what exactly is HLN? :confused:

As far as I can figure it's a cable channel broadcasting mostly commercials, many for itself, that occasionally breaks away for short snippets of coverage of popular trials such as the Zimmerman one now.

It's tedious watching and just made for DVR recording.
oh for crying out loud, do you people have LIVES?

worrying over who is co-opting with Fox news....dear gawd

This coming from someone with 34 thousands posts one of which was saying Obama is coming home to Africa.
They obviously have a weak case, made weaker by some of their own witnesses according to some. But it's all gonna come down to the jury's decision so anything's possible as we learned in the OJ trial.
so any who doesn't fit the narrative that Travon was a sweet and innocent little boy is lying??? What a joke.

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